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Cunts with no sense of direction

Cap'n Cunt

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So a bunch of 'mostly Senegalese' chancers got on a boat in Libya to seek fame, fortune and benefits in Europe. 3 days later, they arrived in Italy, or so they thought. Strange, though, that everyone there spoke Libyan (or whatever system of grunts and gestures passes for language there).  Surprise surprise, they're not in Italy at all, they've spent three days sailing 40 miles along the Libyan coast. And to top that: "several people had jumped from the boat but were unable to swim and drowned". These (can I say 'sandmonkeys' here, or will I get told off?) 'people' obviously have a different upbringing to be, cos my old mum always said 'If you can't swim, don't jump out of a boat", a lesson that has served me well throughout my ongoing existence. 


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As a keen environmentalist, I have studied the flora of the Med in great detail and concluded that two species should be re-introduced as a matter of great urgency. These are the man-eating great white shark and the lesser spotted u-boat.

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56 minutes ago, Cap'n Cunt said:

So a bunch of 'mostly Senegalese' chancers got on a boat in Libya to seek fame, fortune and benefits in Europe. 3 days later, they arrived in Italy, or so they thought. Strange, though, that everyone there spoke Libyan (or whatever system of grunts and gestures passes for language there).  Surprise surprise, they're not in Italy at all, they've spent three days sailing 40 miles along the Libyan coast. And to top that: "several people had jumped from the boat but were unable to swim and drowned". These (can I say 'sandmonkeys' here, or will I get told off?) 'people' obviously have a different upbringing to be, cos my old mum always said 'If you can't swim, don't jump out of a boat", a lesson that has served me well throughout my ongoing existence. 



Reported for using the word "sand monkey"

I would recommend a reprimand.

Additionally most of your posting has been dreadful.Make more of an effort or fuck off.

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1 hour ago, Cap'n Cunt said:

So a bunch of 'mostly Senegalese' chancers got on a boat in Libya to seek fame, fortune and benefits in Europe. 3 days later, they arrived in Italy, or so they thought. Strange, though, that everyone there spoke Libyan (or whatever system of grunts and gestures passes for language there).  Surprise surprise, they're not in Italy at all, they've spent three days sailing 40 miles along the Libyan coast. And to top that: "several people had jumped from the boat but were unable to swim and drowned". These (can I say 'sandmonkeys' here, or will I get told off?) 'people' obviously have a different upbringing to be, cos my old mum always said 'If you can't swim, don't jump out of a boat", a lesson that has served me well throughout my ongoing existence. 



Another pile of shit. Very few kids listen to their mum, it's a great pity you were the exception.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

Can I suggest that next time you're on Frank's boat and he's chasing you around the poop deck for some bum fun, that you take a jump over the side, preferably with a pair of steel toe capped boots and a weight vest on.

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1 hour ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

Can I suggest that next time you're on Frank's boat and he's chasing you around the poop deck for some bum fun, that you take a jump over the side, preferably with a pair of steel toe capped boots and a weight vest on.

As a new party game...... this could work...... creepily reminiscent of Natalie Wood .... or Dennis Wilson.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
1 hour ago, cuntspotter said:

As a new party game...... this could work...... creepily reminiscent of Natalie Wood .... or Dennis Wilson.

Or Howlin' mad Rupert Murdoch

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
20 hours ago, Alfie Noakes Marx said:

Fuck! What a useless bunch of cunts, but not as useless as the poster of this nom.

I have it on good authority that the poster of the nom. can swim and they are good at directions, especially down, having plummeted to unchartered depths when posting shit like this.

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There was this one kid at work, who was some kind of spatial dyslexic.

So if giving direction from say, Watford to Milton Keynes, he would say, not 'You head north' but  instead say 'You go up'. East and West were reduced to 'left and 'right' and he used to have to turn the atlas round when he was in the car, to reflect the direction he was travelling in.


Cunt only went off and became a navigator for the RAF.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
On 1/8/2017 at 4:34 PM, Punkape said:

Reported for using the word "sand monkey"

I would recommend a reprimand.

Additionally most of your posting has been dreadful.Make more of an effort or fuck off.

You sound utterly gay.



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Guest Gong Farmer
On 8-1-2017 at 9:34 PM, Cap'n Cunt said:

So a bunch of 'mostly Senegalese' chancers got on a boat in Libya to seek fame, fortune and benefits in Europe. 3 days later, they arrived in Italy, or so they thought. Strange, though, that everyone there spoke Libyan (or whatever system of grunts and gestures passes for language there).  Surprise surprise, they're not in Italy at all, they've spent three days sailing 40 miles along the Libyan coast. And to top that: "several people had jumped from the boat but were unable to swim and drowned". These (can I say 'sandmonkeys' here, or will I get told off?) 'people' obviously have a different upbringing to be, cos my old mum always said 'If you can't swim, don't jump out of a boat", a lesson that has served me well throughout my ongoing existence. 



Maybe  your old Mum should have taught you to swim, that would have served you even better when jumping out of boats.

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Guest Lady Penelope
On 10/01/2017 at 10:42 AM, Jiggerycock said:

There was this one kid at work, who was some kind of spatial dyslexic.

So if giving direction from say, Watford to Milton Keynes, he would say, not 'You head north' but  instead say 'You go up'. East and West were reduced to 'left and 'right' and he used to have to turn the atlas round when he was in the car, to reflect the direction he was travelling in.


Cunt only went off and became a navigator for the RAF.

The the railway towards Cardiff used to change from up to down at Craven Arms ..train made hell of a jolt when it happened. I was glad when they made it all up to Cardiff.

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