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Black Lives Matter.

Jake The Muss

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This thread will probably be taken down but i hope it doesn't, and please don't turn this thread into a hybrid of shit. I believe this is an important issue and shows which way society is heading. For a start the statement black lives matter is extremely provocative and highly racist, it's racist because it is singling out black people and implying that black people are more important than any other cuntbreed, what about all lives matter, white, black , yellow, pink and whatever color someone might be !! Can you imagine the uproar if there was a White Lives Matter, the PC brigade would have a field day with it and no doubt be discussed in the house of commons, but it wouldn't be anymore wrong than Black Lives matter..would it ?. If we go back about 20 years and beyond, sure there was plenty of racism but there still is today even with this bollocks and all the PC in place, if someone wants to be a racist or an absolute cuntbrain, then they will regardless of anything. In the last 20 odd years there has been great efforts to combat racism and has been successful, all this does is bring it back to society's thinking and having the opposite effect, if anything it has pissed a lot of good non racist people off...and i mean black people are also pissed off with this as many see it as a backward step (which it is), we don't need this shit rammed into our every day life's, we know right from wrong and if you don't, then you're a cunt anyway regardless of this or any other PC rubbish. I personally have never or would never call a black person a n----r of a g-----g or any other insulting word to do with color, that's because i'm not ignorant and don't feel the need to lower myself to such poor standards or all round general behaviour. Some people would and do even with PC in place, that's beacause they have no standards and are complete thick cunts and that's the bottom line.

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Symptomatic of society's love of polarisation (and yes I'm aware of the irony of posting that on a web page dedicated to sociopaths) and inability to acknowledge there are big fucking chunks of grey and nuance and areas where people are still cool and groovy and can rub along together just fine and dandy

So just as every cop is a criminal and all the sinners, saints, if you're a Brexiteer then you're a drooling racist (who needs to be shouted down). If you're a Remainer, you're a lily livered wet snowflake (who has to be shouted down) and if you're more than somewhat concerned about America's love with either incarcerating black men or shooting them, then you have to join 'Black Lives Matter' else you're a gutless wimp who has no ide what it's like 'in de hood'. Equally if you expound the view that 'All Lives Matter' then once more you're a racist - probably a Brexiteer too come to think of it - who has to be shouted down.

Sweet moderation
Heart of this nation
Desert us not, we are Between The Wars

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4 hours ago, Fender777 said:

This thread will probably be taken down but i hope it doesn't, and please don't turn this thread into a hybrid of shit. I believe this is an important issue and shows which way society is heading. For a start the statement black lives matter is extremely provocative and highly racist, it's racist because it is singling out black people and implying that black people are more important than any other cuntbreed, what about all lives matter, white, black , yellow, pink and whatever color someone might be !! Can you imagine the uproar if there was a White Lives Matter, the PC brigade would have a field day with it and no doubt be discussed in the house of commons, but it wouldn't be anymore wrong than Black Lives matter..would it ?. If we go back about 20 years and beyond, sure there was plenty of racism but there still is today even with this bollocks and all the PC in place, if someone wants to be a racist or an absolute cuntbrain, then they will regardless of anything. In the last 20 odd years there has been great efforts to combat racism and has been successful, all this does is bring it back to society's thinking and having the opposite effect, if anything it has pissed a lot of good non racist people off...and i mean black people are also pissed off with this as many see it as a backward step (which it is), we don't need this shit rammed into our every day life's, we know right from wrong and if you don't, then you're a cunt anyway regardless of this or any other PC rubbish. I personally have never or would never call a black person a n----r of a g-----g or any other insulting word to do with color, that's because i'm not ignorant and don't feel the need to lower myself to such poor standards or all round general behaviour. Some people would and do even with PC in place, that's beacause they have no standards and are complete thick cunts and that's the bottom line.

And by the way, don't EVER write 'n---r' when you are using the word 'nigger' in a quote.

It's a collection of pixels or soundwaves, that's all - well, apart from the context being everything - something we're all apparently too fucking stupid to understand.

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Guest Lady Penelope
8 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I have set to work making a fifty foot banner with the words "Cunts lives matter" emblazoned on it. I shall set off to Heathrow airport, breach the piss poor security and walk onto the North runway and unfurl it. Let's see how the media report it.

Don't deaths matter too?

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11 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I have set to work making a fifty foot banner with the words "Cunts lives matter" emblazoned on it. I shall set off to Heathrow airport, breach the piss poor security and walk onto the North runway and unfurl it. Let's see how the media report it.

Teensy alteration to your brilliant plan if I may?

Unfurl it on the A140 at the Suffolk - Norfolk border.

Less publicity impact, granted, but slap bang in the middle of the community your efforts are designed to help.

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5 hours ago, Fender777 said:

This thread will probably be taken down but i hope it doesn't, and please don't turn this thread into a hybrid of shit. I believe this is an important issue and shows which way society is heading. For a start the statement black lives matter is extremely provocative and highly racist, it's racist because it is singling out black people and implying that black people are more important than any other cuntbreed, what about all lives matter, white, black , yellow, pink and whatever color someone might be !! Can you imagine the uproar if there was a White Lives Matter, the PC brigade would have a field day with it and no doubt be discussed in the house of commons, but it wouldn't be anymore wrong than Black Lives matter..would it ?. If we go back about 20 years and beyond, sure there was plenty of racism but there still is today even with this bollocks and all the PC in place, if someone wants to be a racist or an absolute cuntbrain, then they will regardless of anything. In the last 20 odd years there has been great efforts to combat racism and has been successful, all this does is bring it back to society's thinking and having the opposite effect, if anything it has pissed a lot of good non racist people off...and i mean black people are also pissed off with this as many see it as a backward step (which it is), we don't need this shit rammed into our every day life's, we know right from wrong and if you don't, then you're a cunt anyway regardless of this or any other PC rubbish. I personally have never or would never call a black person a n----r of a g-----g or any other insulting word to do with color, that's because i'm not ignorant and don't feel the need to lower myself to such poor standards or all round general behaviour. Some people would and do even with PC in place, that's beacause they have no standards and are complete thick cunts and that's the bottom line.

You stupid, thick, white honky twat.


Fuck off.

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3 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

And by the way, don't EVER write 'n---r' when you are using the word 'nigger' in a quote.

It's a collection of pixels or soundwaves, that's all - well, apart from the context being everything - something we're all apparently too fucking stupid to understand.

I Know Jig but just so the thread stayed up, i thought it best to use the nigger word like n----r.

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31 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

How about a banner that reads "Punkape's Life Doesn't Fucking Matter, KILL the stupid fucking cunt!"  

I have been sticking them all over Cheshire for months. Usually to much applause and free bacon butties.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

A few pilots to fly them everywhere, some buses and the train system to advertise....maybe even a bounty of say a tenner....he's really not worth that much, but a price that high on a creature so low...

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