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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
5 minutes ago, neil298 said:

Ok,in something you'll understand better,she's lying there,body of an angel,naked,wet and beckoning you to fuck her and 'pop' you've just spunked in your pants you fucking bed wetting virgin

Neil, what are you fucking talking about ?

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6 minutes ago, neil298 said:

Ok,in something you'll understand better,she's lying there,body of an angel,naked,wet and beckoning you to fuck her and 'pop' you've just spunked in your pants you fucking bed wetting virgin

You'd probably have just had a wank neil, I bet you wouldn't be able to manage a soft on. 

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Guest Wizardsleeve
4 hours ago, neil298 said:

Quite literally it's a fucking pain in the arse.If you've never had it then hope the fuck you never do.If anyone can suggest anything that can ease my suffering then I'd be very grateful.

(Taking bleach or running into oncoming traffic are not an option)

I realise this is an open goal for some of you cunts but even I know most of you will hit the corner flag.Fuck off

A super obese bird giving you a body slide in an inflatable pool of baby oil will have you forgetting your pain.  The wretching, dry heaving and vomiting will have your full attention.

Problem solved. 

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5 hours ago, neil298 said:

Quite literally it's a fucking pain in the arse.If you've never had it then hope the fuck you never do.If anyone can suggest anything that can ease my suffering then I'd be very grateful.

(Taking bleach or running into oncoming traffic are not an option)

I realise this is an open goal for some of you cunts but even I know most of you will hit the corner flag.Fuck off

Believe it or not, exercise actually alleviates the problem. I'm an ex nurse so I know what I'm talking about.

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6 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Believe it or not, exercise actually alleviates the problem. I'm an ex nurse so I know what I'm talking about.

Dr Bubba has already treated the patient, nurse, know your place. 

On a slightly related note, here's one for @scotty

What's brown and rhymes with snoop?


Dr Dre. 

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12 hours ago, Wizardsleeve said:

A super obese bird giving you a body slide in an inflatable pool of baby oil will have you forgetting your pain.  The wretching, dry heaving and vomiting will have your full attention.

Problem solved. 

Where do I sign up?

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On 18 June 2016 at 9:23 PM, Bubbles said:

I ask as my old dear used to suffer with it and fuck me she used to keep on too. 

But in all seriousness, gentle stretching and regular short walks helped. 

Now fuck off you fat cunt. 

"Gentle stretching" for arse discomfort, eh. Is this a footballist thread?

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