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Dyslexic cnut

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Everything posted by Dyslexic cnut

  1. Incidentally, old Hefty-Hampton had better watch it’s step with me. That P.I. mate of mine, who tracked Frank down, used to be a boss for BTP and I have a file from him which explains the real reason why it was ‘required to resign’ several years ago. It made me sick reading what the cunt had been up to. A man of his age too.
  2. Fuck her and her super-schlonged lapdog cunt of a mate.
  3. Reported. Oblique racism.
  4. Fuck off and die you grassing snide.
  5. Odd name, for a 15 year old, black, male YTS, but you’re probably right.
  6. As opposed to what…’azure oranges?’ You superfluous, illiterate pseud troll.
  7. Dyslexic cnut


    It took a private investigator all of two hours to locate the only ‘new office in Westbourne Grove’ with a ‘rear reception’. Here we have it. @Frank…you’re a busted flush. You peddle cheap syrups to like-minded slap-headed wankers and have had temerity to mince around this site for years, purporting to be a man of means. Be gone. https://www.trendco.co.uk/index.php?option=com_phocamaps&view=map&id=7&Itemid=1933 https://www.trendco.co.uk/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=category&virtuemart_category_id=40&virtuemart_manufacturer_id=0&Itemid=1424
  8. You stupid fucking cocked-cunt.
  9. Pointless, useless snidey cunt. Fuck off, permanently.
  10. Why are you still here? What’s the point?
  11. Begging the site’s geriatric tranny for assistance? Is that what you’ve become. Look your children in the eyes.
  12. Save this place @Ape™️…it’s as shite as I’ve seen it.
  13. Return of the Wrong’un. Fuck off and die, preferably by falling off that roof.
  14. Take it from me, due to her pallor, odds on it’s musty.
  15. My middle-fingers work well, Billy. I used them last night when Klopp was giving his latest whining interview after the slaughter at Analfield.
  16. I’m seeing a specialist then, Raaso. I’ve got some kind of osteo-arthritis in my forefingers, which is hardly surprising given their historical activities.
  17. Offended and wounded by the opinion of a Muslim cabbie? Fucking pair of fat cunts. I’d happily hack the abhorration out of the warped bull dyke’s womb with a red hot wire coat hanger dipped in acid. It would save a lot of trouble and costs to the NHS and therefore all of us.
  18. They don’t live long apparently. Imagine…two periods a month and a double menopause? Mrs Cnut will be lucky to survive her first psycho-cycle. She’s an utter cuntess right now that swings between Cruella Deville and Linda Lovelace with no clue or warning as to which.
  19. Unless he’s ‘avionics’ that won’t be a problem for Uncle @Ape™️.
  20. Dyslexic cnut


    Good morning. I’m genuinely hoping that at some time later today I’ll get to see you at last, preferably pink and covered in gravy and mint sauce. Fuck off.
  21. Tell Billy, she’d be his top earner. All joking aside…twats her name?
  22. Thank fuck for that. I’ll tell you something, Doc, and I’ll tell you nothing less, I’m as bored as a menstruating hooker on here these days. I was toying with the idea of going back to war with @Old Chap Raasclaat again, posting something else chronic or, God forbid, feigning affection again for @Frank, just to get some blood stirring vitriol and filthy viciousness back in this place. To be honest, I think it would be too obvious these days. Well, no need now because when that Wolf cunt finishes mowing the lawn the Sabbath should warm up nicely. I’m nipping out for popcorn now and I hope he’s been at the cider today…buckle-up…buttercup.
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