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Kentucky clerk jailed for defying court orders on gay marriage

Guest luke swarm

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Guest luke swarm

My views on gay marriage are pretty much a crushing indifference, If it will keep the peace and it makes then feel happy, go ahead knock yourself out * 

However I do have a raging hatred of these fucking stupid redneck Murrican hard line so called Christians. This dopey fugly cow is refusing to obey a courts legal order to carry out her sworn duty to carry out marriages because some of the couples are Gay.

 They crop up from time to time to time these zealot cunts who think that a book written centuries ago is the absolute word of their god. If she does not agree then change your job and join the Westboro Baptist church who are the globally recognized experts in this sort of Cuntishness. If you look at her she is the stereotypical ugly stupid yank ignorant bigoted cunt who should really hate her maker for what he did to her.

* Excl Fat Poof Elton John    


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Guest Bill Stickers

She hates gays, and looks like a bloke.  Judge must be pulling his pecker out at the sight of her.

The only reason he would tolerate her having a vagina is because it would remind him of a badly packed kebab, because he's a fat, donner loving cunt.

Sorry, back on topic everyone...

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Guest luke swarm

A picture in the nomination would have been worth a thousand words, you bone-idle cunt.

Image result for clerk refuses to issue marriage license

I wonder if she takes it up the wrong 'un?

Sorry mate, here's one of her when she on the pull. lubbly.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

Don't you just love 'mericans. And they're quite happy for narrow minded bigots like this to wander around in free society tooled up with guns.

I imagine she's pissed off because she probably isn't getting any cock, and lets be honest, if you were offered a go on this or a mans bottom it would be a tough choice to make.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

I find it particularly vulgar that the vile shrike cunt is loving every moment of the media focus she's receiving, and she's being made a cause celebre in their latest election cycle.  Can't wait for all the "just look what the courts have done to a God fearing, honest, working woman; she's not on the dole, just living the natural high that comes with embracing the lord."  STFU cunts.  

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Guest Alfie Noakes

I find it particularly vulgar that the vile shrike cunt is loving every moment of the media focus she's receiving, and she's being made a cause celebre in their latest election cycle.  Can't wait for all the "just look what the courts have done to a God fearing, honest, working woman; she's not on the dole, just living the natural high that comes with embracing the lord."  STFU cunts.  

Never understood why an omnipresent power such as a god that supposedly loves his creation needs to be feared. The very phrase "god fearing" is what started stirring the atheist within me when I was an indoctrinated child.

Surely god didn't show any love when he created that muntressa, to pay so much attention to creating a face so perfectly ugly and a complete personality bypass! Unless of course in his old age this perfect being forgot to wear his glasses when working on her.

To all you religious and pedantic cunts I will never use capital letters for god as it means nothing to me.

All religious zealots and biggots are cunts.

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Has a face like a summons

I'm stealing that.  

Never understood why an omnipresent power such as a god that supposedly loves his creation needs to be feared. The very phrase "god fearing" is what started stirring the atheist within me when I was an indoctrinated child.

Surely god didn't show any love when he created that muntressa, to pay so much attention to creating a face so perfectly ugly and a complete personality bypass! Unless of course in his old age this perfect being forgot to wear his glasses when working on her.

To all you religious and pedantic cunts I will never use capital letters for god as it means nothing to me.

All religious zealots and biggots are cunts.

Alfie, my son, repent before it's too late. Or great shall be his wrath and mighty his vengeance,  and you will be cast unto the fiery pits of hell. Or Bradford. 

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Guest Alfie Noakes

I'm stealing that.  

Alfie, my son, repent before it's too late. Or great shall be his wrath and mighty his vengeance,  and you will be cast unto the fiery pits of hell. Or Bradford. 

I already live next to hell, well Brighton.

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"Can we agree that the Christian God is omnipresent and all forgiving"

"Hell yeah! You wanna make something of that, boy?"

" Whoa, whoa there lady. And can we agree he is a compassionate God and, as the Bible teaches us, all loving?"


" Might it not be then that this all wise, all-knowing and omnipresent Christ has  sent us homosexuals to test your Christian tolerance and love?"

"Fuck you, you commie pinko fag!"

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Guest Wizardsleeve

I'm stealing that.  

Alfie, my son, repent before it's too late. Or great shall be his wrath and mighty his vengeance,  and you will be cast unto the fiery pits of hell. Or Bradford. 

Or Keith's cabinet of farces crusted dildos

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Guest Wizardsleeve

Sleeve you fucker, I was trying to eat my dinner, bananas in chocolate sauce. Fuck, I don't want  it now, can't think why!

My apologies, I didn't check the time before posting that. 

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A picture in the nomination would have been worth a thousand words, you bone-idle cunt.


I wonder if she takes it up the wrong 'un?

Fucking hell, its obvious why she's god fearing.

Retarded bible-bashing cunt.

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Guest Gong Farmer

Sack her by all means but jail time seems a tad excessive for country that purports it's self to be the land of free and the home of the brave. Fucking police state craphouse.

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