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Student Fucking Cunt


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Indiana Seresin, who is a student and not a strain of super-strength skunk, has quit her PhD at Cambridge University because she "feels bad about benefiting from white privilege" and because of a "total absence of black lecturers and postdoctoral researchers in the English faculty which has left it intellectually impoverished."

Imagine if this was your daughter. You've shelved out 9k a year in tuition fees, plus accommodation costs and general living expenses for the past God knows how many years, and the stupid slut rocks up at home in a Bob Marley T-shirt stinking of ganja to tell you that "I don't dig dem racist vibes, man, I'm out".

After slapping the shit out of her, I'd point out that the total lack of black academic staff is less to do with an institutionally racist recruitment policy, and more to do with the fact that most black students drop out of education by sixth form.

I don't know where all these black academics are hiding, obviously somewhere incredibly dark, because I can't see a two mile line of them banging down the doors of Cambridge University asking for a job.

I hope that this thick fucking cunt is stabbed and mugged by a roving pack of black savages in London. I wonder if she'll still be feeling guilty about The Guardian fabricated concept of fictional white privilege as she's bleeding out on the pavement?

Stupid bitch.

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9 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

After your parents shelled out for your education, imagine how they feel about you being a fucking council worker, and spending all your spare time on this shit of a site.


(Roops, this is not derailment)

Conversely, imagine what your father would think of how you turned out.

I suspect that he'd be turning in his SS grave at the knowledge that his half-German son let the master race down by being financially outwitted by a gaggle of untermenschen Celtic lumberjacks.

Bankrupt cunt.

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10 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Indiana Seresin, who is a student and not a strain of super-strength skunk, has quit her PhD at Cambridge University because she "feels bad about benefiting from white privilege" and because of a "total absence of black lecturers and postdoctoral researchers in the English faculty which has left it intellectually impoverished."

Imagine if this was your daughter. You've shelved out 9k a year in tuition fees, plus accommodation costs and general living expenses for the past God knows how many years, and the stupid slut rocks up at home in a Bob Marley T-shirt stinking of ganja to tell you that "I don't dig dem racist vibes, man, I'm out".

After slapping the shit out of her, I'd point out that the total lack of black academic staff is less to do with an institutionally racist recruitment policy, and more to do with the fact that most black students drop out of education by sixth form.

I don't know where all these black academics are hiding, obviously somewhere incredibly dark, because I can't see a two mile line of them banging down the doors Cambridge University asking for a job.

I hope that this stupid fucking cunt is stabbed and mugged by a roving pack of black savages in London. I wonder if she'll still be feeling guilty about The Guardian fabricated concept of fictional white privilege as she's bleeding out on the pavement?

Stupid cunt.

This is the ultimate taboo subject with academics, the indisputable fact that we all know, but it must not be spoken. Here it is....

Black people are genetically predisposed to lower intelligence. 

Numerous studies have been compiled, the statistics are there. But woe betide any cunt that acknowledges it. One professor was even stripped of a Nobel prize for publishing findings that Asian and Caucasian people have higher IQs than Afro-Caribbean people.

It doesn't need a genius to see it either. What have Africans been doing while we invented the internal combustion engine, the internet, modern medicine, put men on the moon? I'll tell you what, raping and killing, slicing off pissflaps and breeding like fucking rats. But let's all pretend not to notice.

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4 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

This is the ultimate taboo subject with academics, the indisputable fact that we all know, but it must not be spoken. Here it is....

Black people are genetically predisposed to lower intelligence. 

Numerous studies have been compiled, the statistics are there. But woe betide any cunt that acknowledges it. One professor was even stripped of a Nobel prize for publishing findings that Asian and Caucasian people have higher IQs than Afro-Caribbean people.

It doesn't need a genius to see it either. What have Africans been doing while we invented the internal combustion engine, the internet, modern medicine, put men on the moon? I'll tell you what, raping and killing, slicing off pissflaps and breeding like fucking rats. But let's all pretend not to notice.

"Bill Stickers likes this".

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26 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Indiana Seresin, who is a student and not a strain of super-strength skunk, has quit her PhD at Cambridge University because she "feels bad about benefiting from white privilege" and because of a "total absence of black lecturers and postdoctoral researchers in the English faculty which has left it intellectually impoverished."

Imagine if this was your daughter. You've shelved out 9k a year in tuition fees, plus accommodation costs and general living expenses for the past God knows how many years, and the stupid slut rocks up at home in a Bob Marley T-shirt stinking of ganja to tell you that "I don't dig dem racist vibes, man, I'm out".

After slapping the shit out of her, I'd point out that the total lack of black academic staff is less to do with an institutionally racist recruitment policy, and more to do with the fact that most black students drop out of education by sixth form.

I don't know where all these black academics are hiding, obviously somewhere incredibly dark, because I can't see a two mile line of them banging down the doors of Cambridge University asking for a job.

I hope that this thick fucking cunt is stabbed and mugged by a roving pack of black savages in London. I wonder if she'll still be feeling guilty about The Guardian fabricated concept of fictional white privilege as she's bleeding out on the pavement?

Stupid bitch.

The irony is that her thesis was on the study of speculative archives...

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7 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

This is the ultimate taboo subject with academics, the indisputable fact that we all know, but it must not be spoken. Here it is....

Black people are genetically predisposed to lower intelligence. 

Numerous studies have been compiled, the statistics are there. But woe betide any cunt that acknowledges it. One professor was even stripped of a Nobel prize for publishing findings that Asian and Caucasian people have higher IQs than Afro-Caribbean people.

It doesn't need a genius to see it either. What have Africans been doing while we invented the internal combustion engine, the internet, modern medicine, put men on the moon? I'll tell you what, raping and killing, slicing off pissflaps and breeding like fucking rats. But let's all pretend not to notice.

Fucking hell Eric  .. which branch of academia do you hold a seat on and where? I bet that both your dogs are blacker than Eddie.

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Guest Erroreptile404
28 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Asian and Caucasian people have higher IQs than Afro-Caribbean people.


I almost misread that as Asian and Caucasian people have higher afros than Caribbean people.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Indiana Seresin, who is a student and not a strain of super-strength skunk, has quit her PhD at Cambridge University because she "feels bad about benefiting from white privilege" and because of a "total absence of black lecturers and postdoctoral researchers in the English faculty which has left it intellectually impoverished."

Imagine if this was your daughter. You've shelved out 9k a year in tuition fees, plus accommodation costs and general living expenses for the past God knows how many years, and the stupid slut rocks up at home in a Bob Marley T-shirt stinking of ganja to tell you that "I don't dig dem racist vibes, man, I'm out".

After slapping the shit out of her, I'd point out that the total lack of black academic staff is less to do with an institutionally racist recruitment policy, and more to do with the fact that most black students drop out of education by sixth form.

I don't know where all these black academics are hiding, obviously somewhere incredibly dark, because I can't see a two mile line of them banging down the doors of Cambridge University asking for a job.

I hope that this thick fucking cunt is stabbed and mugged by a roving pack of black savages in London. I wonder if she'll still be feeling guilty about The Guardian fabricated concept of fictional white privilege as she's bleeding out on the pavement?

Stupid bitch.

Her parents named her Indiana, so they're as fucking soft as she is.

Anyway, my belief is that she's realised that she's not as fucking clever as everyone thought she was and has 'bottled' it, and has used all this bullshit as an excuse to bail out. 

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37 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Her parents named her Indiana, so they're as fucking soft as she is.

Anyway, my belief is that she's realised that she's not as fucking clever as everyone thought she was and has 'bottled' it, and has used all this bullshit as an excuse to bail out. 

I don't know anything about her personal circumstances, but statistically speaking, I imagine that being named Indiana and enrolled on a PhD at CU indicates that she's from a fairly affluent background.

What better way to protest against "White Privilege" than to propagate it by casually throwing aside years worth of education and opportunity at one of the top universities in the world?

The very fact that she can whimsically do this without thinking about any negative financial or career aspects is precisely an example of what she is allegedly protesting against. 

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25 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Her Twitter profile is a joy in itself:

"PhD on speculative archives in contemporary art and lit. Part-time heterosexuality theorist, full-time dyke"

Stupid fucking Rachel Dolezal wannabee cunt.

Colour me surprised. I was almost 100% sure that her objection to the lack of on-campus shines was based purely upon an unquenchable thirst for black seed.

Snow bunny slag.

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3 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Her parents named her Indiana, so they're as fucking soft as she is.

Anyway, my belief is that she's realised that she's not as fucking clever as everyone thought she was and has 'bottled' it, and has used all this bullshit as an excuse to bail out. 

I was wondering  whether her parents originally christened her Dave.

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The perfect way to deal with this is just to ignore her, and she will slip into anonymity where she'll regret her actions as she sits in the McDonalds drive thru hut, giving people their straws, drinks and their big tasties. However, my bet is, as this is the UK, she'll appear on Lorraine then the usual round of BB, where she'll piss everyone off by telling everyone how intelligent she is before sobbing her heart out in the Big Brother room telling the world how everyone hates her, then I'm a slebrity. Where she'll piss everyone off by telling everyone how intelligent she is. 

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9 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

she'll appear on Lorraine then the usual round of BB, where she'll piss everyone off by telling everyone how intelligent she is before sobbing her heart out in the BB brother room telling the world how everyone hates her, then I'm a slebrity. Where she'll piss everyone off by telling everyone our intelligent she is. 

She'd fucking love it in the jungle.

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Guest judgetwi

I knew a bird called Montana (not an academic or posh, trust me) I asked her how she got her name, expecting some interesting and romantic story.

Well, on the day of her birth her Dad went out and got pissed. On his way out of the pub some old pissed slag was lying on the pavement shouting to her mate “help me Montana, fucking help me you cow.” He thought that was a nice name and the rest is history.

I wish I hadn’t asked.

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1 minute ago, judgetwi said:

I knew a bird called Montana (not an academic or posh, trust me) I asked her how she got her name, expecting some interesting and romantic story.

Well, on the day of her birth her Dad went out and got pissed. On his way out of the pub some old pissed slag was lying on the pavement shouting to her mate “help me Montana, fucking help me you cow.” He thought that was a nice name and the rest is history.

I wish I hadn’t asked.

I'm glad that's all been cleared up now.

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’I also wanted to be part of efforts to positively transform the faculty, and was a member of both the Staff Student Decolonization Working Group and the Decolonize PhD Reading Group. Although I admire those involved in these groups, unfortunately I ultimately ended up feeling deeply pessimistic about the potential of making any real change in the faculty. We often got stuck on piecemeal, conciliatory, and even counterproductive demands, I think because anything more felt like an impossibility.

For me, the final straw came when the AHRC DTP invited
a Ghanaian scholar, Akosua Adomako Ampofo, to deliver its annual lecture. The talk Prof. Ampofo gave was a lucid and straightforward analysis of the way racism — and particularly anti-blackness and anti-African prejudice — function in academia. Yet in his introduction and moderation, the director of the DTP kept calling her talk controversial and provocative, adding that he couldn’t quite wrap his head around it.

This method of veiling racism through a performance of faux humility and bumbling foolishness, which is something of a tradition among the British elite classes, served to undermine the simple and important point Prof. Ampofo was making. It was yet another example of the university appearing to take one step forward only to take two steps back.

Taken in isolation, none of these incidents might seem dramatic enough to push me to leave the rare privilege of a fully-funded PhD position at what is theoretically one of the best universities in the world. Yet the ubiquity of such incidents is actually far more indicative of a suffocating and intellectually degraded environment than any single, spectacular event.

I believe that the pervasive presence of racism at Cambridge damages and delegitimises the institution, and I do not want to participate in re-legitimising it by contributing my time, effort, and skills as a member of the university.’

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57 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

The perfect way to deal with this is just to ignore her, and she will slip into anonymity where she'll regret her actions as she sits in the McDonalds drive thru hut, giving people their straws, drinks and their big tasties. However, my bet is, as this is the UK, she'll appear on Lorraine then the usual round of BB, where she'll piss everyone off by telling everyone how intelligent she is before sobbing her heart out in the Big Brother room telling the world how everyone hates her, then I'm a slebrity. Where she'll piss everyone off by telling everyone how intelligent she is. 

You cynical fucker

Ps I agree 100%

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