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Agatha smack my bitch up Christie

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt

The good old BBC has once  again taken it upon itself to educate the great British public at their own expense .The British empire was a terrible thing and  every British person born before 1980 is a frothing at the mouth fully paid up member of the  Nazi party is typically the BBC message .  The portrayal  of the lead character is somewhat "out of character " .He's no Sidney Poitier and the adolescent  production is  certainly no in the heat of the night.Quite frankly its bollox that portrays a lie , it misrepresents  recent British history and misrepresents the history of immigrants into this country to make it a manageable and a neat little package to sell .Its an insult to the  indigenous British and an insult to immigrants who  came  and wished to integrate into British society. More than any other country in the world , the UK welcomed those from abroad and embraced them .Apart  from a few isolated pockets of resistance the transformation of the demographics of this country took place  with very little altercation from its indigenous population who infact embraced the food and culture of those from abroad .During WW2 black GI's were welcomed into British pubs .Segregation was abhorrent to the British public yet still the BBC and cunt University lecturers carp on about how terrible this country is , how cruel its population and continue to judge British history by modern standards with the inevitable  results. Middle class  academics  are rewriting history and suffocating what's left of white working class decency .They despise the working class and always have done. Those academics  are the real nazis and the  true genocidal  maniacs of our age.

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27 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

New adaptation of an Agatha Christie novel.

 ‘Ten Little Aspiring Architects’

My son bought the new Cluedo up this christmas. All the suspects have real photos of them. Rev Green is now Jacob Green who is a black man. 

Who was the murderer in the first game? Jacob Green with the Knife. I mean how fucking realistic is that?

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

New adaptation of an Agatha Christie novel.

 ‘Ten Little Aspiring Architects’

Eric, I've recently learned to write, thanks to the whitey teacher at my college. As rewriting whitey history and TV shows with an ethnic twist is all the rage, what do think of my new adaptation... It's called Steptoe and Gun. 

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6 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Eric, I've recently learned to write, thanks to the whitey teacher at my college. As rewriting whitey history with an ethnic twist is all the rage, what do think of my new adaptation... It's called Steptoe and Gun. 

Congratulations on mastering the linguiddy. Perhaps you could begin adapting some Dickens novels…

”Oliver Twist Dat Niggas Cap Back”

“Nicholas Nickalot”

”Bleck House”

”A Tale Of Two Looted Cities”

“David Cop-a-feel”

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The British empire was a terrible thing and every British person born before 1980 is a frothing at the mouth fully paid up member of the Nazi party


Sorry I don't see that stereotype. There's been a few series devoted to bigging up the age of empire headed by Paxman and Marr and Dimbelby among others. Vintage BBC was good at kitchen sink Play for Today dramas showing "real people". Where I agree is the fantasy island tv and movies are living on now epitomises in the typical Hallmark Christmas movie or the fake Eastenders. Channel 4 is the real fucking culprit with shit shows like Shameless and those endless Brut films as in Shane Meadows like Dead Man's Shoes which are really fucking arseholed distortions of reality just to get viewing figures. 

1/ budget cuts to program making 

2/ outsourcing production and creativity (can't be done) 

3/dumbing down and attention deficit in the modern audience

4/need to pander to a female audience for advertising revenue and sponsorship leads to low quality 

5/too much American tv (due to 1/) with its fakiness and cultural backwardness


I don't watch any live tv or BBC anymore and for that matter the inane news channels. I don't miss the every other begging ad for this or that appeal or charity. Or the insertion of public information segments like "Call 111" "Ask your Pharmacy" instead of bothering the doctor or "Be careful Storm Shitty" into local news with the mindless formula of medical tragedy, heart warming stories and national news which you've already heard fifty times before. The fake economic indicators that are meaningless, the politicians' "platitudes and gestures, the interviews and studio arguments or debates where both sides are equally represented (to avoid charges of bias) so you end up steaming whatever at the end of it. That fucking colossal pipeline of shit from Yankee land I don't miss either. 

That's my view. Fuck off you 65" OLED fucking pixel engine clap trap. It's brain dead. 

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42 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Congratulations on mastering the linguiddy. Perhaps you could begin adapting some Dickens novels…

”Oliver Twist Dat Niggas Cap Back”

“Nicholas Nickalot”

”Bleck House”

”A Tale Of Two Looted Cities”

“David Cop-a-feel”

A Christmas Creole, with Ebonygeezer Scrooge, Bob Marley and Crackshit Fuzziwig.

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Congratulations on mastering the linguiddy. Perhaps you could begin adapting some Dickens novels…

”Oliver Twist Dat Niggas Cap Back”

“Nicholas Nickalot”

”Bleck House”

”A Tale Of Two Looted Cities”

“David Cop-a-feel”

Eric, @DonGaargonphalusflavius is out of the mental hospital, he must have got the memo I wrote in goats blood. I wonder what the fuck he got up to this Christmas. Lol. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
7 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

My son bought the new Cluedo up this christmas. All the suspects have real photos of them. Rev Green is now Jacob Green who is a black man. 

Who was the murderer in the first game? Jacob Green with the Knife. I mean how fucking realistic is that?

Lol ..in the parlour with a zombie knife and a bag of coke to sell.he's a good boy , didn't do nuttin wrong 

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Guest entitled little cunt
5 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

The British empire was a terrible thing and every British person born before 1980 is a frothing at the mouth fully paid up member of the Nazi party


Sorry I don't see that stereotype. There's been a few series devoted to bigging up the age of empire headed by Paxman and Marr and Dimbelby among others. Vintage BBC was good at kitchen sink Play for Today dramas showing "real people". Where I agree is the fantasy island tv and movies are living on now epitomises in the typical Hallmark Christmas movie or the fake Eastenders. Channel 4 is the real fucking culprit with shit shows like Shameless and those endless Brut films as in Shane Meadows like Dead Man's Shoes which are really fucking arseholed distortions of reality just to get viewing figures. 

1/ budget cuts to program making 

2/ outsourcing production and creativity (can't be done) 

3/dumbing down and attention deficit in the modern audience

4/need to pander to a female audience for advertising revenue and sponsorship leads to low quality 

5/too much American tv (due to 1/) with its fakiness and cultural backwardness


I don't watch any live tv or BBC anymore and for that matter the inane news channels. I don't miss the every other begging ad for this or that appeal or charity. Or the insertion of public information segments like "Call 111" "Ask your Pharmacy" instead of bothering the doctor or "Be careful Storm Shitty" into local news with the mindless formula of medical tragedy, heart warming stories and national news which you've already heard fifty times before. The fake economic indicators that are meaningless, the politicians' "platitudes and gestures, the interviews and studio arguments or debates where both sides are equally represented (to avoid charges of bias) so you end up steaming whatever at the end of it. That fucking colossal pipeline of shit from Yankee land I don't miss either. 

That's my view. Fuck off you 65" OLED fucking pixel engine clap trap. It's brain dead. 

A black Anne Bolyn , Dr.Who and just about every advert is totally racist because an over  representation  of blacks .need I say more 


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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

He made Miss Scarlet his bitch.

Looking to do a new version of meet the ancestors, the show was pulled as they couldn't find the father.

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Guest entitled little cunt
6 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Congratulations on mastering the linguiddy. Perhaps you could begin adapting some Dickens novels…

”Oliver Twist Dat Niggas Cap Back”

“Nicholas Nickalot”

”Bleck House”

”A Tale Of Two Looted Cities”

“David Cop-a-feel”

Our mutual fiend

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