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Mizzy delectable tik tok star

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt

For those who are not aware of this colourfull wee laddie and his "pranks " that have made him moderately well known amongst  those  of a similar persuasion , allow me to inform.He films himself entering a family's home  without permission.Another hilarious piece of high jinks was attempting to abduct an old ladies pet dog and filming her reaction.This self lobotomised little character must make his parent proud .I must admit if I found him wandering around my humble property what  would transpire I'm sure would make his tik tok views go through the roof .Unfortunately for him the chances are  he would be totally unaware of  his highest  achievement in his short life , his pinnacle, his everest, his zenith .A claw hammer I keep under my bed for  possible unwanted  incursions into my property would find its way into his skull.Of course I would be jailed for protecting what's mine and the protagonist would be made a saint. All very much par for the course in these enlightened times when sinners are saints and the saints are sinners .

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50 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

If you had posted a link, we could have read about this wanker without having to wade through your execrable grammar and syntax.


Obviously the Windrush cunt thought his dusky hue made him untouchable. WRONG

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Guest entitled little cunt
8 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

If you had posted a link, we could have read about this wanker without having to wade through your execrable grammar and syntax.

Why not educate me with your litary acrobatics and your scholars eye for total perfection .Unfortunately we can't all be lion tamers like your good self .You silly little prick.

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Guest entitled little cunt
14 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

I still can't see why he's "delectable"; did you mean detestable?

Get the thesaurus out .ffs get a life .I was merely adding a bit of irony by using the word you are are questioning. Yes the little cunt is detestable , I think that's commonly understood. It's quite normal and common place to use words who's meaning is  the opposite to the message you are conveying be it satirical in nature or otherwise .Fucking hell what the fuck is it with people .Another prick then pipes up and bestowes his eternal wisdom stating the the subject has already been mentioned, oh fucking really , shall I put myself in the naughty room?.So fucking what if it has you bunch of sad cunts  , who gives a fuck apart from from the  sad unintelligent twat who instead of adding to debate or heaven forbid,  actually initiating debate simply says that a subject has already been mentioned. Oh do fuck off, open the front door and step into the light , there's a whole  world out there .

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12 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Why not educate me with your litary acrobatics and your scholars eye for total perfection .Unfortunately we can't all be lion tamers like your good self .You silly little prick.


3 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Get the thesaurus out .ffs get a life .I was merely adding a bit of irony by using the word you are are questioning. Yes the little cunt is detestable , I think that's commonly understood. It's quite normal and common place to use words who's meaning is  the opposite to the message you are conveying be it satirical in nature or otherwise .Fucking hell what the fuck is it with people .Another prick then pipes up and bestowes his eternal wisdom stating the the subject has already been mentioned, oh fucking really , shall I put myself in the naughty room?.So fucking what if it has you bunch of sad cunts  , who gives a fuck apart from from the  sad unintelligent twat who instead of adding to debate or heaven forbid,  actually initiating debate simply says that a subject has already been mentioned. Oh do fuck off, open the front door and step into the light , there's a whole  world out there .

Fuck! Your'e not that bright are you?

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7 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Another prick then pipes up and bestowes his eternal wisdom stating the the subject has already been mentioned

Did somebody else mention this too? Because I can't imagine for a second you'd be calling ME a prick, you cheeky little piss-weasel.

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Guest entitled little cunt
10 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:


Fuck! Your'e not that bright are you?

No,  I'm not bright at all.It must be so tiring for you having to share this space with the  intellectual untermensch. Lion tamers such as  yourself  unfortunately have to grin and bear such banal interlopers in your kingdom of shite  every now and then .

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Guest entitled little cunt
6 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Did somebody else mention this too? Because I can't imagine for a second you'd be calling ME a prick, you cheeky little piss-weasel.

You're OK sorry , its that other cunt .

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 minutes ago, ZEV said:

Maybe we should start calling this haven of fuck-wittery 'Pedants Corner'.

No worries Zev , I've tried finding any  pearls of wisdom penned by Hammer of cunts .I was hoping to be enthralled by his literary eloquence and artistry given his obvious high opinion of himself .Unfortunately it looks like I'm going to be dissapointed .

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14 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

No worries Zev , I've tried finding any  pearls of wisdom penned by Hammer of cunts .I was hoping to be enthralled by his literary eloquence and artistry given his obvious high opinion of himself .Unfortunately it looks like I'm going to be dissapointed .

Wow! It's like being baited by Oscar Wilde, but with worse grammar.

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Guest entitled little cunt
3 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

Wow! It's like being baited by Oscar Wilde, but with worse grammar.

I have nothing to declare but my genius and that  you are indeed , a cunt .Oscar. 

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