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Bodybuilding cunts

Earl of Punkape

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10 hours ago, Punkape said:

I'll bet Ape and his "Mrs" go to the  competitions and reserve front row seats and gobble bags of Tesco popcorn.

They will be semi-priapic throughout the posing and steady rivulets of sweat will seep down their scalps into the cheap collars of their nylon shirts.



Lol. Lol.

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21 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:

Kid Chocolate?

Uncle Jimmy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm getting sick and tired of your little quips, you do realise you're not funny I assume?

Remember when you had one of your "hilarious" name changes, and it was DingHasFuckedOff?

Can you please tell me what it was that drove you away? Because whatever it was, I'm willing to replicate it. You're fucking awful and not fit for purpose, you boring, multi-quoting, text highlighting, font changing, stupid fucking cunt.

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Guest MikeD
16 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I'm getting sick and tired of your little quips, you do realise you're not funny I assume?

Remember when you had one of your "hilarious" name changes, and it was DingHasFuckedOff?

Can you please tell me what it was that drove you away? Because whatever it was, I'm willing to replicate it. You're fucking awful and not fit for purpose, you boring, multi-quoting, text highlighting, font changing, stupid fucking cunt.

Could you two either just fight or fuck?

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Guest luke swarm
14 minutes ago, Decimus said:
  • 11 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I'd never strike someone with special needs

Come now.........Mrs Decimus's face and shins tell a different story most Saturday mornings. 

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45 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I'm getting sick and tired of your little quips, you do realise you're not funny I assume?

Remember when you had one of your "hilarious" name changes, and it was DingHasFuckedOff?

Can you please tell me what it was that drove you away? Because whatever it was, I'm willing to replicate it. You're fucking awful and not fit for purpose, you boring, multi-quoting, text highlighting, font changing, stupid fucking cunt.

It's as if someone has constructed an artificial intelligence on a ZX Spectrum, constrained by its rudimentary graphics capabilities and 16k of RAM, fed it the Ladybird Book of Punctuation, and cruelly let it loose to fend for itself on the internet. I doubt Ding would pass the Turing test.

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Guest luke swarm
Just now, Bubbles said:

Fucking hell, Swarms, got a bit excited putting that together, did you? 

fuck knows what's happened here Bubba......cannot seem to edit it either.  that naturalist site I was investigating earlier must have infected my puter.

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27 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I'd never strike someone with special needs, Mike. And as for fucking him, no chance. If he multiple-orgasms as prolifically as he multi-quotes, he'd blow my fucking arse cheeks off.

I now have a disgusting image in my mind of a web-fingered Patrick Bateman being blown across the room in an anal exorcist fashion by a flat cap wearing cunt who's snorting lines of Yorkshire pudding. 

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Guest DingTheRioja
1 hour ago, Decimus said:

I'm getting sick and tired of your little quips, you do realise you're not funny I assume?

Remember when you had one of your "hilarious" name changes, and it was DingHasFuckedOff?

Can you please tell me what it was that drove you away? Because whatever it was, I'm willing to replicate it. You're fucking awful and not fit for purpose, you boring, multi-quoting, text highlighting, font changing, stupid fucking cunt.

how about you sticking your head on one of the many bogs down your way... might improve your looks and speech no-end...?


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5 hours ago, Decimus said:

I'm getting sick and tired of your little quips, you do realise you're not funny I assume?

Remember when you had one of your "hilarious" name changes, and it was DingHasFuckedOff?

Can you please tell me what it was that drove you away? Because whatever it was, I'm willing to replicate it. You're fucking awful and not fit for purpose, you boring, multi-quoting, text highlighting, font changing, stupid fucking cunt.

You had your chance with this shoulder-less fuck when he resurfaced from his last ban. The worm was out for the count.  

What's the thinking behind this, decs?

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Guest MikeD
2 minutes ago, Frank said:

You had your chance with this shoulder-less fuck when he resurfaced from his last ban. The worm was out for the count.  

What's the thinking behind this, decs?

Now THAT'S irony, Frank.

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Guest nobgobbler
On 24/03/2016 at 5:21 PM, luke swarm said:

Ah  memories of a Saturday afternoon, world of sport and wrestling hour.

McManus used to wear that horrendous leotard and was a baddie......Jackie pallo, Dynamite Kid, Kid Chocolate and of course Kendo Nagasaki...........we were easily pleased then Gypps.

Can you imagine the mincemeat they would make out of todays plastic wrestlers.     

I used to like watching Giant Haystacks. Hilarious.

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1 minute ago, Frank said:

You had your chance with this shoulder-less fuck when he resurfaced from his last ban. The worm was out for the count.  

What's the thinking behind this, decs?

We had him on the ropes, Franco. He was about to go Mach Jazz and give us all a meltdown that would have been visible from Anchorage to Vladivostok.

But your good self and Quincy got banned. Ding then sweetened Bubba and Bill with some feeble attempt to gain sympathy by giving them 'likes' and they turned a blind eye to his fucking idiocy. A tactical move which left me stranded and blase. Unless a joint campaign by you, Bill, Luke, Bubbles and me is launched to end Ding's reign of tedium immediately, then I'm off. I refuse to share a site with the autistic cunt anymore. If he's been left to his own devices without serious hardcore abuse by tomorrow then I'm leaving you all to fucking get on with him.

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Guest nobgobbler
11 minutes ago, scotty said:

I agree, but I never felt comfortable about the Big Daddy "splash". Always left my little sister in tears, that did.

Yeah, I always expected the dumpy little blubber gut to explode on impact. And he'd deserve it just for being called Shirley.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

We had him on the ropes, Franco. He was about to go Mach Jazz and give us all a meltdown that would have been visible from Anchorage to Vladivostok.

But your good self and Quincy got banned. Ding then sweetened Bubba and Bill with some feeble attempt to gain sympathy by giving them 'likes' and they turned a blind eye to his fucking idiocy. A tactical move which left me stranded and blase. Unless a joint campaign by you, Bill, Luke, Bubbles and me is launched to end Ding's reign of tedium immediately, then I'm off. I refuse to share a site with the autistic cunt anymore. If he's been left to his own devices without serious hardcore abuse by tomorrow then I'm leaving you all to fucking get on with him.

Almost correct. Whilst that classless, class A raddled cunt, Slackers may have lost sight of the end game, I fear our Yorkshire ferret managed to escape my cross hairs on account of my imposed exile. 

The only charm offensive that droning idiot could go on that would bring even a slight interest of warmth from my good self, would be to line up a yard of Domestos shots and try to beat the world record and down them all in 30 seconds. 

Last I heard of QC, he was off hiking up Kilimanjaro in his denim cut-offs with only 2 cheese sandwiches and some melted Kendall mint cake as sustinence. 

To at least reference the nom and hopefully evade the attention of the omnipotent cunts here, Bodybuilders are cunts, I sit next to an 'ex' bodybuilder whenever I go in to my office, the fucking clown never shuts up about how he once took a cocktail of 10 different supplements and almost achieved 3rd place in some backwater, amateur fucking posing bollocks completion. Fuck off, you thick cunt

Lou Ferrigno and Arnie are cunts. 

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Guest nobgobbler
8 hours ago, scotty said:

I'd forgotten that, wasn't it shirley crabtree or something? Either way, he was a fat cunt. 

Spent most of his life saying "don't call me Surely" 

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Guest DingTheRioja
11 hours ago, Decimus said:

We had him on the ropes, Franco. He was about to go Mach Jazz and give us all a meltdown that would have been visible from Anchorage to Vladivostok.

But your good self and Quincy got banned. Ding then sweetened Bubba and Bill with some feeble attempt to gain sympathy by giving them 'likes' and they turned a blind eye to his fucking idiocy. A tactical move which left me stranded and blase. Unless a joint campaign by you, Bill, Luke, Bubbles and me is launched to end Ding's reign of tedium immediately, then I'm off. I refuse to share a site with the autistic cunt anymore. If he's been left to his own devices without serious hardcore abuse by tomorrow then I'm leaving you all to fucking get on with him.

Go on then, be good to your word and fuck off back to the Bog Trotters Bar.


Talentless prick.

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12 hours ago, Decimus said:

We had him on the ropes, Franco. He was about to go Mach Jazz and give us all a meltdown that would have been visible from Anchorage to Vladivostok.

But your good self and Quincy got banned. Ding then sweetened Bubba and Bill with some feeble attempt to gain sympathy by giving them 'likes' and they turned a blind eye to his fucking idiocy. A tactical move which left me stranded and blase. Unless a joint campaign by you, Bill, Luke, Bubbles and me is launched to end Ding's reign of tedium immediately, then I'm off. I refuse to share a site with the autistic cunt anymore. If he's been left to his own devices without serious hardcore abuse by tomorrow then I'm leaving you all to fucking get on with him.

The Ding minkey is an astute operator. He might appear to be nothing more than a chinless bmx bunny-hopper, but he's somehow managed, by simply lying low, to single-handedly pick off you jumped-up tarts one by one.. exposing weaknesses to all and sundry with his council house kit car precision, rainbow fonts, and stealth. 

Choose your team wisely, decs. Quincy's a coked-up DIY trading rambling idiot, Luke can only post under the persona of Terry Thomas, and Bill.... Bill's far too flaky these days. The dury's out on Bubbles. As far as I'm I'm concerned, he's a stupendous fucking idiot.


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Guest luke swarm
8 minutes ago, Frank said:

The Ding minkey is an astute operator. He might appear to be nothing more than a chinless bmx bunny-hopper, but he's somehow managed, by simply lying low, to single-handedly pick off you jumped-up tarts one by one.. exposing weaknesses to all and sundry with his council house kit car precision, rainbow fonts, and stealth. 

Choose your team wisely, decs. Quincy's a coked-up DIY trading rambling idiot, Luke can only post under the persona of Terry Thomas, and Bill.... Bill's far too flaky these days. The dury's out on Bubbles. As far as I'm I'm concerned, he's a stupendous fucking idiot.


This stupid Cunt may be right Decimus........choose your team with care to eliminate the boring scourge which is Ding....I can see why Frank obviously admires him as Ding can even out tedium him.

So with this in mind and to fight fire with fire as it were, my suggestions for your shock troops would include:

Roops. ProfB. Rick, Applescruff....all specialists in the art of ridding the site of useful cunts........if this fails then you will have to ally with the real big guns of tedium, Frank/ Pinkape the Judge.......sometimes hard times require hard taskmasters.  

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