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Straight cunts who go to "Pride" marches

Earl of Punkape

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Gay pride marches in various cities are made more nauseating by straight cunts rolling up with t-shirts on saying "I love my woofter son" or other similar puke.

More appropriate would be " My son takes it up the jaxi "  or " My son is a pervert".

The wholscale banning of gay pride  marches should be brought in so as to stop cunts dancing and prancing about in their underpants and taking drugs.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
6 minutes ago, Punkape said:

Gay pride marches in various cities are made more nauseating by straight cunts rolling up with t-shirts on saying "I love my woofter son" or other similar puke.

More appropriate would be " My son takes it up the jaxi "  or " My son is a pervert".

The wholscale banning of gay pride  marches should be brought in so as to stop cunts dancing and prancing about in their underpants and taking drugs.

You really are more of a fuckwitt of a cunt than brony keith was. Probably more than just a latent poof as you are so obsessed with what other people do to each other, just like religious knobheads, cannot keep it to themselves but feel compelled to tell everyone or convert them. Pulpit bothering penis.

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6 minutes ago, Ape said:

Hmmm your knowledge of such events suggests you've attended quite a few. People jumping on your gay bandwagon clearly upsets you. 

Our gay obsessed media put these events on TVs and radio ad nauseam as you well know.

It time to start a clampdown on such revolting activities.

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Our local mincers March is generously funded by the local council even though lots of businesses make lots of money out of it.

Yet when I approached the council for funding for my "Let's napalm and machine gun the faggots"  march, the council forgot to reply to me.

A bit remiss of them I thought

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
47 minutes ago, southerncunt said:

And you know this how?

You must get a pretty good view from the float.

Going to a pride march is not a very straight thing to do. I do not beleive any truly straight Cunts attend. 

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Guest DingTheRioja
1 hour ago, Punkape said:

Our gay obsessed media put these events on TVs and radio ad nauseam as you well know.

It time to start a clampdown on such revolting activities.

I know what else we could do with a clamp... suggestions on a postcard...

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Guest DingTheRioja
31 minutes ago, cuntspotter said:

I often go to such events... It's easier to pull.

One of the fittest birds I ever pulled was in a gay bar... apparently she was a lesbian who "wanted to try it out"... she's still a lesbian...

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I was totally astounded when I was told the "The Prairie Dogs" who appeared at the local mincerfest were the world gay line-dancing champions. I always thought all line-dancers were gay thus making the word gay in 'world gay line-dancing champions' completely superfluous.

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13 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

One of the fittest birds I ever pulled was in a gay bar... apparently she was a lesbian who "wanted to try it out"... she's still a lesbian...

Bloke was speaking to another one in a bar and said to him, 'I could shag any woman I want in here.'

'How's that?' says the bloke.

The other one says, 'I'm a rapist.'

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Guest JackoTC

I was in Turin a few years back when one these poofter parades was on. We were sitting in a café in the Sun enjoying a glass or two, when almost from nowhere a billion or so arse bandits marched past in top notch shirtlifter gear. The Iti family next to us were very fucking unchuffed by the whole thing, and laid into them. It got really nasty. I assume it was the father who was going to lamp some cunt with a wine bottle, whilst the fairies threatened back with....erm.....some little windmills.....and ribbons and things. 

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
1 hour ago, DingTheRioja said:

One of the fattest blokes I ever pulled was in a gay bar... apparently he was a faggot who "wanted to Die of AIDS"... he's now a fat dead faggot

Ding, I'm not calling you a liar, but, you lying cunt. However, as common with lying cunts there is probably a frame of truth here packed out with lies. I've corrected it for everybody here, see above- the truth comes out.

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1 hour ago, JackoTC said:

I was in Turin a few years back when one these poofter parades was on. We were sitting in a café in the Sun enjoying a glass or two, when almost from nowhere a billion or so arse bandits marched past in top notch shirtlifter gear. The Iti family next to us were very fucking unchuffed by the whole thing, and laid into them. It got really nasty. I assume it was the father who was going to lamp some cunt with a wine bottle, whilst the fairies threatened back with....erm.....some little windmills.....and ribbons and things. 

Is that where you first met Frank?

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2 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:

One of the fittest birds I ever pulled was in a gay bar... apparently she was a lesbian who "wanted to try it out"... she's still a lesbian...

What exactly did 'she' want to try out? Having a snivelling little weasel huff away on her for 30 seconds and then it slide away into the shadows, scurrying off to tell anyone who'd listen (so nobody), how he 'managed to turn a lezza' or something equally as pathetic? 

What a truly sad individual you are, I think I speak on behalf of the people here when I say, quite bluntly, die. 

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1 hour ago, JackoTC said:

I was in Turin a few years back when one these poofter parades was on. We were sitting in a café in the Sun enjoying a glass or two, when almost from nowhere a billion or so arse bandits marched past in top notch shirtlifter gear. The Iti family next to us were very fucking unchuffed by the whole thing, and laid into them. It got really nasty. I assume it was the father who was going to lamp some cunt with a wine bottle, whilst the fairies threatened back with....erm.....some little windmills.....and ribbons and things. 

I doubt you've ever gone further than Dover, you lying cunt.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
2 hours ago, Bubbles said:

What exactly did 'she' want to try out? Having a snivelling little weasel huff away on her for 30 seconds and then it slide away into the shadows, scurrying off to tell anyone who'd listen (so nobody), how he 'managed to turn a lezza' or something equally as pathetic? 

What a truly sad individual you are, I think I speak on behalf of the people here when I say, quite bluntly, die. 

As well as being a pathetic, laughable lie, it raises questions. I don't know about you, but I do not go to    gaybars when I wish to pull birds, nor at all, ever, nor does any other straight cunt I know. The only cunts who go to gaybars are gay cunts. I do believe him about the gay bar bit. It's fine with me if he likes that sort of revolting thing, this is the 21st century and this is not the sort of country where horrid queens are put in the stocks and pelted with shite and jeered at by drunken lads having a good old laugh.

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27 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

As well as being a pathetic, laughable lie, it raises questions. I don't know about you, but I do not go to    gaybars when I wish to pull birds, nor at all, ever, nor does any other straight cunt I know. The only cunts who go to gaybars are gay cunts. I do believe him about the gay bar bit. It's fine with me if he likes that sort of revolting thing, this is the 21st century and this is not the sort of country where horrid queens are put in the stocks and pelted with shite and jeered at by drunken lads having a good old laugh.


The clue is in the name. Gay bar. A bar, for gays. Although I'm sure he'd be as welcome in a fucking dopey Yorkshire bred closet faggot dumb cunt lounge. The fucking dopey Yorkshire bred dumb cunt. 

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
8 hours ago, Bubbles said:


The clue is in the name. Gay bar. A bar, for gays. Although I'm sure he'd be as welcome in a fucking dopey Yorkshire bred closet faggot dumb cunt lounge. The fucking dopey Yorkshire bred dumb cunt. 

Elementary, my dear fucking cunt.

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Guest DingTheRioja
12 hours ago, Bubbles said:

What exactly did 'she' want to try out? Having a snivelling little weasel huff away on her for 30 seconds and then it slide away into the shadows, scurrying off to tell anyone who'd listen (so nobody), how he 'managed to turn a lezza' or something equally as pathetic? 

What a truly sad individual you are, I think I speak on behalf of the people here when I say, quite bluntly, die. 


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