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Lin Homer (Chief executive of HMRC)


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Many of you will not of heard of her but you will do....she is without the biggest cunt to have ever walked gods green earth.

This fucker has heaped misery on many of you though you wouldn't know it  through oppressive and invasive methods to get your tax while letting of all the fat cats and greedy rich cunts get away with paying their fair share. Take a look at the HSBC scandal at the moment to see what an inept and incompetent cunt this detritus is. The woman is one big failure to another ie Birmingham Postal Vote Scandal  in which she was in charge of the council, to the Borders Agency fiasco where all sorts of scandals happened on her watch...to this tax avoidance scandal. She's a fucking train wreck. A complete and utter cunt to the n'th degree.


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Imagine the jolly japes that might ensue if one got the word 'nematode' mixed up with the game show title 'Name a Toad.

Or CatchAIDS with Catchphrase. The name of the game being you have to spend 24 hours with your arse pressed against a glory hole in a cottaging hotspot down Brighton way and hope the Gods are smiling upon you.
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Or CatchAIDS with Catchphrase. The name of the game being you have to spend 24 hours with your arse pressed against a glory hole in a cottaging hotspot down Brighton way and hope the Gods are smiling upon you.

It's good but it's not right Deco

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Guest JackoTC

Imagine the jolly japes that might ensue if one got the word 'nematode' mixed up with the game show title 'Name a Toad.



Or CatchAIDS with Catchphrase. The name of the game being you have to spend 24 hours with your arse pressed against a glory hole in a cottaging hotspot down Brighton way and hope the Gods are smiling upon you.



Indeed....'Question of Spurt'; that's another one, along similar lines



You get nothing in this game for two in a bed.

Dare I suggest "The Bristol Maze" where you are blindfolded and are forced to make your way through a hazard of topless, big titted amazons. Who are perhaps oiled up. In a hedge thing. With some big bald dude egging you on.

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Dare I suggest "The Bristol Maze" where you are blindfolded and are forced to make your way through a hazard of topless, big titted amazons. Who are perhaps oiled up. In a hedge thing. With some big bald dude egging you on.


multiple quoting is like sending a round-robin Jacko. Cuntish.

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I can't believe that this is passing by almost unnoticed. People should be demonstrating in the streets. Joe soap , unemployed from Salford fraudulently claims £8,000 , gets found out and does 6 months of a mandatory one year sentence. Lord muck fraudulently evades paying £250,000 tax per year and nothing happens. This murky HSBC breaks the surface and we continue jailing the poor. Fucking absurdly unjust.

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Guest cuntcrapper

Saw this Rat faced old Bitch on BBC Parliament, with Ma Hodge the £17m Zionist Harpie taunting her. The old bitch (Homer) looked properly pissed off and is obviously used to screwing, rather than being screwed. She's obviously an accomplished liar and definitely deserves a visit from Isis.


She'll probably get imported into the Conservative Team soon as Treasurer, when they kick old 'Ratfink' out for shooting his gob off last week. Homer and May - lovely ring to it!


They'd make a great pair with looks suiting a soggy tampon with drawstrings.

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