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White Cunt

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Everything posted by White Cunt

  1. I beg to differ: a speculative domain at best these days. The only part of a truly capitalistic behaviour is perhaps a building activity with a profit, and that’s about it.
  2. You would think that on island/s with 67 million people, few trees and animals left, we should stop animal and habitat torture & extermination. That is just not the case; not yet, anyway.
  3. Bravo. I’m all for private initiative. A number of mini electrocutions is always a good start for those savvy tinkerers: illuminating the simple fact that humans are not immune to electricity, even when fully lubricated with a crate of White Lightning.
  4. Fucking hell, G. You make it sound like you are in Ethiopia rather than fat cunt central - UK plc. The twenty minutes of twitter aerobics will not make the bastards drop dead from starvation outside a Red Cross soup kitchen - maybe burn twenty calories before inevitable top up of two thousand - without counting a deep fried “desert”.
  5. What’s the problem, Withers? You filthy bastards couldn’t tell a sewer from a stream. I’m shocked someone had noticed. https://www.cleanriverstrust.co.uk/the-seine-a-capital-sewer/
  6. We are under siege, Panz. But by the look of things, your gutters are overflowing with these very in-demand “workers”.😂 https://extra.ie/2018/11/07/business/unemployment-rate-higher-african-migrants
  7. Not only regimes but also western monopolies. Look at the cunts moaning about about lack of jobs, poor quality of chink products, etc, yet the same twats buy the garbage by weight from Amazon and other “retailers”. Meanwhile, hardly any man can fix simple issues around the house and finding well trained tradesmen and engineers for the industry and domestic needs’ is getting harder.
  8. I think you will find that generations of cross breeding with root vegetables is in no way allied to any nation but to a particular ph of the local top soil.
  9. I must admit, I read the nom’s title as “Condoms in Popcorn” - thought surprising, yet not really much of a shocker, given the pedo/deviated sexual goings on these days, which we are all witnessing with disgust everywhere.
  10. 5 miles out of Dublin circa 2030.
  11. No. I would have preferred it in the late eighties.
  12. White Cunt


    Well put, RK. Provided, you can get the cunts to actually do some work, rather than rape and pillage.
  13. That’s terrible news, Frank. Do you think you can reliably offshore your wigs’ maintenance costs?
  14. I very much doubt it, R. The nimby brigade is adequately greased to deal with the issues as such in a quiet, under the radar manner. People usually find out about the latest dumping, when the load is already there. And in reality, they can do precious little about it without an army of well paid solicitors.
  15. Those brutes are beginning their collapse phase; old and shrinking in numbers, whatever comes out of that rats’ maze will be very brief.
  16. The home office has a knack at dumping large volumes of migrants in the most impoverished parts of the country. It can only get worse. I forgot about the incoming tinkering with power supplies this winter. The north is not so balmy, even with the climate nouveau.
  17. They have also spawned a network of control of ports in the West, which is not only very risky for trade but military security as well. The West will have to do some house cleaning, if we want our independence back. https://www.freightwaves.com/news/experts-warn-of-chinas-influence-at-us-ports https://thediplomat.com/2021/12/chinas-growing-dominance-in-maritime-shipping/ https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/comment/germany-out-to-reduce-reliance-on-china-416585 Slope modus operandi in resource-rich poor countries: https://www.globalwitness.org/en/campaigns/natural-resource-governance/myanmars-poisoned-mountains/
  18. They do act in their own interest and fuck everybody else - to a point, but so do every country including us. But as countries don’t operate in isolation, they need alliances with other for various reasons: security, trade, etc. America is no different in this aspect and always positions herself to maximise profits, security and power. What is worrying, in my opinion, is the level of foreign influence in not only the US but all western nations is China - their super corrupt ways which infiltrated all developed countries, and with the use of bribes and blackmail, they bent companies and politicians to their will. The vermin want to be the top dog to protect their influence and wealth amassed during the rise of China, particularly since the 2000, when they joined the WTO. People focus on Klaus Schwab and other freaks. But who really wants the straight jacket, inhumane rules to control the society?
  19. All governments are corrupt; anyone thinking that is not the case should have their head examined. What matters to the people of the nations is the quality of life they have after the different level of skimming the economy leaves the core to the public. I have traveled Eastern Europe in the eighties and witnessed enough shoddiness, waste, incompetence and drunken "directors" in charge of the general miasma to last me a lifetime. So yes - I had met a lot of commies in my time and think very little of them. The top layers strip what they can get away with (there is not much as people do precious little of anything and the state is flooded with useless jobs), while providing no incentive to the workers to perform better, besides allowing copious amounts of cheap booze, cigarettes and Trotter Towers accommodation waiting lists. Creativeness has no value, hard work doesn't pay and personal hygiene is optional. I forgot the endless queues for essentials. Have you spent months in any commie country? Have you met real communists in charge of industries?
  20. You are a tasty little target there, SC. The slope armada will whittle away the problematic island next door and move promptly onto your lot - a fruity real gem. It shouldn’t be too painful as they already own a large chunk of your industries and property, and your government is as corrupt and malleable as the current Biden offal, so there won’t be much resistance bar a lonely politician in the dark. Becoming a member of a commie party may be a great chess position for those with little brains and huge ambitions. Forget cricket- shitting pants should be the new national sport.
  21. Just an example of how unpredictable sun activity can be, yet scientists seem surprised. https://www.cnet.com/science/space/suns-upcoming-peak-of-sunspot-and-solar-flare-activity-could-set-records/ If the hot blasts are extremely severe for several years, besides an effect on electronics, we may have a drastically reduced food production and what we know goes with it. In the UK, even though we have plenty of rainfall combined, the distribution infrastructure is simply not there to spread it around and no investment was made on the scale that is crucial for water security. Add to it other get rich quick schemes in the water industry which were taking place since the early nineties when water was privatised - now that the chickens are coming home to roost, the knobs in charge are blaming previous idiots and the farmers and the public who “uses too much water”. No one will point the finger at the long (often foreign investment funds and governments) robbery and investment neglect. I want them dead first.
  22. The democrats have become more fascists than deranged commies. Just look at their war mongering. And I would say it’s more like chairman Mao disaster economics than anything close to Marxism.
  23. No need to dump organic waste. Planes should be loaded with locally produced, micronised Fentanyl - evenly diffused over the cities. I am disappointed in the CCP for not being super inventive in that area.
  24. They are trying their best to provoke the people and/or eliminate Trump via deception of some kind.
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