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6 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Anyway..storm ina teacup is over our incompetents got on to Ursula n sorted it out..the fone call from the third country was not listened to.


Like fuck it wasn't. Gove told that oily cunt Sefcovic he would pull AstraZeneca's EU licence to make the vaccine. Thick Mick got put through to von der Hitler's secretary and had to leave a message. Lol!

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11 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

Like fuck it wasn't. Gove told that oily cunt Sefcovic he would pull AstraZeneca's EU licence to make the vaccine. Thick Mick got put through to von der Hitler's secretary and had to leave a message. Lol!

We see the oily govester making noise about helping friends in Europe..someone is lying..the jab makers or the UK government itll all come out in the wash..my money is on the torays being the guilty partay..


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5 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

We see the oily govester making noise about helping friends in Europe..someone is lying..the jab makers or the UK government itll all come out in the wash..my money is on the torays being the guilty partay..


You are barking up the wrong tree .. even Tony Blur has said that the EU were wrong. It really does not matter as the Tories are a political party in the UK and you have no votes in the UK.

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31 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

We see the oily govester making noise about helping friends in Europe..someone is lying..the jab makers or the UK government itll all come out in the wash..my money is on the torays being the guilty partay..


How can the Tories be at fault? Boris has played a fucking blinder over vaccine procurement. The government put up all the money for the R&D at Oxford and upgraded the AZ production line to the tune of £100 million. It also invested early in other vaccines such as Novavax 6 months ago. The EU are still fucking negotiating with the manufacturer. The UK has been buying every medical grade refrigerator, vial and syringe it can lay its hands on while the EU has been lecturing everyone on its "rules" and tying itself up in knots with its own bureaucracy. The EU hasn't got a legal leg to stand on with AZ.

My guess is that after Gove told Sefcovic to get fucked, Boris extracted some concessions from von der Leyen which were probably along the lines of we'll give you our surplus vaccine after our high risk groups are sorted and you stop playing silly arses at the border.

One thing is for certain though. Brussels has terminally weakened the NI protocol and there will be substantial changes to it very soon.

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Firstly let's remind ourselves as to how Ms von de Layen came to be President of the EU Commission...

On 01/08/2019 at 14:53, Mrs Roops said:

...On the 1st of November newly "elected" Ursula von de Leyen will assume office of the President of the European Commission, effectively making her President of the EU. The issue is that no-one outside Germany (where she was, by all accounts, a piss-poor German defence minister) has heard of her. Has her name appeared on any EU ballot paper? No. Perhaps she was the leader of the largest political alliance within the EU. Nope. Ok, was she possibly nominated by the EU parliament? Not at all, they did have a lead candidate but were ignored. The truth is Frau von de Leyen was appointed in a grubby back room deal stitched up by EU bureaucrats and nodded through by national governments, ie Germany. One would have thought the shrill voices of "let the people decide (again)" would be resonating loud and clear throughout Euroland especially by British remainers who cite upholding democracy as their raison d'etre. A sound there came none...

As German Defence Minister, Ursula von de Layen had a reputation for making rash decisions borne through petty-minded stroppiness so it comes as no great surprise that after years of preaching the mantra of open and free trade the EU would invoke Article 16 simply because they were out-manoeuvred by a more nimble former EU member over what is effectively a single trade issue. The hypocrisy is outstanding.

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36 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Firstly let's remind ourselves as to how Ms von de Layen came to be President of the EU Commission...

As German Defence Minister, Ursula von de Layen had a reputation for making rash decisions borne through petty-minded stroppiness so it comes as no great surprise that after years of preaching the mantra of open and free trade the EU would invoke Article 16 simply because they were out-manoeuvred by a more nimble former EU member over what is effectively a single trade issue. The hypocrisy is outstanding.

Von der Leyen is also corrupt as fuck. Even after she was made EU commission president she was hauled before a public enquiry in Germany over defence contracts being issued to companies owned by personal friends of hers. The only reason the crooked bitch isn't in prison is because she and all of her staff wiped their official phones and laptops which investigators are almost certain would have yielded proof of corruption on a massive scale.

Boris may have the demeanor of an overgrown public schoolboy and is prone to gaffes but he already had the vaccine war won before it started and has used Brussels assumption that it will always get its own way to completely humiliate them. Kudos to Boris for this round.

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Yawn...the fat lad spent most of last year threatening to break international law..and only two weeks ago he was gibberin about triggering article 16..arleen haz demanded he do it ..the EU make noise about doin it n everyone has a shite haemorrhage..including Arlene..maybe they just held a mirror up to y'all..anyway mister perkes the bruizin brexiteer brixham fish merchant has 100 tonnes of cuttlefish he cant move..he needs a hand..grab a fork n dig in


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23 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Yawn...the fat lad spent most of last year threatening to break international law..and only two weeks ago he was gibberin about triggering article 16..arleen haz demanded he do it ..the EU make noise about doin it n everyone has a shite haemorrhage..including Arlene..maybe they just held a mirror up to y'all..anyway mister perkes the bruizin brexiteer brixham fish merchant has 100 tonnes of cuttlefish he cant move..he needs a hand..grab a fork n dig in


Welcome to realpolitik - its a dirty business!

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5 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Yawn...the fat lad spent most of last year threatening to break international law..and only two weeks ago he was gibberin about triggering article 16..arleen haz demanded he do it ..the EU make noise about doin it n everyone has a shite haemorrhage..including Arlene..maybe they just held a mirror up to y'all..anyway mister perkes the bruizin brexiteer brixham fish merchant has 100 tonnes of cuttlefish he cant move..he needs a hand..grab a fork n dig in


Fuck off Paddy! There's a big difference between responding to economic blackmail, blockading of food along with diplomatic piracy and the EU temper tantrum because AZ won't handover the UK vaccine supply. If raving Europhile Tony Blair is calling the EU a bunch of cunts then they've definitely fucked up! Brussels has unequivocally demonstrated that it has absolutely no morals whatsoever and when von der Hitler turns up at the G7 meeting here in June, the goosestepping spunk trumpet is going to have the realities of the post covid world explained to her starting with the fact that the UK and US are joining the TPP so therefore risks serious diplomatic retaliation with a bloc that will be bigger than her own if it continues to fuck with our exports/imports.

The UK letter of accession requesting entry to the CPTPP was deposited at its HQ in New Zealand earlier today. Times are a changing Paddy!

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20 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

Fuck off Paddy! There's a big difference between responding to economic blackmail, blockading of food along with diplomatic piracy and the EU temper tantrum because AZ won't handover the UK vaccine supply. If raving Europhile Tony Blair is calling the EU a bunch of cunts then they've definitely fucked up! Brussels has unequivocally demonstrated that it has absolutely no morals whatsoever and when von der Hitler turns up at the G7 meeting here in June, the goosestepping spunk trumpet is going to have the realities of the post covid world explained to her starting with the fact that the UK and US are joining the TPP so therefore risks serious diplomatic retaliation with a bloc that will be bigger than her own if it continues to fuck with our exports/imports.

The UK letter of accession requesting entry to the CPTPP was deposited at its HQ in New Zealand earlier today. Times are a changing Paddy!

Oh yeah..we see ya makin noise about the tranz sumtin suntin..ya do know yer attempting to join an established group..ye may be asked to forfeit some of yer lovely sovereignty n take some rules ..if they do let ya in you'll have a big fee n a small seat..its for the best


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33 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

And your wear the chips on both shoulders like an African general's epualettes. Lol!

Those African generalisimos are now some of yer trading partners now that the toray partay has said its ok to do bizniz with bloodthirsty murderous regimes trukky O' babóg


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47 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Oh yeah..we see ya makin noise about the tranz sumtin suntin..ya do know yer attempting to join an established group..ye may be asked to forfeit some of yer lovely sovereignty n take some rules ..if they do let ya in you'll have a big fee n a small seat..its for the best


TPP isn't like the EUSSR. A member can still make other trade deals and even join other trade blocs which will be the case when CANZUK is formed and our Anglo Saxon might will traverse the globe again in all of its Britannic glory!

When the UK joins TPP it will immediately become the second largest economy in the bloc and as we'll be among the rest of the family along with our old colonial chums in Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei, we won't have to worry about faggot frogs and goosestepping krauts trying to rig the rulebook to enrich themselves at our expense. 

When the EU disintegrates and you're left out in the wilderness Paddy perhaps Ireland can apply. No fuck! It can't because it has no territory in the Pacific. Lol!

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46 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Those African generalisimos are now some of yer trading partners now that the toray partay has said its ok to do bizniz with bloodthirsty murderous regimes trukky O' babóg


From the EU which has dropped its strides, bent over and spread its cheeks for a country that runs a huge network of Nazi style concentration camps. Meanwhile, the UK has opened its doors to a potential 5.5 million people from Hong Kong so they can escape Chinese tyranny. 🖕🖕🖕🖕

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