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"Be the Best"

Guest Manky

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The one national institution that I still have respect for has succumbed to this soft, lefty dumbing-down bollocks that is insidiously permeating society.

Top brass planned to remove the "Be the Best" slogan from the Army brand, whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean. This decision has cost 2 million quid. Why?

Luckily, the new Minister of Defence, Gavin Williamson, has stepped in and put this on hold until sanity is restored. As the Army's core business is killing people, being anything but the best is a bad thing to aspire to. If we have to change the motto may I suggest, " Fuck off and behave yourselves you gay, foreign cunts or we will burn your fucking country down and bayonet your family"

I left before they let faggots join.


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23 minutes ago, Manky said:

The one national institution that I still have respect for has succumbed to this soft, lefty dumbing-down bollocks that is insidiously permeating society.

Top brass planned to remove the "Be the Best" slogan from the Army brand, whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean. This decision has cost 2 million quid. Why?

Luckily, the new Minister of Defence, Gavin Williamson, has stepped in and put this on hold until sanity is restored. As the Army's core business is killing people, being anything but the best is a bad thing to aspire to. If we have to change the motto may I suggest, " Fuck off and behave yourselves you gay, foreign cunts or we will burn your fucking country down and bayonet your family"

I left before they let faggots join.


I’m guessing....Infantry. It’s just basically armed football hooliganism, isn’t it? Explains your subtly nuanced world view. 

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7 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I’m guessing....Infantry. It’s just basically armed football hooliganism, isn’t it? Explains your subtly nuanced world view. 

Wrong. Mostly Sappering. Big bangs, bridges and bulldozers.

There are bad people out there. The way to deal with them is to be badder. To turn up firstest with the bestest and baddest.

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Guest luke swarm
3 minutes ago, Manky said:

Wrong. Mostly Sappering. Big bangs, bridges and bulldozers.

There are bad people out there. The way to deal with them is to be badder. To turn up firstest with the bestest and baddest.

I can see that, you certainly are one of the biggest most cuntish Saps on this site.

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9 minutes ago, Manky said:

Wrong. Mostly Sappering. Big bangs, bridges and bulldozers.

There are bad people out there. The way to deal with them is to be badder. To turn up firstest with the bestest and baddest.

Often when treating Genital Warts in some trembling Royal Engineer, I’d wonder quietly to myself whether we wouldn’t be better putting the wart in a beret and jamming the Sapper into the specimen pot for analysis then incineration. 

Bigger grunts than the grunts, in my experience. 

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Guest Lady Penelope
47 minutes ago, Manky said:

The one national institution that I still have respect for has succumbed to this soft, lefty dumbing-down bollocks that is insidiously permeating society.

Top brass planned to remove the "Be the Best" slogan from the Army brand, whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean. This decision has cost 2 million quid. Why?

Luckily, the new Minister of Defence, Gavin Williamson, has stepped in and put this on hold until sanity is restored. As the Army's core business is killing people, being anything but the best is a bad thing to aspire to. If we have to change the motto may I suggest, " Fuck off and behave yourselves you gay, foreign cunts or we will burn your fucking country down and bayonet your family"

I left before they let faggots join.


So you are a big girl''s blouse scared of a few little puffs.

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1 hour ago, Manky said:

The one national institution that I still have respect for has succumbed to this soft, lefty dumbing-down bollocks that is insidiously permeating society.

Top brass planned to remove the "Be the Best" slogan from the Army brand, whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean. This decision has cost 2 million quid. Why?

Luckily, the new Minister of Defence, Gavin Williamson, has stepped in and put this on hold until sanity is restored. As the Army's core business is killing people, being anything but the best is a bad thing to aspire to. If we have to change the motto may I suggest, " Fuck off and behave yourselves you gay, foreign cunts or we will burn your fucking country down and bayonet your family"

I left before they let faggots join.


Fuck off. You were demobbed as surplus to requirements when the Lancashire 9th Regiment of Jersey Royals introduced the Kenwood Chef potato peeling machine.

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2 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Fuck off. You were demobbed as surplus to requirements when the Lancashire 9th Regiment of Jersey Royals introduced the Kenwood Chef potato peeling machine.

Ahh, Decimus, I was wondering when you would arrive. I will not lower myself by responding to your scurrilous falsehoods. I will merely wish you a Merry Christmas and say I hope your 2018 is a gold plated unmitigated disaster.

Now hurry up and fuck off 

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8 minutes ago, Manky said:

Ahh, Decimus, I was wondering when you would arrive. I will not lower myself by responding to your scurrilous falsehoods. I will merely wish you a Merry Christmas and say I hope your 2018 is a gold plated unmitigated disaster.

Now hurry up and fuck off 

I don't celebrate Christmas, you caveman cunt. It's racist and excludes minority non-Christian groups.

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My personal favourite is the motto of the Scots Guards and several other Scottish regiments, "Nemo me impune lacessit".

This is often translated as "Wha daur meddle wi' me?" or, more contemporaneously, "Nobody fucks with me and gets away with it!".

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17 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I don't celebrate Christmas, you caveman cunt. It's racist and excludes minority non-Christian groups.

Surprisingly, I celebrate it. For them very reasons and to celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus 

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Guest Earl Albert of Ross (Bt)
3 hours ago, Manky said:

Surprisingly, I celebrate it. For them very reasons and to celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus 

Our Lord and Saviour, 3:16

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Just now, Wolfie said:

Are you sure it's not just a handwritten and slightly machine-faded 'Michael' on the label?

No. It says St Micheal on a high quality embroidered label.

The reason for this is I shop at Marks and Spencers in order to show my opposition to a Palestinian homeland.

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Just now, Witheredscrote said:

Yeh, and your missus has got a C&A label in hers, so the poor bint knows which way to put them on.

Don't worry, I've reported myself.  Fuck off

You think such a comment will upset me?

I am British.  I have a sense of humour. Is the C&A foreign? In English it would be F&B for front and back.

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Guest Trumpton  Bacon
22 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Yeh, and your missus has got a C&A label in hers, so the poor bint knows which way to put them on.

Don't worry, I've reported myself.  Fuck off

You daft fucking goose pestering cunt.

I like you Withers, just not as much as Frank does. Rest in peace.

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Guest luke swarm
31 minutes ago, Manky said:

You think such a comment will upset me?

I am British.  I have a sense of humour. Is the C&A foreign? In English it would be F&B for front and back.

 I take it the F goes on the fanny side as you quite often say she does not know her backside from her elbow.

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Guest Earl Albert of Ross (Bt)
1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

Are you having a particularly bad few weeks or are you in pursuit of Pen's crown as the site's most painfully unfunny cunt, Albert?

Really bad, thank you for your concern

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