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Earl of Punkape

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Everything posted by Earl of Punkape

  1. You shouldn’t be listening to football... you should be ironing, cooking or cleaning you slovenly old witch.
  2. Your other 2 are presumably model cars to accompany your model helicopters 🚁 🚁 🚁 You fucking imbecile..
  3. How to create division, resentment and anarchy by the Marxist led Mr Dion Dublin.
  4. Most angry of the Millwall footballers was Mr Mahlon Romeo, who was initially shepherded away from talking to the press.He later told reporters that the game had “become irrelevant” and that the fans had disrespected him and the club. What else did he possibly expect at bloody Millwall for pity’s sake ? Perhaps this would be an opportunity for Mr Romeo to give up his huge salary and work at a charitable foundation to prevent his fellow black youths from stabbing each other, distributing hard drugs, desecrating the Cenotaph and howling and mewling of the death of a career criminal in America.
  5. I wouldn’t be seen dead at the BBC. The Angolan was probably a homosexual asylum seeker shortly to provide succour and sucker to your civil partner..
  6. Why? You can’t afford to send your children away to school. They would be bullied and beaten up from a background like yours... lol.
  7. They had a complete spastic on Question Time a few weeks ago and the programme was turned into utter farce by facial contortions, mangled extortions and gibberish.
  8. Put a link up to the subject mentioned you lazy wanker.
  9. Priority list should be.. 1. Public school alumni and those who are currently at public schools (We run the country). 2. All golfers at private golf clubs. 3. Samantha Fox.
  10. Are Megan and Harry going?
  11. Why no mention of the fact that Tom Bradby attended a public school then you can put more apoplexy into your dismal rhetoric.
  12. Have you ordered your turkey yet peasant?
  13. Rashford isn’t on the shortlist.
  14. The BBC Sports Personality of the Yearaward has now descended into confusion and then farce after the corporation rejected a demand from the world heavyweight champion Tyson Fury to be taken off its shortlist. They don’t like being snubbed do they?
  15. Well the BBC are looking a proper set of cunts as Tyson Fury has politely told them to remove him from their ridiculous shortlist for SPOTY wokefest bollocks. Good man ! lol.
  16. It’s sad enough that you watch bog roll adverts on the tv yet even sadder that you have to pass comment on them like some gormless special needs fuckwit in a day centre....
  17. Thanks for the coverage from our resident inhouse prostitution expert and small time underworld operative..
  18. Of course you can you thick marmoset. Catholicism is a religion not a race. All are welcome with appropriate instruction. You would be difficult case to assimilate however with your ingrained depravity and dreadful upbringing.
  19. He became a Catholic despite being born a Jew.
  20. You’re probably full of AIDS Herpees and Hepatitis... Fuck off.
  21. You wouldn’t get into my golf club because you’re an underclass oik.
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