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Everything posted by Roadkill

  1. You've all been a bit wank lately. You all know it's the truth. Not me, of course, but the rest of you have been shit.
  2. Quite the U turn from old Stevie these days. Some hilarious casual racism in his earlier stuff, too. He's been complete shit for the last decade or so, though. I'd say Under the Dome was the last time he really put effort in.
  3. We got a fancy new bus station in North Shields. Very fancy - plants and a paved courtyard outside -although people will inevitably be raped in the transgender toilets. Birmingham won't have any new bus stations for the foreseeable future. Lol. I'm not that experienced at looking down my nose at other places...
  4. Fuck off! I'm not dealing with the smell of fold mushrooms and caked on toilet roll.
  5. Fucking hell, I wish I'd taken that order I gave you and @Old Chap Raasclaat to kill this cunt when you were bairns more seriously. I'll sacrifice a chicken doon the pit tomorrow, see if coal spirits can make any progress rotting his guts out of his arsehole. You just keep hitting the fucker for now and try not to get bored.
  6. Just think about it. The England woman's national team, proudly sponsored by Bailey's or Terry's Chocolate Orange, marching onto the converted Unicorns & Butterflies nursery car park (because would they fuck know how to book a real stadium) with such legends as Auntie Violet who's a bit senile and arthritic, but wanted to spend some time with the girl's to get over the death of her Edward and Julie Shelton, who doesn't have legs anymore on account of the diabetes, but crafts lovely Christmas cards every year and makes sure the bairns always get a fiver in theirs. Ooh! And our Janet is going to be head coach for today because she just got promoted at Superdrug and everyone is so proud of her! You know... Despite all the trouble she's been having "down there" lately.
  7. He's still fucked. There's clearly an agenda at play here and they aren't going to let pissy little things like video evidence stop them (unless it's their video evidence which they can add their own context to). It's already widely being brushed off as simply a delayed reaction to the horrible, unspeakable trauma by the thousands across social media who claim to also be abuse victims and apparently had the exact same reaction after their totally real encounter that they're entirely happy to talk about with strangers online. I say they remove all male influence from female sport entirely to stop such outrage in the future. Give them some Chinese eunuchs to carry the heavy stuff and drive the bus and let management, coaching and scouting all be done by women. It'd be fucking hilarious.
  8. I think she's just looking for an excuse to put that weird restriction she had on you a while back - where you couldn't post without her approving it first. Might be wrong but you could be walking right into a trap.
  9. Thing is she's clocked on that this is getting her more attention, she clearly didn't give a shit about it when it happened, but some cunt later on obviously made her aware of the opportunity she'd been gifted. She's 33, probably only got a few more declining years in the game until she's forced out of it and loses whatever little relevance she has - at the very least she's secured herself a lifetime position as a spokeswoman in the sport, probably a management career in the future, fuck knows how many offers of interviews and deals from documentary makers or writers wanting to tell her story - and all its cost is the reputation of a mediocre, male ex footballer who had the audacity to try and defend himself against the media outrage juggernaut.
  10. You're saying they used laser satellites on Maui? Surely any supervillain worth his salt would understand the greater practicality of sharks with laser cannons on their heads in such a tropical area. Admittedly they'd need robot legs and breathing helmets, but that would only add to the terror. I'm not saying the idea of corruption is ridiculous, considering the rumors of corporate and private money getting shoved in the faces of the locals for their land it's clearly valuable real estate and a lot of entities are going to benefit from the devastation and the place will most likely end up being rebuilt as a gigantic billionaire holiday resort in the future - just that the same results could easily be caused by corrupt officials deliberately neglecting their responsibilities for a cut of said billions. It makes more sense than fucking space lasers. Fucking space lasers. You div, Billy
  11. Well one thing is certain - all Putin had to do was claim Zelensky fingered his daughters and the West would have fucking helped him. Clearly this is more important than the largest conflict on European soil since WW2.
  12. Oh dear. Looks like the Spanish ladies are getting all Suffragette. They've just taken collective offense at a playground level peck on the mouth inflicted by obvious sexual deviant Luis Rubials during the victory celebrations. As you can see by the footage included, victim Jenni Hermoso was clearly distraught by what was clearly an act of aggressive and public rape. Naturally, given that they've won a tiny bit of relevance in the world of football with their victory, the Spanish woman's team has already declared their intention to cease playing for the national team until this terrible injustice is corrected. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-66627081 I wonder whose reputation and career our lot would have destroyed with completely unnecessary public decelerations of outrage for innocent displays of affection during the celebrations?
  13. I highly doubt the Yanks would stand for any former president to be put behind bars. Considering his spacker horde stormed their own seat of government when he lost last time fuck knows what'll happen if they try and actually jail the orange cunt. They might still try it, but it'll undoubtedly be seen as some form of oppression or political elimination by his sheep and the opposition wankers wouldn't be able to stop themselves having smug little digs and one liners about the whole situation, setting off more riots and claims of outrage. These fuckers have only got themselves to blame - if they'd stayed a good little colony they would still have our shit government, but they wouldn't be allowed to play with guns and they'd not have to sell their homes every time they get a rash or have their foreskins cut off at birth because the Kellogg's cornflakes cunt didn't like the idea of them passing the time with a good wank.
  14. None of them dropped a stillborn in the excitement, so I think they've done very well indeed.
  15. Me and a user before your time going by Wizardsleeve once had a lively debate over Margot Robbie. I thought she had Brendan Frasier eyes (still do), then he posted this image of her: https://zepto.scrolller.com/margot-robbie-nude-350sey1z8o.jpg Old Wiz won that argument.
  16. I like how the contamination was only noticed when actual human beings from outside Sunderland were brought in. The Mackems themselves built up a tolerance for swimming in shit generations ago.
  17. That's my house you senile cunt. Kindly stop shitting on my driveway or I'm going to forcefully cross breed you with a Toyota fucking Prius. I'm in battery mode. You won't hear me coming.
  18. So does this mean Peter Dinkledge is the Dwarf King and his word is law? Or is Warick Davis going to put him back in his place by breaking his tiny legs with a little sledgehammer?
  19. Only saw a bit of the first episode of SNW. Can't really hold much of a judgement other than I've never felt compelled to go back to it. Only went back to Picard because @Eric Cuntman started gushing over it making me rethink my theory that @Decimus was just trying to kill me inside by tricking me into watching more.
  20. I prefer Biden and Trump eating Spaghetti:
  21. That's what he gets for driving a Jeep. I can't believe the cunts bashed Raffy and Seven of Nine together like a pair of LGBT Barbie dolls just to give her shite character more weight. Five minutes with Worf and she's absorbed a lifetime of Klingon fighting techniques as well, AND she's back in Starfleet despite being a dirty druggy. I wonder what she'll find to be oppressed about next season?
  22. Yeah. Cunt made it to President. He has all the nuclear wessels now.
  23. That season of Picard was actually good. Forgot what good Trek felt like for the longest time. Most of it was just fan service though - the fact that all of these well past their best actors can just show up after years away from the camera and outshine the majority of these new cunts shows a worrying trend in the industry, also the plot (which I had down by episode fucking 4, as you can see) was entertaining but very predictable for a seasoned Trekky. The Titan's bridge crew were utter shite apart from LaForge and Shaw. Rest of them seemed to think they were all playing Vulcans, apart from the Vulcan who was showing enough emotion to get cunts concerned if she was Spok. Enjoyable, nostalgic experience. Every cunt likes a cameo, but I doubt they'll be able to keep the momentum for the next season without the old crew. Of course cunts liked this season - it was basically a TNG spinoff miniseries.
  24. Isn't the missus a Mackem? If it's owt valuable she'll be long gone before you have any idea what it was. You really shouldn't teach them how to drive.
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