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Despite divebombng the A27 and murdering a number of innocent motorists this cunt Andrew Hill has re-applied for his pilots licence. 

Having already shown a brazen lack of respect or any moral fibre towards his victims - a position to some extent bolstered by the ex-military old farts in the stunt/acrobatics air show game and the fucking pliable courts of this country - the cunt thinks he'll be let loose again in the skies over our heads, our schools, our kids... 

This air show game is just as shady as the bouncy castle business - fucking loosely regulated by and for crackpots to get their kicks on the cheap. In no way should they be compared to the real Battle of Britain Spit heros or the guys who went on no return missions in the Lancasters - though they like to trade heavily off those times. They are undiluted cunts. One of them is probably prepping up a deadly weapon on the runway as we speak, he can clambour into if he gets his way. 

My view is the cunt should have served time then been put under fucking house arrest for the rest of his life with no chance of ever getting within  20 yards of anything with an engine. How he hasn't been beaten to a pulp on the street I don't know. 


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Biggles and his pals - jolly good chaps one and all - would certainly have approved of such spiffing  japes above our green and pleasant land before setting out to prang a few jerries over the channel.

The Red Arrows, What a bunch of "Look up in awe mere mortals and marvel at us in our sexy red flying suits" cunts

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25 minutes ago, colonelkurtz said:

Biggles and his pals - jolly good chaps one and all - would certainly have approved of such spiffing  japes above our green and pleasant land before setting out to prang a few jerries over the channel.

The Red Arrows, What a bunch of "Look up in awe mere mortals and marvel at us in our sexy red flying suits" cunts

What I don't get is did Mr Hill think.. 

... enough time has gone by now, the dust has settled, I'll quietly go about it, the public has a short memory, fuck the relatives

... I've been a good boy since the court case, haven't killed anybody, time for a second chance

... fuck the relatives I do what I want

... you only live once! 

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30 minutes ago, colonelkurtz said:

Biggles and his pals - jolly good chaps one and all - would certainly have approved of such spiffing  japes above our green and pleasant land before setting out to prang a few jerries over the channel.

The Red Arrows, What a bunch of "Look up in awe mere mortals and marvel at us in our sexy red flying suits" cunts

Biggles chuckled playfully to Algy as he skimmed the desert floor, strafing the Bedouin insurgents with the Vickers. Casually lighting a Craven-A from the sleeve of a burning darkie before throttling back and pointing the trusty Sopwith skyward.”

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14 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Biggles chuckled playfully to Algy as he skimmed the desert floor, strafing the Bedouin insurgents with the Vickers. Casually lighting a Craven-A from the sleeve of a burning darkie before throttling back and pointing the trusty Sopwith skyward.”

Biggles Takes It Rough is the best of the bunch, oops! 

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Guest entitled little cunt

It's an alpha male world and I assume the better  the show displayed  and the more brazen the antics the louder the self congratulation. What should be held accountable ? Ego and testosterone I dare say .


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1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

It's an alpha male world and I assume the better  the show displayed  and the more brazen the antics the louder the self congratulation. What should be held accountable ? Ego and testosterone I dare say .


I'd like a fucking better answer than that if you were the coroner. To put it in simple terms for you. 

On either side of a typical A Road are empty spaces of quite a large size where a plane can be crash landed in an emergency. It seems to me this cunt was trying to land his fucking plane on the A27 to save his own skin (which ironically and sadly he DID) and to hell with the fucking motorists using IT! 

There are pilots who names are rightfully admired who even in the face of their own likely death do everything to avoid causing more casualties on the ground by steering their doomed aircraft away from people and dwellings. 

Mr Cunt Hill is not one of them. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
7 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

I'd like a fucking better answer than that if you were the coroner. To put it in simple terms for you. 

On either side of a typical A Road are empty spaces of quite a large size where a plane can be crash landed in an emergency. It seems to me this cunt was trying to land his fucking plane on the A27 to save his own skin (which ironically and sadly he DID) and to hell with the fucking motorists using IT! 

There are pilots who names are rightfully admired who even in the face of their own likely death do everything to avoid causing more casualties on the ground by steering their doomed aircraft away from people and dwellings. 

Mr Cunt Hill is not one of them. 

Did he not black  out during the manoeuvre just prior to the accident not leaving enough time for him to take action to avoid catastrophe ?.The bloke is  a bit over the hill and really should have been the member of a mobility scooter display team rather than at the controls of a Hawker Hunter .


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7 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Did he not black  out during the manoeuvre just prior to the accident not leaving enough time for him to take action to avoid catastrophe ?.The bloke is  a bit over the hill and really should have been the member of a mobility scooter display team rather than at the controls of a Hawker Hunter .


Those fucking murdered motorists are permanently blacked out and this cunt snake slid out of court. I thought at the time of the trial this cunt has got wheels turning in the background (it goes right up to the House of Lords) to get him off. If I was in a fucking situation where I was being "directed by the judge" I'd fucking stand up and say I totally disagree and I'm resigning from this jury you MOTHER CUNT JUDGE. 

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On 28/12/2023 at 18:28, Eric Cuntman said:

He’s a secret Muslim 

It's easy to 'out' a secret Muslim, just offer the dusky cunt a glass of the finest malt whiskey (or any cheap fuckin' alcopop for that matter) if he refuses, he's obviously a Jihadi cunt, and should be terminated forthwith. 🔫

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3 minutes ago, Greg said:

@ChildeHarold using the Shoreham Killer/Andy Hill story to divert attention from his real love interest, the Soham Killer/Ian Huntly.

Greg, it didn't take long to reveal your inner beast did it? Transbender avatar and throwing around accusations... Kill yourself you sick fucking loner. 

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5 minutes ago, Greg said:

@Old Chap Raasclaat@ChildeHarold one of you stated you were a supply teacher. Add that to your pathetic snide comments & you don't need to be a High Court Judge to work out one/both of you are bent as a butcher's. And how dare you accuse the great Dick Emery of being 'Transgender'? Look in the mirror son(s).

Balderdash dear chap... as usual. LOL Bender Harry. 

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26 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Greg, it didn't take long to reveal your inner beast did it? Transbender avatar and throwing around accusations... Kill yourself you sick fucking loner. 

Those January Blues. I fight them off with a good dose of Mr Five By Five every night on the record player. 

PS I think my device's Auto-correction has been on the Stella. 

Aaaargh Roboto Chaaaaa 🤖 

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14 minutes ago, Greg said:

@Old Chap Raasclaat@ChildeHarold one of you stated you were a supply teacher. Add that to your pathetic snide comments & you don't need to be a High Court Judge to work out one/both of you are bent as a butcher's. And how dare you accuse the great Dick Emery of being 'Transgender'? Look in the mirror son(s).

Shut up you cunt. 

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1 hour ago, Greg said:

@Old Chap Raasclaat@ChildeHarold one of you stated you were a supply teacher. Add that to your pathetic snide comments & you don't need to be a High Court Judge to work out one/both of you are bent as a butcher's. And how dare you accuse the great Dick Emery of being 'Transgender'? Look in the mirror son(s).

‘sup Fiddler.

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