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Jo and Billy Martin, of Chorley.

Last Cunt Standing

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A colleague who spends his time tending to the broken bones of pensioners in the Liverpool area recently directed me to this website as we discussed the plight of Colin Bailee, the Surgeon and purported offender in this story from November, during the tea break of a medical conference. 


So it seems the “boxheaded wife who looks like she can only get wet through the act of complaining on social media” has form for bipolar and anxiety. 

Who’d have thunk it?


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12 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:


So it seems the “boxheaded wife who looks like she can only get wet through the act of complaining on social media” has form for bipolar and anxiety. 

June 10th 2017 - seems like she's going for the Oompa Loompa look.


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19 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

A colleague who spends his time tending to the broken bones of pensioners in the Liverpool area recently directed me to this website as we discussed the plight of Colin Bailee, the Surgeon and purported offender in this story from November, during the tea break of a medical conference. 


So it seems the “boxheaded wife who looks like she can only get wet through the act of complaining on social media” has form for bipolar and anxiety. 

Who’d have thunk it?


Does bipolar actually exist in your opinion?

I always assumed it was just used as an excuse to act like utter cunts by high maintenance fucking slags who can't control their tempers.

The sort of tarts who have realised that screaming and stamping their feet like little cunts can only be blamed on PMT a couple of days each month.

I blame the husbands of these harridans. If they received regular hidings at home they wouldn't ever dare think that their feelings or emotions mattered.

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Guest judgetwi

She should be fucking anxious as I suspect everybody who comes in contact with the bitch would love to kick seven shades of shit out of her. What an ugly, attention seeking, self entitled sack of turds. Hubbie must be some sort of cunt......fancy letting your Mrs show you up like that.

I bet the kids are right little bastards as well. Fuck this bunch of cunts.

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1 minute ago, judgetwi said:

Hubbie must be some sort of cunt......fancy letting your Mrs show you up like that.

I bet the kids are right little bastards as well. Fuck this bunch of cunts.

"Manfully" is pretty much the last adverb I'd apply to the cunt; and their daughter shits in the street like a common dog. (April 26th, 2017)

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9 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

"Manfully" is pretty much the last adverb I'd apply to the cunt; and their daughter shits in the street like a common dog. (April 26th, 2017)

Indeed Baws. And in the self same post from April, she reveals her bastard spawn ran around the doctors office picking up the sharps bin and pissing on the floor. 

Hepatitis C followed by fulminant liver failure would be a blessed release from having this window-licking monstrosity mother you for the next dozen years. 

Poor kids have no chance. 

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Guest judgetwi
33 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

June 10th 2017 - seems like she's going for the Oompa Loompa look.


She definitely looks psycho in that picture. Did she put her eyebrows on with a magic marker?

Imagine this bitch ripping open the shower curtain with a chip pan in her hand. You’d shit yourself right there and then.😱

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On 16/11/2017 at 1:11 PM, Roadkill said:

Just looking at the picture in the article tells you everything you need to know - pussy whipped husband with a box headed wife who looks like she can only get wet through the act of complaining on social media about perceived issues. They look like the type who drive around in a grey Vauxhall Zafira or Ford Focus and go on holiday to Spain every year only so they can complain about the hotel staff when they get back. They'd walk up and down the seafront every day with their sprog in tow and make snide comments about the sunbathers on the beaches, but only when they're safely out of earshot because they're too cowardly to face a potential confrontation with anyone. I bet they have a nice house with gardens dutifully maintained by Father, who tries his best to meekly get along with the neighbours but has accepted long ago that he'll never have any real friends again because Mother is such a snide little conniving bitch who reports every fault to her squawking coven of gossip hungry friends.

They loved each other when they were younger. Father and Mother had a healthy twinkle in their eyes, but the unforgiving anchor of child has left them bitter and hateful, their once beautiful bond now rancid and poisonous under a thin layer of crumbling paint, leaving them the petty, empty shells of once-humans that they are now - able to derive pleasure only from making others as miserable as they are.

I pity them.

You could have summed it up in one sentence: 'Pair of cunts'. 

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Perhaps the biggest cunt in this whole sorry tale is Karen Partington, Chief Executive of Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. She wrote a letter of apology to the Mumsnet cunt even though no actual complaint had been received! She didn't even have the courtesy to inform the surgeon that she had taken it upon herself to offer an apology on his behalf.

I wish they'd had the gumption to tell the whining bitch to fuck off for a spot of health tourism to Albania next time her brat had a tickly cough, the stupid fucking Munchausen-by-proxy cunt.


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Guest Earl Albert of Ross (Bt)
1 minute ago, Witheredscrote said:

In my part of France you do.  Mind you, we have nothing else to compare it to.

Yes, but do the geese enjoy it?

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Guest Earl Albert of Ross (Bt)
5 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Not if you like eating your frites whilst wet and naked. I do.

Is "frites" French for shitting yourself with a Yorkshire accent?

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1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

Perhaps the biggest cunt in this whole sorry tale is Karen Partington, Chief Executive of Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. She wrote a letter of apology to the Mumsnet cunt even though no actual complaint had been received! She didn't even have the courtesy to inform the surgeon that she had taken it upon herself to offer an apology on his behalf.

I wish they'd had the gumption to tell the whining bitch to fuck off for a spot of health tourism to Albania next time her brat had a tickly cough, the stupid fucking Munchausen-by-proxy cunt.


No chance of this Baws, NHS Management are more supine than the French Infantry, and their endless pandering to “service users” has rendered most Doctors as impotent as Pele after a night on the beer. In many cases the idiots have quite literally taken over the asylum. 

Now I must go, I have an elearning module to do on female genital mutilation, which is a perfect accompaniment to this evenings Snooker final. 

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Guest judgetwi
2 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

Not if you like eating your frites whilst wet and naked. I do.

That’s because the French stick each one up their arse before eating it. Filthy cunts.

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27 minutes ago, Neil said:

It looks like it'd fucking eat you afterwards. It' not even a double bagger

Oh come on Neil, from what I understand you’re the type who’d bring his own cable ties to Rose West’s love dungeon if you thought your putrid member would get some attention from the old Witch. This Jo Martin is probably well above your average, simply for having a standard number of fingers and unwebbed feet. 

Of course, she’d be lucky to have you. 

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