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Jib Jab

Guest Bill Stickers

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Guest nobgobbler

​Actually Gobble's, Jib Jab has the makings of being quite something, if only it was updated and kept more recent in terms of the options it currently offers. The music options for example are very limited and amount to less than a dozen choices. 

​That's what I thought. Not a farting nun in sight!

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Guest Snatch

The only blessing with Jazz's JibJab bollocks is that you have to actually click on the link to watch it.

Unlike his drawings. Then you have no choice but to see the shite everytime you open a nom.

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Guest Snatch

​Much the same as your posts then, together with the other Bozo's. You can imagine what I have to endure. 


​Am I officially a Bozo now? Wow,I'm so excited.

Now fuck off you prick.

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Guest Bill Stickers

​Much the same as your posts then, together with the other Bozo's. You can imagine what I have to endure. 

Jazz, let me try and explain something to you once and for all.

I dislike you because you are not offensive. I come here to see the cunts of the world, and by extension the users of this site, get mercilessly destroyed.

 You are a cunt. Decimus is a cunt. I am a cunt, so we are fair game. If someone takes me to task for being a cunt, and verbally annihilates me, it pleases me. I take my hat off to them and enjoy their company here.

You though, have failed yet to provide any substantial offensive or intelligent humour. Bozo and Jib Jab do nothing for me. You offend me because you do not offend anyone.

I'm here for the big game hunting. But you are not big game. You are more like a small mouse that has been stealing morsels of food in my kitchen - too easy to trap and destroy to be considered fun. Indeed I quite pity the mouse, and wish we had simply never had to cross paths.


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​Bloomin heck! You don't half kid yourself-up, don't you. Go play with mice in your kitchen.

You are, and shall forever remain, a small-fry Bozo. Am I bovvered if that offends you or not? Am I fuck.

Thanks for your attempt to try and explain things to me. Seriously, ta for that.  

Would a customised jib jab video of you hanging yourself help to explain the utter fucking disdain Stickers and numerous others hold you in?

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Guest Bill Stickers

​Bloomin heck! You don't half kid yourself-up, don't you. Go play with mice in your kitchen.

You are, and shall forever remain, a small-fry Bozo. Am I bovvered if that offends you or not? Am I fuck.

Thanks for your attempt to try and explain things to me. Seriously, ta for that.  

I waste my time clicking through to here from the notification, only to be called a bozo again. 

All you have done is proved my point in sublime fashion:

 You are simply a minor nuisance on this site, despite your sincerest efforts to offend.


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Guest Bill Stickers

Would a customised jib jab video of you hanging yourself help to explain the utter fucking disdain Stickers and numerous others hold you in?

Perhaps this is the only way to communicate with the cunt. "When in Rome", as they say.

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​Oh do come now, you smart arse. Surely you are capable of doing a Jib Jab on my behalf. 

​If anyone is soft enough to fork out the $18 fucking dollars these cunts want for a "membership" in order to oblige you I'll be mildly surprised.

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​If anyone is soft enough to fork out the $18 fucking dollars these cunts want for a "membership" in order to oblige you I'll be mildly surprised.

Fuck me he pays for it as well? I didn't think my opinion of you could get any lower jizzlecakes, but you constantly succeed in inching it further down. Since your membership of the site has only provided Profb with entertainment thus far, I suggest that she gives you a full refund out of her disability living allowance.

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... OH and another by the way, how many of you tossers donate money to this site? Or truly donate ANYTHING at all for that matter...

Not quite sure, really, that information like that should be aired publicly Jizz me old foil-hatted son. I certainly don't want it out there whether I have or not, nor do I give a fuck whether anyone else has.

What does that matter, incidentally?

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Not quite sure, really, that information like that should be aired publicly Jizz me old foil-hatted son. I certainly don't want it out there whether I have or not, nor do I give a fuck whether anyone else has.

What does that matter, incidentally?

He's not renowned for being discreet, Nocs. He's so far dished out his full name, business information, contact details and address. Of course to hear him tell the story, these were "hacked" from this site, even though it does not request, or hold any personal information other than a registration email address. This stupid cunt has left a trail of breadcrumbs so fucking clear that Stevie Wonder could follow it.

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Guest Bill Stickers

... OH and another by the way, how many of you tossers donate money to this site? Or truly donate ANYTHING at all for that matter...

​I was merely stating that some on here should perhaps question their own conscious before bragging about who donates ANYTHING to this site.

Nobody has been bragging about donating to the site. In fact, nobody was even talking about it, let alone bragging, until you mentioned it.

Your brain is such an addled mess that within the space of an hour, you start arguing against your own point.

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​Agreed. I was merely stating that some on here should perhaps question their own conscious before bragging about who donates ANYTHING to this site. For all that I know, Puddings may be chipping in his 10 bob per month, and good for him if he does, BUT, when some of the cretins do nothing else but donate quips of feebleness, for fuck all but a buzz, who the fuck are they to question?

NOBODY wants this site to be paid for whilst using it, however if a fee was charged then it would be up to us as individuals (new users also) to then consider if MY POSTS or anybody's would be worth its while paying for. 

I personally find the site to be entertaining, despite anything else, just as I personally find Jib Jab to be...   and I use this site for my own entertainment first & foremost and not to entertain others. Is that worth me paying a fee? Well, in my book it does. There are no free dinners in this world, if we want a thing to prosper... Sure, the poor should not be outed if they cannot afford, and neither should the better off, have more privileges than others, BUT? 

Jazz, I wrote something on my stairs the other day that was more coherent than that, in spunk, when I fell down them whilst having a wank.

Nobody really gives a fuck what sites you go on, except for this one if all you do is link to other ones that happen to be about as funny as cot death. Go on what ever sites you want, and pay for them however you like. Just make at least one of them for a glider flight over an active volcano.

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Guest Snatch

​Now? Where the fuck have you been for all of these past years?

​Your sounding like that other wanker Punkape more and more as time goes on.

Carry on as you are Jazz,you'll be in the Dungeon again sooner or later.

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Yes, all those big words without pictures to help along the narrative must leave you even more confused than usual.

​I rather enjoy the the dizziness of the Jazz character. This bitter animosity towards him only serves to highlight your own shortcomings. 

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