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Guest deebom

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So I'm in Aldi today getting a few bits, fighting my way through the usual throngs of fuckwits who wander around aimlessly like fuckwits in supermarkets are wont to do. I decide that I have the things I need and go to the checkouts. As usual, the queues are stretching back halfway down the shop, so I get in line. After a few minutes my phone rings. It's MsBom, she wants something that she forgot to put on the list. I go to get the thing (Crumpets.) I'm gone for around 20 seconds. I come back and no fewer than 3 of the cunts who were behind me have taken the opportunity to jump in front of me. So I stand there looking bemused, thinking "Cunts." to myself, wondering should I make an issue of it or not? I decide against it and continue queuing. While I'm queuing, some woman comes up and is looking at something on the shelf behind me, so I stand aside, move my trolley so she can get to the thing she wants, does she thank me? Does she acknowledge me in any way at all? Is there even the merest hint that she is even aware that I exist? Nope. Fucking rude cunt.

So I continue to queue, thinking to myself "It wont be too long now." When some cunt comes pushing two trolleys past us all, bearing in mind that there is fuck all room down the isle due to cunts queuing. I think to myself "She wont get through down there, there's too many people queuing." So I keep a half interested eye on her in the mild hope that will be some minor trolley rage to liven up this queuing malarkey. She pushes her way right up to the checkout and inserts herself in front of a little old lady with 2 or 3 things in a basket. Little old lady tuts and shakes her head, no one else says a fucking word, I'm in no mood for getting into rucks with stroppy Nigerian women, I just want to get the fuck out of there, so I don't interject.

And then to top it all off, the usual Vietnamese begging girl is sitting outside, crying her fucking eyes out, wailing like she's lost a family member or something. Her Vietnamese pimp or whatever the fuck he is, is shouting at her and laughing, obviously being an utter cunt and enjoying her distress. I felt like kicking the shit out him, but just loaded my shopping into the car and fucked off.

I fucking hate Aldi customers.

Edited by deebom
Telly Savallis
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Guest luke swarm

So I'm in Aldi today getting a few bits, fighting my way through the usual throngs of fuckwits who wander around aimlessly like fuckwits in supermarkets are wont to do. I decide that I have the things I need and go to the checkouts. As usual, the queues are stretching back halfway down the shop, so I get in line. After a few minutes my phone rings. It's MsBom, she wants something that she forgot to put on the list. I go to get the thing (Crumpets.) I'm gone for around 20 seconds. I come back and no fewer than 3 of the cunts who were behind me have taken the opportunity to jump in front of me. So I stand there looking bemused, thinking "Cunts." to myself, wondering should I make an issue of it or not? I decide against it and continue queuing. While I'm queuing, some woman comes up and is looking at something on the shelf behind me, so I stand aside, move my trolley so she can get to the thing she wants, does she thank me? Does she acknowledge me in any way at all? Is there even the merest hint that she is even aware that I exist? Nope. Fucking rude cunt.

So I continue to queue, thinking to myself "It wont be too long now." When some cunt comes pushing two trolleys past us all, bearing in mind that there is fuck all room down the isle due to cunts queuing. I think to myself "She wont get through down there, there's too many people queuing." So I keep a half interested eye on her in the mild hope that will be some minor trolley rage to liven up this queuing malarkey. She pushes her way right up to the checkout and inserts herself in front of a little old lady with 2 or 3 things in a basket. Little old lady tuts and shakes her head, no one else says a fucking word, I'm in no mood for getting into rucks with stroppy Nigerian women, I just want to get the fuck out of there, so I don't interject.

And then to top it all off, the usual Vietnamese begging girl is sitting outside, crying her fucking eyes out, wailing like she's lost a family member or something. Her Vietnamese pimp or whatever the fuck he is, is shouting at her and laughing, obviously being an utter cunt and enjoying her distress. I felt like kicking the shit out him, but just loaded my shopping into the car and fucked off.

I fucking hate Aldi customers.

You daft cunt....fancy shopping at Aldi........the smart cunts shop at Lidl these days.......its cheaper and as long as you expect it to be full of ignorant  chav turds and people with no spatial awareness you will  not come away disappointed.....try the 3 bird roast  mmm good..

Edited by luke swarm
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Guest luke swarm

Move away from Lewisham it's full of cunts, and Danny dyers apparently.

you having a facking Turkish you cant.... interpretation- ...(are you being humorous you bounder)

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Aldi is posh up here. It beats the fuck out of scavenging on't tip  Kwik Save was good till the place went tits up. My advice:: Shop at Aldi in the morning when the Jeremy Kyle audience are otherwise engaged

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

Most of the Aldi's near me are on major transport routes (next to council estates) and have a small car park to take into account that the hard up cunts that would shop there couldn't afford to finance their own transport. Well how fucking wrong were they. Everytime I GO PAST the shop the car park is full and cunts are even queueing to get a space for their Galaxy or Espace kiddie transporter. Aldi customers really are cunts.

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I fucking hate aldi. Really fucking hate them. It's a horrible chain, staffed by gruesome apologies for human beings, and patronised by the lowest level of humanity known to the uk. 


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One good thing is they do a nice line in pork products. That will probably go away as the Teutonic heavy demography is diluted by visitors from sandy places. No more Frikadellen, more sheeps bolloccks and rams ring pieces with dodgy looking stains on the rim

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One good thing is they do a nice line in pork products. That will probably go away as the Teutonic heavy demography is diluted by visitors from sandy places. No more Frikadellen, more sheeps bolloccks and rams ring pieces with dodgy looking stains on the rim

Nothing worse than a dodgy looking stain on the rim.


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So I continue to queue, thinking to myself "It wont be too long now." When some cunt comes pushing two trolleys past us all, bearing in mind that there is fuck all room down the isle due to cunts queuing. I think to myself "She wont get through down there, there's too many people queuing." So I keep a half interested eye on her in the mild hope that will be some minor trolley rage to liven up this queuing malarkey. She pushes her way right up to the checkout and inserts herself in front of a little old lady with 2 or 3 things in a basket. Little old lady tuts and shakes her head, no one else says a fucking word, I'm in no mood for getting into rucks with stroppy Nigerian women, I just want to get the fuck out of there, so I don't interject.

And then to top it all off, the usual Vietnamese begging girl is sitting outside, crying her fucking eyes out, wailing like she's lost a family member or something. Her Vietnamese pimp or whatever the fuck he is, is shouting at her and laughing, obviously being an utter cunt and enjoying her distress. I felt like kicking the shit out him, but just loaded my shopping into the car and fucked off.

I fucking hate Aldi customers.

How do you know Stroppy Woman is Nigerian?

How do you know Begging Girl is Vietnamese?

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Aldi is posh up here. It beats the fuck out of scavenging on't tip  Kwik Save was good till the place went tits up. My advice:: Shop at Aldi in the morning when the Jeremy Kyle audience are otherwise engaged

Shouldn't you be at work? Put something on the end of it and have a chat about getting a job backstage with Graham. You go that way. Coming up after the break a man desperate to prove he isn't the father to his own daughter's baby........

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Because unwarranted racial stereotypes bother me.

lighten up, are you saying all Nigerian women are wrongly labeled  as queue jumpers and Vietnamese as beggars ?, not a stereotype i have heard before. Anyway don't rude queue jumpers bother you more, than deebom has by assuming a women with a bowl of fruit on her head, paying with a cloned card is Nigerian ?

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I fucking hate aldi. Really fucking hate them. It's a horrible chain, staffed by gruesome apologies for human beings, and patronised by the lowest level of humanity known to the uk. 

Sorry Scotty, but I think you should put 'insert supermarket here' where it says 'Aldi' cos believe me most supermarkets I've visited are like this, that's why I order my shopping on line. I don't have to put up with rudeness from the driver because I dont speak Polish/Russian/Latvian or Lithuanian

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Sorry Scotty, but I think you should put 'insert supermarket here' where it says 'Aldi' cos believe me most supermarkets I've visited are like this, that's why I order my shopping on line. I don't have to put up with rudeness from the driver because I dont speak Polish/Russian/Latvian or Lithuanian

Well, obviously it won't be an Asian driver. 

Sorry Rick. :ph34r:

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One good thing is they do a nice line in pork products. That will probably go away as the Teutonic heavy demography is diluted by visitors from sandy places. No more Frikadellen, more sheeps bolloccks and rams ring pieces with dodgy looking stains on the rim

I agree, the Camberwell Knights of St. John have taken a right hammering from the Saracens that have moved here lately.

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Absolutely. That is why I shop there. I don't like paying cunts Tesco or J Sainsbury £150 per week for a family shop for 7 of us Properkhunts. I can muscle my way through the unwashed alcoholic sweat and dripping corpulent lard and still come out with all the required goods and have change from a hundred sovs. No fucking apologies . 

i am happy to pay the £150 and avoid those typical Nigerian queue jumpers we have all come to expect. 

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I fucking hate aldi. Really fucking hate them. It's a horrible chain, staffed by gruesome apologies for human beings, and patronised by the lowest level of humanity known to the uk. 

Aldi is a new thing here, and it is the same.  Staffed by cunts, patronised by cunts, and full of shit that is so similar in packaging to the name brands that I don't know how they get around the trademarks. Shit layout, too narrow and you pack your own bags. Fuck that. To top it off, all the check out chicks are well over 40, fat as fools and have the customer service skills of a Taipan. At least you can have a perve at one of the big two chains.

Evidently Lidl is opening here soon. Is that even worse?

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