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New Cunt here

Ted Cunterblast

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22 minutes ago, Ted Cunterblast said:

Not as fucking stupid as you .


Are you new, or are you a returnee who used to have a different username? 

Please save the third division attempts at engaging me until after you’ve passed the ‘not banging the round peg through the square hole test’.

Baby steps.

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54 minutes ago, Frank said:


Your creepy, nose pressing against the window antics aside, I can't help but notice that Pen has 'liked' this post.

@Penny Farthing explain yourself. I was under the impression we had an entente cordiale, if you've noticed I've not engaged in any abuse or liked any posts mocking you for a good six months or more.

If you think you can get away with it cos I've been quiet for a month then you are sorely mistaken. Your card is fucking marked again and I'll be bringing up some of your prior "Fran" based comments going forward.

Lying fantasist, sinister old tranny cunt.

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14 minutes ago, Gloria said:

Your creepy, nose pressing against the window antics aside, I can't help but notice that Pen has 'liked' this post.

@Penny Farthing explain yourself. I was under the impression we had an entente cordiale, if you've noticed I've not engaged in any abuse or liked any posts mocking you for a good six months or more.

If you think you can get away with it cos I've been quiet for a month then you are sorely mistaken. Your card is fucking marked again and I'll be bringing up some of your prior "Fran" based comments going forward.

Lying fantasist, sinister old tranny cunt.

Who the fuck are you?

13 minutes ago, Ted Cunterblast said:

I believe your Mother wanted a lad

stupid Cunt

Who the fuck are you?

2 hours ago, Lucy said:

Dementia is a cunt.

Who the fuck are you?

I wish cunts would stop changing their usernames....

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3 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

You can't see it, but I just threw a chair across the room to get the point across. That'll scare the little fucker into talking.

I am sick of this attention seeking, ‘look at me! Aren’t I cryptic’ shit. They turn up pretending to be old hands and researching past members. Or they drop hints that they’ve been here before. Just say who you fucking are or fuck off. I’m waiting to watch the final episode of The Blacklist series 3 and I want a fucking answer now.

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