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Cunting Diana's cunting funeral


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The only thing in my defence, Jackers, is that I was heavily inebriated at the time. That and the fact Diana was a fucking despicable, privileged, toff cunt. Voted number 2 on the list of greatest ever Britons? Shows what a fucking boot licking bunch of brainwashed serf's the majority of this country still are. What did she ever do beyond marry an inbred Nazi, breed two more inbred Nazi leeches, fucked every single nationality under the sun and get herself fucking killed. And for this she was voted second greatest Briton. Fucking diabolical.

Who the fuck was number 1 then, Katie fucking Price?


On which note, I have little doubt that Harvey would make a better King than anything Diana shat out of her well-fisted vagina.

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Who the fuck was number 1 then, Katie fucking Price?

On which note, I have little doubt that Harvey would make a better King than anything Diana shat out of her well-fisted vagina.

That would be an interesting notion. King Harvey conducting international diplomacy on a throne that doubles as a commode. The knighting ceremony would turn into a fucking massacre with him waving a sword around with all the brute strength of enraged bull elephant.
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The only thing in my defence, Jackers, is that I was heavily inebriated at the time. That and the fact Diana was a fucking despicable, privileged, toff cunt. Voted number 2 on the list of greatest ever Britons? Shows what a fucking boot licking bunch of brainwashed serf's the majority of this country still are. What did she ever do beyond marry an inbred Nazi, breed two more inbred Nazi leeches, fucked every single nationality under the sun and get herself fucking killed. And for this she was voted second greatest Briton. Fucking diabolical. On a lighter note, I'm half a bottle of bells down and grinning like Tony Blackburn. I might go ahead and post something about the Queen Mother stinking of piss.

Isn't she gone off yet? I though the thick cunt had expired a while ago. But then again, these cunts have the genome of four pairs max, so who knows what effects this might have on a corpse. Old Ma might even be pregnant now.
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Yes, I've been called a funny cunt once or twice. And you never see me and Frankie Boyle in the same room together - just saying...

I'm pretty fucking sure I know who Cuntybaws is...

And yes Diana was a cunt, not intentionally, because I happen to know she was actually a very nice lady. But an ignorant cunt all the same.

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Guest Gong Farmer

I had nothing against her to be honest but I thought the press coverage was totally over the top and the way the public reacted to her death was unbelievable.

It's called 'herd mentality' and is well known in psychology circles. In fact the 'herd mentality' is taken advantaged of by governments to keep us obedient to the system. That's  how they can get us to fight wars and do as we're fucking told because we are  herd animals by nature. Anyone that doesn't conform or ceases to be obedient is deemed to a trouble maker and at odds with the rest of society and therefore antisocial and anti establishment because they say so and then can convince the rest of society that they should also treat nonconformist as  antisocial and anti establishment. Hence you are one fucking hard unfeeling cunt if you don't join the herd in crying about the death of a relative stranger that you've never met.

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It's called 'herd mentality' and is well known in psychiatry circles. In fact the 'herd mentality' is taken advantaged of by governments to keep us obedient to the system. That's  how they can get us to fight wars and do as we're fucking told because we are  herd animals by nature. Anyone that doesn't conform or ceases to be obedient is deemed to a trouble maker and at odds with the rest of society and therefore antisocial and anti establishment because they say so and then can convince the rest of society that they should also treat nonconformist as  antisocial and anti establishment. Hence you are one fucking hard unfeeling cunt if you don't join the herd in crying about the death of a relative stranger that you've never met.


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It's called 'herd mentality' and is well known in psychiatry circles. In fact the 'herd mentality' is taken advantaged of by governments to keep us obedient to the system. That's  how they can get us to fight wars and do as we're fucking told because we are  herd animals by nature. Anyone that doesn't conform or ceases to be obedient is deemed to a trouble maker and at odds with the rest of society and therefore antisocial and anti establishment because they say so and then can convince the rest of society that they should also treat nonconformist as  antisocial and anti establishment. Hence you are one fucking hard unfeeling cunt if you don't join the herd in crying about the death of a relative stranger that you've never met.

It was an appalling spectacle. Cringe making and embarrassing to watch.
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Guest Gong Farmer

It was an appalling spectacle. Cringe making and embarrassing to watch.

You can't say that you antisocial, anti establishment nonconformist you. You'll blab with everyone else and like it.

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1st of all let me put a couple of things on record:

1)Diana was a publicity seeking mess, who had she lived, had the potential to undermine the monarchy to such a degree the whole sorry farce could have been consigned to the historical sewer any intelligent and fair society surely would have consigned it to by now.

2)Diana was essentially kind hearted.

Anyway: The night she sucked her last off-white cock I had returned home at about 4 am, and was really drunk. I had a habit of always reading the Ceefax headlines before going to bed. When I read something about a royal death I was genuinely ecstatic. I assumed it was the Queen Mother, who I genuinely despised. Imagine my disappointment.... etc

About 3 days later I was walking my soft as shite Doberman, she was off the lead, on a field with nocunt to be seen. As we left the field, I was about to put her on the lead when I noticed
a trolley from the local Spar. Being a public spirited cunt I decided to push it the quarter of a mile back to the shop, which meant I had to trust the dog to walk off the lead...99/100 she'd have behaved herself. On this occasion she took it upon herself to run up to a fat old cunt walking a terrier and bark at them, in a not very aggressive manner. The woman walking the terrier started shouting at me:" That dog should be on a lead, it's a danger" etfuckingc. Annoyed to fuck at her reaction I came out with some shite about doing my bit for the neighborhood and not having enough hands to push a trolley and walk a dog. At which point she walked over, patted me on the arm and said: "It's alright love, we've all been under a lot of pressure". It took me a couple of seconds before I realised she was banging on about fucking Diana. It was possibly the only time in my life that I have been genuinely offended. How dare she make such assumptions?

Anyway, the next day the funeral was all over the telly. So, I decided to avoid the whole shitslop. I might have watched some of it, but I saw somecunt on the morning news, who had queued up all night to stand at the side of the road to mourn somecunt who'd never heard of him, say:" None of our lives will ever be the same again." GET RIGHT TO FUCK!!!

So, I decided to take the dog for a huge walk. As we crossed the cricket field and passed through the gate leading to the church, the church bells started tolling. Just as I started cursing not bring able to get away from it all, the dog started having a massive shite on a grave. Normally I would have picked it up, but somehow it seemed apt to leave it there. And since the last member of the Coverdale family appeared to have been buried in 1933, I didn't think anycunt would mind.

That is so funny

It appears that a few people off CC were actually drunk that night. I just wish I could remember what front garden I was passed out in when  it happened.

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Guest DingTheRioja

The only thing in my defence, Jackers, is that I was heavily inebriated at the time. That and the fact Diana was a fucking despicable, privileged, toff cunt. Voted number 2 on the list of greatest ever Britons? Shows what a fucking boot licking bunch of brainwashed serf's the majority of this country still are. What did she ever do beyond marry an inbred Nazi, breed two more inbred Nazi leeches, fucked every single nationality under the sun and get herself fucking killed. And for this she was voted second greatest Briton. Fucking diabolical. On a lighter note, I'm half a bottle of bells down and grinning like Tony Blackburn. I might go ahead and post something about the Queen Mother stinking of piss.


I didn't know the nazi's bred ginga's..?


Don't know what she saw in Charles to be honest.


A free ride and a big fucking crown?


Better than working in a creche or whatever the fuck she was doing for a "career"...

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Guest judgetwi

The atmosphere of hysteria at the time was quite something to behold. I remember you had to be careful who you whispered disparaging remarks to, otherwise you would be in big fucking trouble. It must have been like that in Nazi Germany when you were bursting to tell someone a great joke about Hitler's little winkle. Women in particular were absolutely overcome and prone to start crying for no reason at all. You definitely couldn't tell any gags about the posh scrubber's overactive fanny to them for fear of being physically attacked. You really had to be there to believe it. The power of the media to get into thick cunts' empty brains never ceases to amaze me. However, what really winds me up is the fact that Phoney Tony had her murdered and walked away from it. No wonder he went on to do what he fucking liked. I reckon he learned some valuable lessons that week. Cunt.

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