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Jews and WW2

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt

There's a lot of recent posts insinuating  the Jews were only victims in WW2.I dont think anyone on here , including me have any idea what life was like back  then .With the lifestyles we have enjoyed I dont think it's right for anyone on here to label the Jews cowards .Trying walking around military cemetery both in the UK and in Normandy , you'll see a lot of star of David's so keep your idiot opinions to yourselves.The American cemetery near Cambridge is a good place to start for a history lesson.Have a read up on the Warsaw ghetto uprising as well .It's always the same cunts ,they know who they are . The usual  fucking suspects.  Nothing  but  fucking bluster  .You think you know it all but you know absolutely  nothing.Older generations have spoken face to face with those who were there and seen the tattoos on the arms of concentration camp victims  so maybe you'd be better improving your knowledge of history and learning a bit of fucking respect .

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2 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

There's a lot of recent posts insinuating  the Jews were only victims in WW2.I dont think anyone on here , including me have any idea what life was like back  then .With the lifestyles we have enjoyed I dont think it's right for anyone on here to label the Jews cowards .Trying walking around military cemetery both in the UK and in Normandy , you'll see a lot of star of David's so keep your idiot opinions to yourselves.The American cemetery near Cambridge is a good place to start for a history lesson.Have a read up on the Warsaw ghetto uprising as well .It's always the same cunts ,they know who they are . The usual  fucking suspects.  Nothing  but  fucking bluster  .You think you know it all but you know absolutely  nothing.Older generations have spoken face to face with those who were there and seen the tattoos on the arms of concentration camp victims  so maybe you'd be better improving your knowledge of history and learning a bit of fucking respect .

If I have one big problem with Jews, it’s Adam fucking Sandler.

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5 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

There's a lot of recent posts insinuating  the Jews were only victims in WW2.I dont think anyone on here , including me have any idea what life was like back  then .With the lifestyles we have enjoyed I dont think it's right for anyone on here to label the Jews cowards .Trying walking around military cemetery both in the UK and in Normandy , you'll see a lot of star of David's so keep your idiot opinions to yourselves.The American cemetery near Cambridge is a good place to start for a history lesson.Have a read up on the Warsaw ghetto uprising as well .It's always the same cunts ,they know who they are . The usual  fucking suspects.  Nothing  but  fucking bluster  .You think you know it all but you know absolutely  nothing.Older generations have spoken face to face with those who were there and seen the tattoos on the arms of concentration camp victims  so maybe you'd be better improving your knowledge of history and learning a bit of fucking respect .

Are you a Jew, ELC? I've suspected it for a while, what with your unswerving allegiance to the state of Israel regardless of the fact it's committing war crimes on a daily basis. If you are, fair enough, you're obviously going to defend your own.

If you're not, can I ask why you have spent most of your time on this website being a bigoted, virulently racist, nasty little cunt when it comes to other ethnicities or religions, but all of a sudden are now sensitive when people have a pop at the Jews? Why are they off limits to you? 

Speak up, we're all waiting.

Oh, and getting a tattoo doesn't make you brave, otherwise three quarters of the population of Hull would be super army soldiers.

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10 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

There's a lot of recent posts insinuating  the Jews were only victims in WW2.I dont think anyone on here , including me have any idea what life was like back  then .With the lifestyles we have enjoyed I dont think it's right for anyone on here to label the Jews cowards .Trying walking around military cemetery both in the UK and in Normandy , you'll see a lot of star of David's so keep your idiot opinions to yourselves.The American cemetery near Cambridge is a good place to start for a history lesson.Have a read up on the Warsaw ghetto uprising as well .It's always the same cunts ,they know who they are . The usual  fucking suspects.  Nothing  but  fucking bluster  .You think you know it all but you know absolutely  nothing.Older generations have spoken face to face with those who were there and seen the tattoos on the arms of concentration camp victims  so maybe you'd be better improving your knowledge of history and learning a bit of fucking respect .

You’re right of course, but with their history you wouldn’t have thought they wouldn’t behave like nazis now, the big nose cunts.

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7 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Are you a Jew, ELC? I've suspected it for a while, what with your unswerving allegiance to the state of Israel regardless of the fact it's committing war crimes on a daily basis. If you are, fair enough, you're obviously going to defend your own.

If you're not, can I ask why you have spent most of your time on this website being a bigoted, virulently racist, nasty little cunt when it comes to other ethnicities or religions, but all of a sudden are now sensitive when people have a pop at the Jews? Why are they off limits to you? 

Speak up, we're all waiting.

Oh, and getting a tattoo doesn't make you brave, otherwise three quarters of the population of Hull would be super army soldiers.

Did you get ‘‘super army soldiers” from Extras with Ross Kemp and Ricky Gervais?

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2 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Did you get ‘‘super army soldiers” from Extras with Ross Kemp and Ricky Gervais?

I did, although Super Soldiers would have probably been more apt given the topic of discussion.

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Guest entitled little cunt
Just now, Decimus said:

Are you a Jew, ELC? I've suspected it for a while, what with your unswerving allegiance to the state of Israel regardless of the fact it's committing war crimes on a daily basis. If you are, fair enough, you're going to obviously defend your own.

If you're not, can I ask why you have spent most of your time on this website being a bigoted, virulently racist, nasty little cunt when it comes to other ethnicities or religions, but all of a sudden are now sensitive when people have a pop at the Jews? Why are they off limits to you? 

Speak up, we're all waiting.

It's really very simple .I'm a  atheist fundamentalist  if there can actually be one of those , I hate all religion.Its nothing but superstitious mumbo jumbo , all of it .I have to admit I dislike Islam intensely .Of all the cults it is the most violent , the most radical , the most misogynistic ,  the most sexist  and the most dangerous .its death to the infidel,  the non believer .There is a lack of any form of new testament in Islam. Christianity was exactly the same until the new testament arrived and the more extreme teachings were watered down in line with the progression of the societies in which its practised. That progression is missing in Islam  and it shows . The jewish cult is of no threat to me personally or anyone else in the uk , I believe Islam is a threat as acts of terrorism on these shores prove.   Does that answer your question?.

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The European Jews did not fight back .Their leaders told them to take it and smile .That started with wearing yellow stars to living in ghettos going peacefully to concentration camps, helping to run the concentration camps even killing other jews then on command letting themselves be killed . Most people who died in concentration camps died of disease / the elements not the gas chambers. More Catholics & Protestants died in concentration camps then the jew .

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7 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

It's really very simple .I'm a  atheist fundamentalist  if there can actually be one of those , I hate all religion.Its nothing but superstitious mumbo jumbo , all of it .I have to admit I dislike Islam intensely .Of all the cults it is the most violent , the most radical , the most misogynistic ,  the most sexist  and the most dangerous .its death to the infidel,  the non believer .There is a lack of any form of new testament in Islam. Christianity was exactly the same until the new testament arrived and the more extreme teachings were watered down in line with the progression of the societies in which its practised. That progression is missing in Islam  and it shows . The jewish cult is of no threat to me personally or anyone else in the uk , I believe Islam is a threat as acts of terrorism on these shores prove.   Does that answer your question?.

Not really, it only shows why you dislike Islam so much. I don't particularly think it's a great belief system either, and I'm certainly no fan or apologist for them. But I don't share the same intense hatred, distrust and disgust that you seem to have about Muslims. That being said, when you're spewing your bile about them, even though I don't agree, I certainly don't start a nomination trying to gain sympathy for the followers of Allah. 

I wouldn't, because it would make me a fucking absolute hypocrite to defend one group of sand dwellers whilst demonising another. You may be an atheist but let he who casts the first stone etc. 

Do you understand what I'm trying to convey to you?

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Guest entitled little cunt
4 minutes ago, Eddie said:

You’re right of course, but with their history you wouldn’t have thought they wouldn’t behave like nazis now, the big nose cunts.

Personally I dont think Hamas can remain in power in Palastine , simple as that .The Hamas attack in October was unprovoked and murderous .They are still holding hostages or  are too cowardly to admit they have been murdered .Before  October  many Palestinians entered Israel on a daily basis to work , that has been curtailed completely .Hamas didn't think of their own people , they didn't give a shit .They were hoping Iran would make a move which was wrong.If any of us were suddenly dumped into the middle east I'd hope it was in Israel .Anywhere else we'd be dead or banged up being raped within 24 hours .

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Not really, it only shows why you dislike Islam so much. I don't particularly think it's a great belief system either, and I'm certainly no fan or apologist for them. But I don't share the same intense hatred, distrust and disgust that you seem to have about Muslims. That being said, when you're spewing your bile about them, even though I don't agree, I certainly don't start a nomination trying to gain sympathy for the followers of Allah. 

I wouldn't, because it would make me a fucking absolute hypocrite to defend one group of sand dwellers whilst demonising another. You may be an atheist but let he who casts the first stone etc. 

Do you understand what I'm trying to convey to you?

Yes totally and we have a right to our opinions if we can justify them,  which I  think we both have .

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3 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Personally I dont think Hamas can remain in power in Palastine , simple as that .The Hamas attack in October was unprovoked and murderous .They are still holding hostages or  are too cowardly to admit they have been murdered .Before  October  many Palestinians entered Israel on a daily basis to work , that has been curtailed completely .Hamas didn't think of their own people , they didn't give a shit .They were hoping Iran would make a move which was wrong.If any of us were suddenly dumped into the middle east I'd hope it was in Israel .Anywhere else we'd be dead or banged up being raped within 24 hours .

Have you seen the way they treat Christian priests in Israel? Spat at in the street, stoned, land bought up through dodgy deals so they can be expelled from their historic quarters within Jerusalem. And that's not to mention how they treat the Christian Palestinians.

The only people safe in Israel are other Jews, they're a virulently xenophobic race and if you think that they would accept a load of Christian westerners with open arms you're more naive and uniformed than I could ever have assumed.

That being said, I wouldn't want to live in any Muslim Shithole there either.

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10 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I did, although Super Soldiers would have probably been more apt given the topic of discussion.

It’s literally the only clip I’ve seen from Extras. I didn’t watch any whole episode. And that other thing he did about the spaz working in a retirement home didn’t appeal to me.

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2 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Personally I dont think Hamas can remain in power in Palastine , simple as that .The Hamas attack in October was unprovoked and murderous .They are still holding hostages or  are too cowardly to admit they have been murdered .Before  October  many Palestinians entered Israel on a daily basis to work , that has been curtailed completely .Hamas didn't think of their own people , they didn't give a shit .They were hoping Iran would make a move which was wrong.If any of us were suddenly dumped into the middle east I'd hope it was in Israel .Anywhere else we'd be dead or banged up being raped within 24 hours .

Honestly ELC, it’s like choosing between a seagull shitting on your head or stepping in dog shit, both are cunts. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
6 minutes ago, peglegtwo said:

The European Jews did not fight back .Their leaders told them to take it and smile .That started with wearing yellow stars to living in ghettos going peacefully to concentration camps, helping to run the concentration camps even killing other jews. Most people who died in concentration camps died of disease / the elements not the gas chambers. More Catholics & Protestants died in concentration camps then the jew .

Not entirely sure from where you're getting your facts .That those in camps died of hunger , maltreatment and disease rather than being gassed doesn't excuse those responsible for putting them there in the  first place .The polish Jews fought with bravery in the ghetto uprising and also in the RAF ,The polish squadrons  were legendary.  Infact I think it was a polish spitfire pilot who had the most kills in the conflict. Do not forget the European  Jews were unarmed,  what could they do other than hope for the best .

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21 minutes ago, Eddie said:

You’re right of course, but with their history you wouldn’t have thought they wouldn’t behave like nazis now, the big nose cunts.

Hey Eddie is it true that they invented white chocolate so black kids could get messy faces too? Asking for a friend! 

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Guest entitled little cunt
6 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Have you seen the way they treat Christian priests in Israel? Spat at in the street, stoned, land bought up through dodgy deals so they can be expelled from their historic quarters within Jerusalem. And that's not to mention how they treat the Christian Palestinians.

The only people safe in Israel are other Jews, they're a virulently xenophobic race and if you think that they would accept a load of Christian westerners with open arms you're more naive and uniformed than I could ever have assumed.

That being said, I wouldn't want to live in any Muslim Shithole there either.

Tel Aviv is a cosmopolitan city .

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Guest entitled little cunt
6 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Honestly ELC, it’s like choosing between a seagull shitting on your head or stepping in dog shit, both are cunts. 

I do agree. That's religion for you .It ruins people .

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4 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Not entirely sure from where you're getting your facts .That those in camps died of hunger , maltreatment and disease rather than being gassed doesn't excuse those responsible for putting them there in the  first place .The polish Jews fought with bravery in the ghetto uprising and also in the RAF ,The polish squadrons  were legendary.  Infact I think it was a polish spitfire pilot who had the most kills in the conflict. Do not forget the European  Jews were unarmed,  what could they do other than hope for the best .

303 squadron. Hurricane jockeys. The most dogfight kills for any squadron active in the Battle of Britain. They were all Polish. Not all Jewish though.

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

303 squadron. Hurricane jockeys. The most dogfight kills for any squadron active in the Battle of Britain. 

Thankyou .

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2 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Thankyou .

I had to sit through hours of similar stories as a kid. My grandad was in the RFC from the twenties, and the RAF through WW2. He bumped into Douglas Bader at Biggin Hill and thought he was a bit of a cunt.

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50 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

There's a lot of recent posts insinuating  the Jews were only victims in WW2.I dont think anyone on here , including me have any idea what life was like back  then .With the lifestyles we have enjoyed I dont think it's right for anyone on here to label the Jews cowards .Trying walking around military cemetery both in the UK and in Normandy , you'll see a lot of star of David's so keep your idiot opinions to yourselves.The American cemetery near Cambridge is a good place to start for a history lesson.Have a read up on the Warsaw ghetto uprising as well .It's always the same cunts ,they know who they are . The usual  fucking suspects.  Nothing  but  fucking bluster  .You think you know it all but you know absolutely  nothing.Older generations have spoken face to face with those who were there and seen the tattoos on the arms of concentration camp victims  so maybe you'd be better improving your knowledge of history and learning a bit of fucking respect .

elc, you're trying to be the knight in shining armour again, aren't you? When @Wolfie rightly asked you for facts and statistics to back up your racist rants a while ago, you had none. You carried on and on repeating the same shit you heard and didn't know if it was true or not, it obvious you've tried to play to certains crowds here. You've now taken it upon yourself to step in again, like you did for Pen and take the blows like some spastic superhero... You utter fucking cunt and hypocrite to boot. 



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Guest entitled little cunt
1 minute ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

elc, you're trying to be the knight in shining armour again, aren't you? When @Wolfie rightly asked you for facts and statistics to back up your racist rants a while ago, you had none. You carried on and on repeating the same shit you heard and didn't know if it was true or not, it obvious you've tried to play to certains crowds here. You've now taken it upon yourself to step in again, like you did for Pen and take the blows like some spastic superhero... You utter fucking cunt and hypocrite to boot. 

You pathetic cunt. 


Do you have any comment in regards  to the actual  post?.You're constructive involvement would be appreciated  by me and everyone else.  

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1 minute ago, entitled little cunt said:

Do you have any comment in regards  to the actual  post?.You're constructive involvement would be appreciated  by me and everyone else.  

Genuine question, most people died of typhoid, starvation, shot or general vile treatment, however has the gas chamber solution even been validated beyond doubt? 

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