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Stop the Holocaust in Gaza !


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33 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

It's odd that the rest of the Arab world has not chipped in to help the trouble making nutters of Palestine. Even the Egyptians next door won't have them. Maybe they don't like the shit-stirring twats after they stirred up a war in Jordan and almost caused a revolution in Dubai (who promptly kicked them out).

Hamas, with huge popular support in Gaza, have never tried to make peace with Israel and constantly attack the territory; the recent atrocity was the last straw. The murder, rape and kidnapping of the festival-goers was possibly the most ill-concieved "political" act in memory. It's hard to see what they hoped to achieve.

If your neighbour keeps chucking turds over the fence, eventually you'll go round and put his windows in.

I think that Hamas believed all their raghead brothers would steam in to their aid and set a lightning jihad against Isreal. And I kind of agree with @Decimuswhen he reckoned that the Isreali's fucking knew that the attack on that rock festival was going to take place and let it happen. This would give them the excuse to start slinging missiles into Egypt, Syria, Jordan et al. But it didn't happen, nobody else got involved and it's just a localised bunfight which will see Hamas get wiped out. I'm just wondering if the same thing will happen to Action Man's gang in the Ukraine when everyone's lost interest and don't want to throw their money at it. 

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39 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

You could also argue that those lovely peace lovin' Palestinians just love to lob missiles at Israel when ever they can.No other middle  East nation wants fuckall  to do with the cunts ...funny that .

All I know it's strange they were able to walk straight through Israeli security, methinks something fishy about that. The long game here is nuclear parity. Once Iran gets nuclear weapons the Israelis will be holed up in defensive positions so they have this window of opportunity to gain as much territory as they can and consolidate their power within it with no possibility of a viable Palestinian state. Gaza is de facto being erased as a base for any political let along military independent activity by Palestinians. It's repression in the most obvious way - anything moves there now will have to comply with Israeli wishes. The West Bank likewise. Whether an Israeli state like that has any long term future is doubtful but most Israelis seem to accept that's the only way forward. Once Iran has nuclear weapons Israel won't be able to exercise its muscle freely outside of its borders for fear of sparking a nuclear war which it can only lose. Nothing will stop Iran acquiring this and preemptive strikes won't stop it and America won't go to war with Iran because that would completely up end the Middle East and damage the West's economy for a decade. It would also not be feasible to permanently garrison a post war Iran in the same way Iraq is still under foreign occupation with a puppet regime. It may just be Israel is seizing the moment to get as much advantage as it can out of the situation before the West closes it down. It's strange our ITV News had a segment on alleged (very spurious allegations) assassination plans by the Iranian govt against Iranian dissidents (= terrorists) who have shacked up in London and are doing everything in their power to undermine Tehran. Now there's always a recurring anti-Iran grudge item in the news, but the timing of this completely moody "investigation" was so bloody applicable to Israel's long term problems and what's going on now in Gaza it seems to me more than a coincidence. Western opinion is being carefully massaged and prepared for a Western strike against Iran? We know the fucking year long fabrications and lies of the US and Britain, in the end they just bent every rule in the book, that went before the Iraqi war. 

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I noticed it was  a bit of diversity that was responsible for murdering that poor bloke in Sheffield who was  trying to  help an unconscious woman.Sympathisers just don't realise they are dealing with another type of animal completely. Life,  be it man , woman or child is cheap to them, it means nothing . Dead bodies are  just left at the side of the road over there , infact you just stop counting  them or taking any notice because its normal.The Brighton living fuckwits really do believe these people are totally benign and harmless , history proves otherwise but that is ignored. They have no comprehension that fanatics  see life as some transitional period and can't wait to get it over with and bed down  with their 43 virgins .Those untainted by a medieval  belief system just want a quiet life in retirement and grow tomatoes in the green house , that's the fucking difference .


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3 hours ago, peglegtwo said:

Stop the Holocaust in Gaza now!

Look, the holocaust was the systematic murder of 6 mlion Jews, homosexuals,  gypsies and those deemed inferior .6 MILLION.These people had done nothing wrong other than exist .They were not allied to any terrorist organisation,  they had not voted for any terrorist organisation infact until 1933 they lived in a democratic system not too unlike the one you live in .To compare what is happening today and reasons for to the holocaust is a bit rum to say the least and shows you have a distinct lack of knowledge of history and an inability to compare and reach reasonable conclusions. I dont like to jump to conclusions but I assume you are the type who believes what they are told by a lecturer  in fuckwittery at  the university of cuntyness. I've travelled and worked all over the world for 35 years,  do you not understand that if you were suddenly transported to Palastine  the chances are you'd be beheaded within 30  minutes .Visit  Tel Aviv and you'd be welcomed and actually have a great time around civilised people unless islamists are trying to murder you .

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1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

Look, the holocaust was the systematic murder of 6 mlion Jews, homosexuals,  gypsies and those deemed inferior .6 MILLION.These people had done nothing wrong other than exist .They were not allied to any terrorist organisation,  they had not voted for any terrorist organisation infact until 1933 they lived in a democratic system not too unlike the one you live in .To compare what is happening today and reasons for to the holocaust is a bit rum to say the least and shows you have a distinct lack of knowledge of history and an inability to compare and reach reasonable conclusions. I dont like to jump to conclusions but I assume you are the type who believes what they are told by a lecturer  in fuckwittery at  the university of cuntyness. I've travelled and worked all over the world for 35 years,  do you not understand that if you were suddenly transported to Palastine  the chances are you'd be beheaded within 30  minutes .Visit  Tel Aviv and you'd be welcomed and actually have a great time around civilised people unless islamists are trying to murder you .

Strawman arguments aside, ELC, I've got more than several things to say about this.

Before I do though-In all seriousness, are you Jewish?

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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Look, the holocaust was the systematic murder of 6 mlion Jews, homosexuals,  gypsies and those deemed inferior .6 MILLION.These people had done nothing wrong other than exist .They were not allied to any terrorist organisation,  they had not voted for any terrorist organisation infact until 1933 they lived in a democratic system not too unlike the one you live in .To compare what is happening today and reasons for to the holocaust is a bit rum to say the least and shows you have a distinct lack of knowledge of history and an inability to compare and reach reasonable conclusions. I dont like to jump to conclusions but I assume you are the type who believes what they are told by a lecturer  in fuckwittery at  the university of cuntyness. I've travelled and worked all over the world for 35 years,  do you not understand that if you were suddenly transported to Palastine  the chances are you'd be beheaded within 30  minutes .Visit  Tel Aviv and you'd be welcomed and actually have a great time around civilised people unless islamists are trying to murder you .

You fucking stupid Fucking cunt. 

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This sorry tale of death and destruction will continue.

The Israeli's may be out of social capital, but there isn't anyone standing up to stop them. The Russians are otherwise engaged, the Iranians and Hezbollah don't appear to want to do anything.

Having said all that, I don't want any of this conflict playing out on the streets here in the UK plc.

And by that I don't just mean protests, I mean so called jihadists getting all explosive and thousands of more refugees taking us for cunts.

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8 hours ago, Eddie said:

You fucking stupid Fucking cunt. 

Thankyou for your short addition to debate . Sorry to be critical  but I do find  it rather lacking in depth . I'm certain that's not a  true reflection of your abilities after at least ten years of state funded education. If indeed it is I would suggest the humble taxpayer is worthy of a refund .

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8 hours ago, Decimus said:

Strawman arguments aside, ELC, I've got more than several things to say about this.

Before I do though-In all seriousness, are you Jewish?

In all seriousness what does it matter  if I am or am not a red sea pedestrian. If you have  a pro palastinian terrorist difference of opinion to mine would  that make you a Muslim?.Feel free to say what ever you wish , you're an intelligent person as your previous posts prove and we all have something to learn.There are a few who haven't moved on from the drawing of a spurting cock on the wall level of debate on here, you're not one of them so feel free to let rip. 

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7 hours ago, The Beast said:

This sorry tale of death and destruction will continue.

The Israeli's may be out of social capital, but there isn't anyone standing up to stop them. The Russians are otherwise engaged, the Iranians and Hezbollah don't appear to want to do anything.

Having said all that, I don't want any of this conflict playing out on the streets here in the UK plc.

And by that I don't just mean protests, I mean so called jihadists getting all explosive and thousands of more refugees taking us for cunts.

Too late for any of that .The Eritrean's were busy on the streets of London last night .They have bought their problems from that shithole here .A family argument in an immigrant famy resulted in one of them driving a car into  group of people murdering an innocent bystander .Immigrants tend to bring the host country down to their level rather than allow themselves to be uplifted into a more civilised way of life .Its ironic that the cunts actually fled the shithole they were born in to escape such behaviour .

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9 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Thankyou for your short addition to debate . Sorry to be critical  but I do find  it rather lacking in depth . I'm certain that's not a  true reflection of your abilities after at least ten years of state funded education. If indeed it is I would suggest the humble taxpayer is worthy of a refund .

6 million? Again, you fucking stupid fucking cunt.

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On 31/12/2023 at 07:20, entitled little cunt said:

you're an intelligent person

Don't flatter the twat, he's probably got a semi as it is, the narcissistic cunt will probably shoot his load all over his keyboard 🩹💦

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