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Just get on with it for fuck's sake

Cap'n Cunt

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I'm quite fed up with the MSM bleating about fucking Gazans. I don't actually care if they're all wiped off the face of the earth, if I'm honest. Dusky moustachiod cunts. The walking corpse in charge of America has now decreed that he might get a bit miffed if Israel attacked Rafah (it's a city in Gaza that nobody knew even existed until yesterday)  and now the Saudis have weighed in too. So fucking what? Does anyone actually care what happens to a load of sandmonkeys? I most certainly don't. I'd suggest Israel just obliterates the place and all within it, and then perhaps we can have some good news for a change, something about Strictly Cum Dancing, wimmin playing football or suchlike.

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 hours ago, Cap'n Cunt said:

I'm quite fed up with the MSM bleating about fucking Gazans. I don't actually care if they're all wiped off the face of the earth, if I'm honest. Dusky moustachiod cunts. The walking corpse in charge of America has now decreed that he might get a bit miffed if Israel attacked Rafah (it's a city in Gaza that nobody knew even existed until yesterday)  and now the Saudis have weighed in too. So fucking what? Does anyone actually care what happens to a load of sandmonkeys? I most certainly don't. I'd suggest Israel just obliterates the place and all within it, and then perhaps we can have some good news for a change, something about Strictly Cum Dancing, wimmin playing football or suchlike.

Its woke psychosis.The insidious creep of radical left wing bias has  been going on for years .Those who toe the line are now called "disrupters ".Those middle class little cunts extinction rebellion are a prime example .As for Gaza I fail to see why others feel any sympathy .Their Muslim kith and kin don't give a fuck about them so what does that indicate .The only group, apart from Brighton mums net types  who state allegiance are the Houthis in Yemen , a rather thick , uncivilised  bunch if ever I've seen one. Palastinian terror groups and their associates  have murdered thousands and caused mayhem throughout the world for years.Hopefully Israel will take the opportunity to fully the  eradicate terrorist scumbags before  they're driving HGV's into Christmas crowds , blowing up kids and beheading anyone who doesn't believe in their  rather silly brand of cult .Pathetic bunch of cunts one and all.

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5 hours ago, Cap'n Cunt said:

I'm quite fed up with the MSM bleating about fucking Gazans. I don't actually care if they're all wiped off the face of the earth, if I'm honest. Dusky moustachiod cunts. The walking corpse in charge of America has now decreed that he might get a bit miffed if Israel attacked Rafah (it's a city in Gaza that nobody knew even existed until yesterday)  and now the Saudis have weighed in too. So fucking what? Does anyone actually care what happens to a load of sandmonkeys? I most certainly don't. I'd suggest Israel just obliterates the place and all within it, and then perhaps we can have some good news for a change, something about Strictly Cum Dancing, wimmin playing football or suchlike.

Its all very odd in the first place when you look closely at it Islam is simply a variation of Judaism. A bit like Coptics, Catholics and Protestants. They're all worshipping the same god and simply arguing about their favourite prophet and ultimately they are all a load of fuckwits whichever version they believe in. The media are screaming about the Israelis rather than pointig out the the leaders that the Palestians have chosen are a load of blood thirsty useless lumps of shit who are no better than Mafia gangsters.

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4 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

leaders that the Palestians have chosen are a load of blood thirsty useless lumps of shit who are no better than Mafia gangsters.

Hamas/Palestinians are trouble makers and few of their co-religionists have spoken up for them; they were kicked out of the UAE and Jordan (where they stirred up a war with Syria). It sats a lot that their, Muslim. neighbours in Egypt have closed their borders while the Jews get on with sorting them out.

If your neighbour spends his time lobbing dog-turds onto your lawn, sooner or later you'll go round and put his windows in.


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43 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

Hamas/Palestinians are trouble makers and few of their co-religionists have spoken up for them; they were kicked out of the UAE and Jordan (where they stirred up a war with Syria). It sats a lot that their, Muslim. neighbours in Egypt have closed their borders while the Jews get on with sorting them out.

If your neighbour spends his time lobbing dog-turds onto your lawn, sooner or later you'll go round and put his windows in.


Sadly we are responsible for much of this nonsense .. not from history but from allowing fuckwits to send donations to Gazan children .. litte of that funding gets to those children but most of it is skimmed off  by these murdering shitbags .. the children are born innocent but quickly corrupted so by the time they are five the boys are dreaming of becoming martyrs.

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More mindless fuckery from Captain Birdseye. "Get on with it" What is the "it". 

Do you know Captain Fuckwit? Do the Tel Aviv Boys in the Band know? Do the IDF know? Does fuckwit Biden know what he's doing, where he is, or that there's more than shrinking ice cream tubs at The Bowl?

The common denominator Captain is DON'T KNOW. 

Join the club. 

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

More mindless fuckery from Captain Birdseye. "Get on with it" What is the "it". 

Do you know Captain Fuckwit? Do the Tel Aviv Boys in the Band know? Do the IDF know? Does fuckwit Biden know what he's doing, where he is, or that there's more than shrinking ice cream tubs at The Bowl?

The common denominator Captain is DON'T KNOW. 

Join the club. 

Have you been eating stupid pills again? 

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3 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

when you look closely at it Islam is simply a variation of Judaism

No need to look closely, all three (Islam, Judaism and Xtianity) are know as "the Abrahamic Religions" and worship the same sky-fairy. The pentateuch is part of the scripture of all of them. Christianity was originally a Jewish sect. Islam was invented six centuries later by a confused kiddie-fiddler in a tent.

Some follow the Gourd, some follow the Sandal.

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12 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

No need to look closely, all three (Islam, Judaism and Xtianity) are know as "the Abrahamic Religions" and worship the same sky-fairy. The pentateuch is part of the scripture of all of them. Christianity was originally a Jewish sect. Islam was invented six centuries later by a confused kiddie-fiddler in a tent.

Some follow the Gourd, some follow the Sandal.

Actually there is some evidence that Muslims originated as a fundamentalist Jewish sect who were chucked out because they were to extreme in their adherence to the faith.

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Guest Basil
36 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Have you been eating stupid pills again? 

Possibly amphetamines. It's a bit hard to tell from my vantage point but think Harold might be speeding out of his nut.

Just now, ChildeHarold said:

Fuck off

Yep, I'd say amphetamines.

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12 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

It’s all very odd in the first place when you look closely at it Islam is simply a variation of Judaism. A bit like Coptics, Catholics and Protestants. They're all worshipping the same god and simply arguing about their favourite prophet

Absolute load of bollocks, which is quite surprising coming from you though, as the only ‘member’ (pun intended) here who was alive at the time both these religions came about (and probably a few thousand years previous too). 
Stupid fucking freaky old ghoul. Fuck off.

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9 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Have you been eating stupid pills again? 

Little pieces of dried shit he’s picked out of his underpants and played with, before curiously sniffing them, chewing them and washing them down his gullet with a big slug of strawberry Ribena.

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7 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Little pieces of dried shit he’s picked out of his underpants and played with, before curiously sniffing them, chewing them and washing them down his gullet with a big slug of strawberry Ribena.

You are very anal. Is anal related to analyse? 

Anyway, can I change the subject back to the nonsensical nom?

What the fucking hell is "it". 

It seems to me to be the establishing of a Palestinian state and giving these disinherited Arabs a fighting chance of living a dignified existence in a proper state rather than a refugee camp. If they continue to be belligerent to Israel there would be a different ball game and instead of a war between a highly militarised Israel and a refugee camp then it would be a straughtforward war. That's the 'it' I would like to see. 

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9 hours ago, Basil Brush said:

Possibly amphetamines. It's a bit hard to tell from my vantage point but think Harold might be speeding out of his nut.

Yep, I'd say amphetamines.

Can I just raise your hackles and play with them like a fine Stradivarius instrument in need of tuning? Eric C gave me a "like" for Fuck Off. So sucks Ya Boo! 

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13 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

You are very anal. Is anal related to analyse? 

Anyway, can I change the subject back to the nonsensical nom?

What the fucking hell is "it". 

It seems to me to be the establishing of a Palestinian state and giving these disinherited Arabs a fighting chance of living a dignified existence in a proper state rather than a refugee camp. If they continue to be belligerent to Israel there would be a different ball game and instead of a war between a highly militarised Israel and a refugee camp then it would be a straughtforward war. That's the 'it' I would like to see. 

This mythical country called Palestine? Maybe it’s just because I’m a ‘thicko’ (fact-checked numerous times by the totally impartial Vulcan ☑️) but I’m struggling to find any historical evidence of the actual existence of this imaginary country, or it’s Kings, Presidents, borders, positive contribution to human civilisation, or even one single provable thing ever. However it’s quite easy to see that it’s just another day at the races in the millenniums year old insane hatred of the Jews, that has sent millions of unwashed, uneducated and tbh unfuckable morons across the world into a terminal fucking meltdown frenzy.

Israel should just nuke the fucking lot of them and let their lawyers explain it to the UN and the rest of the globalist cunts later when the dust from the mushroom cloud settles. Oppenheimer was one of theirs after all so why shouldn’t they celebrate his hard work?
Job done. 
When all’s said and done and the history books are written, if there’s a chapter in any of them titled ‘Paedo rape gangs, suicide bombings, religiously motivated international terrorism etc.’ I think it will be clear what section of the worlds population will be written about.

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2 minutes ago, King Billy said:

This mythical country called Palestine? Maybe it’s just because I’m a ‘thicko’ (fact-checked numerous times by the totally impartial Vulcan ☑️) but I’m struggling to find any historical evidence of the actual existence of this imaginary country, or it’s Kings, Presidents, borders, positive contribution to human civilisation, or even one single provable thing ever. However it’s quite easy to see that it’s just another day at the races in the millenniums year old insane hatred of the Jews, that has sent millions of unwashed, uneducated and tbh unfuckable morons across the world into a terminal fucking meltdown frenzy.

Israel should just nuke the fucking lot of them and let their lawyers explain it to the UN and the rest of the globalist cunts later when the dust from the mushroom cloud settles. Oppenheimer was one of theirs after all so why shouldn’t they celebrate his hard work?
Job done. 
When all’s said and done and the history books are written, if there’s a chapter in any of them titled ‘Paedo rape gangs, suicide bombings, religiously motivated international terrorism etc.’ I think it will be clear what section of the worlds population will be written about.

Well I suppose the highly organised property owning Jews were bound to move through these once British controlled territories like a million catering tins of prunes through the bowels of the Middle East. But what bright spark at the British Foreign Office or Imperial Service thought it appropriate to dispossess the original occupiers of this land in favour of the Westernised newcomers. Or was it part of some cunning plan to create a proxy in the heart of the Arab lands that would enable Britain to hang on to the Persian Oil (in effect BP today) indefinitely? After BP as a company keeps a lot of public school boys and girls and their families in clover. (It still does the cunts) 

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15 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Well I suppose the highly organised property owning Jews were bound to move through these once British controlled territories like a million catering tins of prunes through the bowels of the Middle East. But what bright spark at the British Foreign Office or Imperial Service thought it appropriate to dispossess the original occupiers of this land in favour of the Westernised newcomers. Or was it part of some cunning plan to create a proxy in the heart of the Arab lands that would enable Britain to hang on to the Persian Oil (in effect BP today) indefinitely? After BP as a company keeps a lot of public school boys and girls and their families in clover. (It still does the cunts) 


The beginning of actual history didn’t just strangely coincide with the emergence of the evil British Empire.
Sorry to burst your Jeremy Corbyn/Owen Jones flavoured, safe space, incel only wank bubble.
Fuck off.

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22 hours ago, Cap'n Cunt said:

I'm quite fed up with the MSM bleating about fucking Gazans. I don't actually care if they're all wiped off the face of the earth, if I'm honest. Dusky moustachiod cunts. The walking corpse in charge of America has now decreed that he might get a bit miffed if Israel attacked Rafah (it's a city in Gaza that nobody knew even existed until yesterday)  and now the Saudis have weighed in too. So fucking what? Does anyone actually care what happens to a load of sandmonkeys? I most certainly don't. I'd suggest Israel just obliterates the place and all within it, and then perhaps we can have some good news for a change, something about Strictly Cum Dancing, wimmin playing football or suchlike.

Wasting yer breath i was inde room inde embassy back in 2010 when we told theses cunts to take the political recognition and the money and live well..stoopid arab cunts chose hatin the joo more than bein bombed ta fuk...ive always hated arabzzz ..lol


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