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The Sultan and the Beeb

Eric Cuntman

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Guest 'eavensabove
2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

The sultan of Brunei has gone full draconian on faggotry and gender perversion. Public stoning and amputations ahoy. Predictably, the 'look at me' celebrities will be all over this shit, although they would be a lot more all over it if was a western nation curtailing the LGBT community in any slight fashion. But, as it is a Muslim nation they seem to be limiting their outrage to Elton John and George Clooney, refusing to stay in some hotels that they probably weren't planning to stay in anyway. (Yeah! That'll teach 'em)

However, I'm more interested to see how the BBC are going to handle this one. An all out war between the two groups who they pander to and kiss up to with sickening regularity. The BBC news editors must be totally fucked on this one, 'how can we kiss the arses of the poofs and the Muslims without taking sides?'

Let's hope the squirming uncertainty over how to report this, turns into suicidal depression for a few executive producers and editors, who have been peddling their biased far left shit under the guise of 'impartial' journalism for years.

The BBC will (as always) broadcast in an unbiased, open and honest way. They will milk the story for all that it's worth until they can then change their tactics by adopting their cop-out policy by showing a Panorama 1hr Special which will include stooges and voice-overs and a few reels of footage that have been spliced together by the Editors from their Historical Department. In fact, they've probably already done an entire Newsnight edition which will be aired as and when.   

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2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

The sultan of Brunei has gone full draconian on faggotry and gender perversion. Public stoning and amputations ahoy. Predictably, the 'look at me' celebrities will be all over this shit, although they would be a lot more all over it if was a western nation curtailing the LGBT community in any slight fashion. But, as it is a Muslim nation they seem to be limiting their outrage to Elton John and George Clooney, refusing to stay in some hotels that they probably weren't planning to stay in anyway. (Yeah! That'll teach 'em)

However, I'm more interested to see how the BBC are going to handle this one. An all out war between the two groups who they pander to and kiss up to with sickening regularity. The BBC news editors must be totally fucked on this one, 'how can we kiss the arses of the poofs and the Muslims without taking sides?'

Let's hope the squirming uncertainty over how to report this, turns into suicidal depression for a few executive producers and editors, who have been peddling their biased far left shit under the guise of 'impartial' journalism for years.

Gay people with terminal cancer or other tertiary diseases could go out to Brunei and sodomize each other in public.After arrest and trial they could then become martyrs after their respective executions and have roads named after them in dreary suburbs..


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Guest 'eavensabove
5 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

Gay people with terminal cancer or other tertiary diseases could go out to Brunei and sodomize each other in public.After arrest and trial they could then become martyrs after their respective executions and have roads named after them in dreary suburbs..


Or, as like You did, open another branch.

See the source image

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56 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

Gay people with terminal cancer or other tertiary diseases could go out to Brunei and sodomize each other in public.After arrest and trial they could then become martyrs after their respective executions and have roads named after them in dreary suburbs..


God is love (s)Punkape..

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2 hours ago, DrCunt said:

How much for two points, two flats and a bag of gravel?

Don't waste your money doc, I've got an old bag of cement in the shed that gone hard. You can have it for free along with a few broken paving slabs I've got knocking about to launch at Brunei's version of punkers

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So many points of interest to this one.

Firstly the media gaydar going into the red, conveniently ignoring the fact that stoning to death is also the favoured corrective medium for adulterers and insulting the prophet. Maybe our media are okay with that.

Second, whilst most of the CC posse are getting down to Chesil Beach with a shovel and checking the weight allowance on flights to Brunei, some of us think these medieval savages should lose the gills and try evolving, thus criminalising us on the basis of our  'Islamaphobia', actually defined as "a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness.

 The stoning of homosexual men is an expression of 'Muslimness', therefore I suggest we all hand ourselves in to Dibble first thing in the morning.

Actually, that could be a very unamiguous protest at the disgusting Brunei regime as well as the idiocy of the phrase 'Islamaphobia'

See you down the cop shop, 9.30 yeah?

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8 hours ago, Khiwa said:

Do they have cinemas in Brunei, and if so will they be stoning the screen if a gaylord actor appears?

"Popcorn... fizzy drinks... rocks..."

Are there any other type of actors?




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5 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

What, like keeping your head down when there is shit flying.

Keeping ones head down just like your brave countrymen did during the war and the majority of French women folk when dealing with a German sausage? You cowardly fucker withers, you continue to disgust me and the entire puntership. Make as laugh or fuck off out of it.

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Guest 'eavensabove
2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:


Snappy comeback. How do you think 'em up so quick.

Probably by drinking Guinness and being a member on mumsnet.  

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Guest judgetwi

If the Sultan decides to visit this great democratic country i’m sure Her Maj can be persuaded to shake his blood stained murdering hand. I’m equally sure that the Speaker will be more than happy to give him a guided tour of the Mother of All Parliaments, the very cradle of democracy. I know for a fact that the Mayor couldn’t wait to get his overused tongue up the Sultan’s bumhole.

But ...... the democratically elected President of the United States? Fuck off, we don’t want that cunt stinking the place up.

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22 hours ago, Earl of Punkape said:

Gay people with terminal cancer or other tertiary diseases could go out to Brunei and sodomize each other in public.After arrest and trial they could then become martyrs after their respective executions and have roads named after them in dreary suburbs..


Erroreptile404 Street?

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