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The Sunday Sport


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Who can forget such classic headlines as "World War 2 Bomber Found On Moon", or the immortal "Nik Naks Turned My Bellend Orange"? I can't for the life of me recall there ever actually being any news in it, though, and precious little sport.

Oh no, tell a lie, I just found some news!


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That's about as intelligent as it got. Is it still about and are thick cunts still buying it?

It was relaunched a couple of years ago, fuck knows why. The stories in Viz were more believable than the shit these cunts churned out.

I simply don't understand their business model in an era where there is an effectively infinite supply of free online hardcore porn. 

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It was relaunched a couple of years ago, fuck knows why. The stories in Viz were more believable than the shit these cunts churned out.

I simply don't understand their business model in an era where there is an effectively infinite supply of free online hardcore porn. 

And better written.

With regard to the business model, you raise a fair point. It is available online, but I guess some folk like their tabloids like they like their dicks. A hard copy, in their hands....

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Who can forget such classic headlines as "World War 2 Bomber Found On Moon", or the immortal "Nik Naks Turned My Bellend Orange"? I can't for the life of me recall there ever actually being any news in it, though, and precious little sport.

Oh no, tell a lie, I just found some news!


Is that Chris Evans? If it is then fair play to the person who shat down his chimney. Hopefully the bastard was looking up it at the same time

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

It has provided useful material to the sub species of society without which they may never had made the effort to learn to read. Every cloud.......

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