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Adam Woodyatt(?) AK fucking A - Ian.

Guest Ollyboro

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Guest Ollyboro

Can anycunt remember when this fat cunt appeared on "Celebrity Weakest Link"?

As any Blackadder fan knows, actors always refer to "Macbeth" as "The Deep Fried Sweaty Play". Anyhow, the slack jawed, frozen visaged, ginger pisshead dwarf asked Ian Woodyatt(?) a question, to which the answer was "Macbeth". Under the misapprehension that he's an actor, Woodyatt (?) answered "The Methadone Play". Then sulked like a cunt when the Maxwell felching troll told him he was incorrect. Typical Jock. Not that Woodyatt (?)'s a fucking Jock or owt, but that's exactly how these pasty faced cunts repeatedly behave on "Jeremy Kyle". Hard Brexit'll sort this shit oot.

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14 minutes ago, Ollyboro said:

Can anycunt remember when this fat cunt appeared on "Celebrity Weakest Link"?

As any Blackadder fan knows, actors always refer to "Macbeth" as "The Deep Fried Sweaty Play". Anyhow, the slack jawed, frozen visaged, ginger pisshead dwarf asked Ian Woodyatt(?) a question, to which the answer was "Macbeth". Under the misapprehension that he's an actor, Woodyatt (?) answered "The Methadone Play". Then sulked like a cunt when the Maxwell felching troll told him he was incorrect. Typical Jock. Not that Woodyatt (?)'s a fucking Jock or owt, but that's exactly how these pasty faced cunts repeatedly behave on "Jeremy Kyle". Hard Brexit'll sort this shit oot.

What the flying fuck? Drugs, booze, brain tumour or all 3 combined? 

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1 hour ago, nocti said:

I can't make heads nor fucking tails of this Olly, and I have a keen interest in cryptography. It's like you're channelling the spirit of a lobotomised dyslexic. Care to elaborate on this when you've either sobered up or the seance has finished?

Maybe he's caught ectoplasmia.

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Guest DingTheRioja
19 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

What the flying fuck? Drugs, booze, brain tumour or all 3 combined? 

I guess heroin, in reference to the methadone.

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