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Camila Batmanghelidjh


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Fuck her and all of her type. Private schools should be outlawed as they just breeding grounds for these fuckwits.                 


privately educted poshboys and girls ....  bin laden , cameron ,blaircunt , lily allen , johnson , james blunt , this fucking woman .... enough said !

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Guest DingTheRioja

.............Now, as it's the first day of the season, real men have more important things to do than fuck about with a bunch of wankers on a computer. Catch you later nerdboys!

It's not The Glorious Twelfth you dumb twat... next wednesday....

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Guest Snatch

This is not a serious statement. Real men? You are not a thick cunt, but why ignore these facts, irons aside, naturally.

Clubs owned by Foreign shit bags who have no respect for the fans or tradition of the clubs.

Owners who strip the club of its assets, leave it homeless and insolvent.

Managers who lie to the media and ignore their players cheating on the pitch.

Players paid in excess of £100,000 per week, ( the minimum wage is paid to carers who work in nursing homes or visit the elderly in their own homes)

The excessive gamesmanship or simple fucking cheating, by diving, feigning injury and trying to get others sent off the field of play.

Abusing the referee verbally and physically.

Spitting every fucking five seconds.

Tribal and pack mentality of the average fanatic....

and of course all this shit is, for the most, in hock to one Rupert Murdoch, who is without restraint a fucking unequivocal, undisputed, unrivalled, unashamed, unhindered, and, (in the words of Terry "Couldn't run a straight directorship" Venables) "without a shadow of doubt", an absolute, complete, total fucking collection of fluctuant pus filled cunt.

You are welcome to this steaming pile of fucking shit.

Wanker without apologies. 

You forgot to say sucking each other off be it players or fans.

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Seek and ye shall find oh my dim brother! After such an entreaty it would be fucking rude not to respond. As it happens i nominated this bitch about 3 years ago. I have searched in vain for it in the archive but perhaps somebody with an average computer brain can succeed where i have failed. Working from memory my beef was the fact that she was always on the telly defending the poor yoof who were forced to shoplift and do drugs because nobody loved the light fingered thieving little cunts. I also mentioned her ridiculous attention seeking style of dress and her privileged background. Her mega rich Iranian family parked their arses over here during the revolution of 1978 when the Ayotollah Khomenei came to power. By the way ,what ever happened to the old Ayotollahs.....how come you never hear about the cunts these days? Of course, i had no idea that her organisation was so generously funded by central government. I assumed they got by on small grants from local authorities and charitable donations. It appears she was a much bigger fish than i ever imagined but these posh cunts usually are ; they all stick together and help each other out. Again, from memory, the only responses referred to her weight ( with the compulsory references to beached whales and candle wax) and the ubiquitous "never heard of her but she looks like a cunt." No doubt, if the Camberwell Pikey had been about we would have been treated to " Never heard of him!" Oh how we would have laughed. Hope this helps with your enquiry. Now, as it's the first day of the season, real men have more important things to do than fuck about with a bunch of wankers on a computer. Catch you later nerdboys!

The response is greatly appreciated, Judge. As to your question on where the halal Khomeini peoples are, I can report that as of Wednesday last week, they and their fat pontoon wives, all clad in expensive and equally disgusting attire were beaching themselves opposite Harrods. All cunts were fucking stoned, smoking from hoover pipes and gesticulating vividly to other thick cunts. Fucking London is riddled with them.

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Guest judgetwi

You're welcomearrow-10x10.png, you fucking amateur. 



Imagine my surprise to find that the descent into hackneyed obesity references which you so decry was sparked by yourarrow-10x10.png very own post. Petard, meet hoist.

I knew i could rely on you Mr. Bores. Mind you, it's not as if you've got anything better to do. Describing my computerarrow-10x10.png skills as "amateur" is very flattering and much more than i deserve. I would be inclined to use words such as moron, idiot and cack handed spastic. I'm not proud of it but, as Dirty Harry once said , " a man oughta know his limitations." Now you know very well Mr. Bores i am no defender of beached whales who need to be melted down for candle wax. I just like taking the piss out of the morons who can only say the same thing over and over again, fat cunts being one of their easy targets. Believe it or not i don't really give a fuck about their racism , i just like to watch the dimmos squirm when they get the challenge they weren't expecting. We all know these wankers crying and wringing their hands about the poor Palestinians are jerking off over pictures of Hitler. It amuses me to point it out and watch them cry. Personally i would love it if the Arabs and Israelis blew the fuck out of each other tomorrow and just fucking die, the bunch of cunts. I would also start shipping out all the foreigners who don't belong in my country. However, i would start with the white ones on the basis of last in , first out. Top of the listarrow-10x10.png would be the Russian criminals, buying up our corrupt politicians, half the the fucking property in London and our fucking football clubs. No, Mr. Bores your "Petard" is just a box of matches you have accidentally pissed on. You can strike them as much as you like and they will fail to ignite.  Pip! Pip!

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I see that the examination of the way money was managed within this organisation has raised hackles and eyebrows. Another unregulated fucking free for all at the expense of the taxpayer. I hear that Alan Yentob has a connection with this "charity". If this is true , I"ll bet he is wishing he didn't.

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I knew i could rely on you Mr. Bores. Mind you, it's not as if you've got anything better to do. arrow-10x10.png" Now you know very well Mr. Bores i am no defender of beached whales who need to be melted down for candle wax.

Believe it or not i don't really give a fuck about their racism.

We all know these wankers crying and wringing their hands about the poor Palestinians are jerking off over pictures of Hitler .Personally i would love it if the Arabs and Israelis blew the fuck out of each other tomorrow and just fucking die, the bunch of cunts.

I would also start shipping out all the foreigners who don't belong in my country. Parrow-10x10.png

all very interesting  (yawn), so it seems you have nothing better to do than spend YOUR time posting shit that you actually don't agree with to try and get a reaction.

In fact, the truth is you have the opposing view of what you actually post . As I thought all along, you don't hate poofs , you are one. Now where's that picture of Hitler I have a chubby I need to get rid of.

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Guest Couldn't give a shit

I see that the examination of the way money was managed within this organisation has raised hackles and eyebrows. Another unregulated fucking free for all at the expense of the taxpayer. I hear that Alan Yentob has a connection with this "charity". If this is true , I"ll bet he is wishing he didn't.

Yentob is balls deep in this ponzi scheme as he chairman of its board of trustees. The slimy little shit could face criminal charges if it comes to light that he turned a blind eye to misuse or theft of the charity's funds and it would appear that the pressure is getting to him.

Obviously not having learned anything from the Jimmy Savile scandal, he tried to bully Newsnight into dropping a report exposing financial management of kids company. Not content with that he then "accompanied" Ms Batmanjollywobble when she was interviewed by John Humphrys on the Today programme in what would appear to be an attempt to intimidate him. Humphrys fucking crucified her in any event which must have caused him to lose his grip on reality because Yentob later appeared on Channel 4 news and went into complete meltdown after a couple of awkward questions then bizarrely demanded he be congratulated for his work at kids company.

This worm has one of the biggest pension pots in the public sector and swans around the BBC like a fuedal overlord despite not having any talent except for taking credit for the work of others.

I sincerely hope he gets a couple of years inside where he is repeatedly bummed by wing BDSM enthusiast.

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I knew i could rely on you Mr. Bores. Mind you, it's not as if you've got anything better to do. Describing my computerarrow-10x10.png skills as "amateur" is very flattering and much more than i deserve. I would be inclined to use words such as moron, idiot and cack handed spastic. I'm not proud of it but, as Dirty Harry once said , " a man oughta know his limitations." Now you know very well Mr. Bores i am no defender of beached whales who need to be melted down for candle wax. I just like taking the piss out of the morons who can only say the same thing over and over again, fat cunts being one of their easy targets. Believe it or not i don't really give a fuck about their racism , i just like to watch the dimmos squirm when they get the challenge they weren't expecting. We all know these wankers crying and wringing their hands about the poor Palestinians are jerking off over pictures of Hitler. It amuses me to point it out and watch them cry. Personally i would love it if the Arabs and Israelis blew the fuck out of each other tomorrow and just fucking die, the bunch of cunts. I would also start shipping out all the foreigners who don't belong in my country. However, i would start with the white ones on the basis of last in , first out. Top of the listarrow-10x10.png would be the Russian criminals, buying up our corrupt politicians, half the the fucking property in London and our fucking football clubs. No, Mr. Bores your "Petard" is just a box of matches you have accidentally pissed on. You can strike them as much as you like and they will fail to ignite.  Pip! Pip!

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

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Yentob is balls deep in this ponzi scheme as he chairman of its board of trustees. The slimy little shit could face criminal charges if it comes to light that he turned a blind eye to misuse or theft of the charity's funds and it would appear that the pressure is getting to him.

Obviously not having learned anything from the Jimmy Savile scandal, he tried to bully Newsnight into dropping a report exposing financial management of kids company. Not content with that he then "accompanied" Ms Batmanjollywobble when she was interviewed by John Humphrys on the Today programme in what would appear to be an attempt to intimidate him. Humphrys fucking crucified her in any event which must have caused him to lose his grip on reality because Yentob later appeared on Channel 4 news and went into complete meltdown after a couple of awkward questions then bizarrely demanded he be congratulated for his work at kids company.

This worm has one of the biggest pension pots in the public sector and swans around the BBC like a fuedal overlord despite not having any talent except for taking credit for the work of others.

I sincerely hope he gets a couple of years inside where he is repeatedly bummed by wing BDSM enthusiast.

Yentob? Oh yeah I remember, they made a film about him. Starring Barbara Streisand, she dresses up and pretends to be a man.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Drew P Pissflaps

If i had a £1 for everytime she has been in the news recently i would be as rich as she no doubt is. Another big fuck up mess courtesy of the labour morons legacy.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11 August 2015 at 01:07:05, cuntspotter said:

I see that the examination of the way money was managed within this organisation has raised hackles and eyebrows. Another unregulated fucking free for all at the expense of the taxpayer. I hear that Alan Yentob has a connection with this "charity". If this is true , I"ll bet he is wishing he didn't.

Well, even a stopped watch is right twice a day. This fucker has now resigned his BBC post over this debacle. I wonder what next?

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