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Guest judgetwi

Fuck me! Once upon a time wankers had cars as a “penis substitute.” Thanks to the internet now they brag about the size and efficiency of their imaginary “weapons”. 

Sad little no cock wankers.

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Guest judgetwi
4 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

AbsoFuckinLoutely Ratty, a very insightful and lucid reply from you. Unfortunately the whole mainstream media is owned and controlled by Zionist Jews, censoring and sanitising reporting of Israeli events, particularly when it involves conflicts with the Palestinians. You might have noticed my use of the phrase Zionist Jews, for there are many decent Jewish people who are disgusted by the behaviour of the Israeli state.

The whole character assassination of the labour party with the smear of anti-semitism, is a deliberate attempt by these fucking cunts to divide the only legitimate opposition to the Zionist owned Tory party. 

Just for the record my grandfather fought his way of a beach in Dunkirk and I am no fan of the Nazis, and veterans of WW2 would be disgusted to think that Nazism merely took another guise as the state of Israel.

Every wanker on the internet has a war hero grandad. Nobody “fought their way of (sic)  a beach in Dunkirk.”

The usual uninformed bullshit from a tosser desperate for approval. You were bullied at school weren’t you? Is that why you love to pick on the disabled? 

Shit..... I can’t find any disabled emojis. Does the BBC know about this? 

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11 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

Every wanker on the internet has a war hero grandad. Nobody “fought their way of (sic)  a beach in Dunkirk.”

The usual uninformed bullshit from a tosser desperate for approval. You were bullied at school weren’t you? Is that why you love to pick on the disabled? 

Shit..... I can’t find any disabled emojis. Does the BBC know about this? 

Are you upset? Did the Jets not beat the Patriots in the Superbollock? 

Ridiculous little Vince Lombardi play book compiling cunt. 

Have you ever masturbated over O.J Simpson?

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4 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Every wanker on the internet has a war hero grandad. Nobody “fought their way of (sic)  a beach in Dunkirk.”

The usual uninformed bullshit from a tosser desperate for approval. You were bullied at school weren’t you? Is that why you love to pick on the disabled? 

Shit..... I can’t find any disabled emojis. Does the BBC know about this? 

I've often wondered why most of your drivel is posted in the small hours of the morning. I originally assumed that being a fat cunt, you suffer from sleep apnoea, so spend most of your nights snorting your stupid fucking head awake. Then came the revelation that you're an ex-copper, which also explains why you're such a wanker. That aside, it's now obvious that you're some sort of night watchman.

I can imagine you now, shuffling around some old bus depot, whistling the theme tune to 'The Bill' and fantasising that you're still in the Met 

Dickhead of Dock Green.

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5 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Fuck me! Once upon a time wankers had cars as a “penis substitute.” Thanks to the internet now they brag about the size and efficiency of their imaginary “weapons”. 

Sad little no cock wankers.

Feel free to join in the discussion jewdz baby..we were discussing the simply engineered but lethal implements the risen ape has flooded the planet with..we could talk about bin lorry hydraulics if it makes ya feel more included 


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19 hours ago, ratcum said:

I agree with you 100% MC and the funny thing about the truth is it remains the truth, whether it's believed or not. There is no anti-Semitism in the Labour Party (try your true blue Tories for that), but there is condemnation of Israel which exactly matches UN condemnation. British Zionist jews just want to smother anything that exposes their support of a blood soaked, evil regime. Same with the jewish lobby in the US...

One thing the Labour party has in common with the BNP is that they are both currently under investigation by the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

Is there systemic discrimination within the Labour Party? Probably not, but there is an unwillingness by the leadership to root out anti-Semitic elements by the Project Corbyn team. Baroness Hayter was right in describing the bunker mentality gripping the great leader's inner cabinet with allegations of withheld and deleted correspondence.

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11 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

...Unfortunately the whole mainstream media is owned and controlled by Zionist Jews, censoring and sanitising reporting of Israeli events, particularly when it involves conflicts with the Palestinians...

As a punter who does "quite a bit of research" could you kindly explain how "the whole mainstream media is owned and controlled by Zionist Jews" ?

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37 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

As a punter who does "quite a bit of research" could you kindly explain how "the whole mainstream media is owned and controlled by Zionist Jews" ?

Haven’t you read chapter1 of ‘Top 100 daft conspiracy theories’?

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7 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Every wanker on the internet has a war hero grandad. Nobody “fought their way of (sic)  a beach in Dunkirk.”

The usual uninformed bullshit from a tosser desperate for approval. You were bullied at school weren’t you? Is that why you love to pick on the disabled? 

Shit..... I can’t find any disabled emojis. Does the BBC know about this? 

Yeah most cunts from the UK do have a war hero grandfather but as you were probably born on a kibitz I doubt you do. Obviously to a wanker like you being strafed by the Luftwaffe doesn't count as fighting, you wanna say rescued?

No I was never bullied at school Jewdy, if I had been, I might have left school angry at the world and joined the met.

Know what I mean.

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3 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

He often spoke of that flip flop Billy, story goes it was stolen by an Ulsterman as it was orange.

‘Stolen’ is a bit strong, don’t you think? Anything found on a beach automatically becomes the property of the finder under the’flotsam and jetsam’ act 1939. I can post you his foot but the flip flop stays with me.

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Guest Salty Piss Flap
13 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Every wanker on the internet has a war hero grandad. Nobody “fought their way of (sic)  a beach in Dunkirk.”

The usual uninformed bullshit from a tosser desperate for approval. You were bullied at school weren’t you? Is that why you love to pick on the disabled? 

Shit..... I can’t find any disabled emojis. Does the BBC know about this? 



Don't say I never gave you anything.

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1 hour ago, Major Cunt said:

On the contrary Mrs R, I just happen to be in a rush, may I suggest the video below as a starting point, excellent work by an investigative journalist.



If you think I'm going to invest 2 & quarter hours viewing a discredited and little known anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist addressing Sid & Doris Bonkers at Shitsville Parish Hall then you are deluded.

Stop deflecting and answer the question.

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38 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

If you think I'm going to invest 2 & quarter hours viewing a discredited and little known anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist addressing Sid & Doris Bonkers at Shitsville Parish Hall then you are deluded.

Stop deflecting and answer the question.

You fucking idiot!

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14 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Every wanker on the internet has a war hero grandad. Nobody “fought their way of (sic)  a beach in Dunkirk.”

The usual uninformed bullshit from a tosser desperate for approval. You were bullied at school weren’t you? Is that why you love to pick on the disabled? 

Shit..... I can’t find any disabled emojis. Does the BBC know about this? 

I once fought my way off the beach at Barry Island. The queue for ice cream was absolutely fucking bonkers.

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There's little, if any, genuine antisemitism within the Labour party. There's plenty of anti-Israeli rhetoric, and for good reason.

The media has been quite critical of Labour and has helped to create a myth that paints a picture of overwhelming condemnation for genuine criticism of Israel, insinuating that there is a sinister level of antisemitism behind it. Whether that is because the media is being controlled by shadowy Zionist figures, or the attacks are purely political in basis doesn't matter. It propagates the idea that there is collusion between media outlets and Israeli lobbyists. True or not, this isn't something that's all in the heads of a few racist nutjobs.

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