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Stacey "fucking" Dooley

camberwell gypsy

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47 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

Hello Mrs Roops. Just taking a break, sitting in my cab. Making a fortune tonight, off the meter, ripping off the foreign cunts. They can afford it so fuck ‘em.

Been reading in The Sun on Sunday (fucking great newspaper, don’t you agree?) that Stacey, your “hasn’t she done well for a common little gel” hero has accepted that not everyone is going to like her and she just has to live with it. ( while sticking great wads of cash in her pocket ) 

This is ahead of her BBC programme interviewing murdering ISIS bitches in detention camps who need some country to rescue them and take them in. No prizes for guessing which country the BBC has in mind. Dumb Stacey is, of course, the ideal frontsperson for this job, so easily manipulated by the cunts at Jimmy Savile House.

Greenwich guv’nor? Nah, I ain’t going sarf of the river at this time of night. Come back in a couple of hours mate, I might be able to help you out.

Looks like you had a busy day you racist fucker

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Guest judgetwi
15 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Looks like you had a busy day you racist fucker

Football Factory. Stick it up your arse and fuck off down to Dulwich Hamlet.

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A taxi driver writes...

"ad that Nick Griffin in the back of my cab the other day. Top geezer and a right gent - not that anybody tells me how to fink"

2 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Hello Mrs Roops. Just taking a break, sitting in my cab. Making a fortune tonight, off the meter, ripping off the foreign cunts. They can afford it so fuck ‘em.

Been reading in The Sun on Sunday (fucking great newspaper, don’t you agree?) that Stacey, your “hasn’t she done well for a common little gel” hero has accepted that not everyone is going to like her and she just has to live with it. ( while sticking great wads of cash in her pocket ) 

This is ahead of her BBC programme interviewing murdering ISIS bitches in detention camps who need some country to rescue them and take them in. No prizes for guessing which country the BBC has in mind. Dumb Stacey is, of course, the ideal frontsperson for this job, so easily manipulated by the cunts at Jimmy Savile House.

Greenwich guv’nor? Nah, I ain’t going sarf of the river at this time of night. Come back in a couple of hours mate, I might be able to help you out.

It's no good trying to parody yourself as a deflection, your reputation precedes you.

Ms Dooley did a reportage on the main BBC news bulletin at ten earlier this evening. Suffice to say you couldn't be more wrong. The item was a really a trailer for tonight's Panorama programme. She was reporting from the Kurdish refugee camps and whilst she was concerned for innocent children born into the environment for no other reason than they are ripe for radicalisation she in fact gave an unsentimental, if not unsympathetic view of the Isis womenfolk. This was as far removed from the "One Show" sofa as you can get and if the BBC had an agenda then MS Dooley wasn't singing from the same hymn sheet.

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Guest judgetwi
26 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

A taxi driver writes...

"ad that Nick Griffin in the back of my cab the other day. Top geezer and a right gent - not that anybody tells me how to fink"


Quality. You just can’t help yourself can you Mrs Roops? You just can’t resist the class stereotypes. It must be great to be as superior as you. Presumably you have some statistics to prove how right you are?



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5 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

Quality. You just can’t help yourself can you Mrs Roops? You just can’t resist the class stereotypes. It must be great to be as superior as you. Presumably you have some statistics to prove how right you are?


Now now Judge, get over the tetchiness and after you've put your toys back in the pram, why not actually watch the programmes that you are so disdainful of?

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5 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

You cunt Scotty, she will now have to google the meaning of sense of humour.

I was fully expecting a lecture from her on the finer points of tonsillectomy, jake. Shame she didn't bite because I had a joke lined up about the teenage roops having had hers out in order to give blowjobs without gagging, as is customary in wales. 

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Guest judgetwi
1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

Now now Judge, get over the tetchiness and after you've put your toys back in the pram, why not actually watch the programmes that you are so disdainful of?

Don’t have a telly Mrs Roops, partly because it fucked up after 12 years but mainly because I don’t want to watch shite and propaganda so I haven’t bothered to replace it. 4 months now and I can’t say i’m missing that cunt parade.

Of course I could ask friends if I could come round and watch Stacey fucking Dooley crying her BBC eyes out over Islamist terrorists but I don’t wan’t to embarrass myself. I suspect they would tell me to fuck off anyway.


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1 hour ago, judgetwi said:

Don’t have a telly Mrs Roops, partly because it fucked up after 12 years but mainly because I don’t want to watch shite and propaganda so I haven’t bothered to replace it. 4 months now and I can’t say i’m missing that cunt parade.

Of course I could ask friends if I could come round and watch Stacey fucking Dooley crying her BBC eyes out over Islamist terrorists but I don’t wan’t to embarrass myself. I suspect they would tell me to fuck off anyway.

Only three days ago you were praising Ms Dooley for the hatchet job she did on the "peacefuls", now you accuse the same person of crying her eyes out over Islamist terrorists, even though you don't watch TV. Colour me incredulous but that's a special kind of stupid. Evidently too much fast food leads to a slow mind.

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Guest judgetwi
46 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Only three days ago you were praising Ms Dooley for the hatchet job she did on the "peacefuls", now you accuse the same person of crying her eyes out over Islamist terrorists, even though you don't watch TV. Colour me incredulous but that's a special kind of stupid. Evidently too much fast food leads to a slow mind.

I wasn’t praising her Mrs R, nor did I describe it as  “hatchet job.” I simply pointed out that Stacey was genuinely shocked at what the peacefuls were saying to her. Anyone who knows peacefuls wouldn’t have been surprised at all. If it had been me I would have got a much better response from the cunts and the head peaceful would have had his hands around my delicate little throat before he knew what he was doing. I mean, look how i’m winding you up.......you fucking hate me don’t you?

As for “fast food” and it’s effect on my brain, do I really have to explain  what a “running gag” is Mrs Roops? You really aren’t very bright are you? Why don’t you produce some statistics on the effects of non existent kebabs on the retarded brains of the working classes?

Stick with me Mrs R. The more I make you look like a cunt the more popular you will become with the numbskulls on here. They might even stop talking about your genitals and your imaginary sexual activities. Or maybe you don’t want that? 

You’ll be banning me soon anyway. 😁

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14 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

You’ll be banning me soon anyway. 

I fucking hope so, you appear to be stuck on a loop endlessly rehashing snippets that you have read from the Breitbart website.

If you're not coolered soon, I predict that it will only be a matter of time before you're banging on about the infiltration of the political elites by the lizard folk.

Change the record, you boring cunt.

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Guest judgetwi
7 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I fucking hope so, you appear to be stuck on a loop endlessly rehashing snippets that you have read from the Breitbart website.

If you're not coolered soon, I predict that it will only be a matter of time before your banging on about the infiltration of the political elites by the lizard folk.

Change the record, you boring cunt.

See, I told you Mrs Roops. The little boy who is always slaggIng you off is on your side already. 

What sort of wanker says “coolered”? Who the fuck do you think you are?.......Steve McQueen in “The Great Escape?” 

It’s a website Jethro, it ain’t real life. Fuck me, what a loser.

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50 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

I wasn’t praising her Mrs R, nor did I describe it as  “hatchet job.” I simply pointed out that Stacey was genuinely shocked at what the peacefuls were saying to her. Anyone who knows peacefuls wouldn’t have been surprised at all. If it had been me I would have got a much better response from the cunts and the head peaceful would have had his hands around my delicate little throat before he knew what he was doing. I mean, look how i’m winding you up.......you fucking hate me don’t you?

As for “fast food” and it’s effect on my brain, do I really have to explain  what a “running gag” is Mrs Roops? You really aren’t very bright are you? Why don’t you produce some statistics on the effects of non existent kebabs on the retarded brains of the working classes?

Stick with me Mrs R. The more I make you look like a cunt the more popular you will become with the numbskulls on here. They might even stop talking about your genitals and your imaginary sexual activities. Or maybe you don’t want that? 

You’ll be banning me soon anyway. 😁

Ah, the old "I'm only having a laugh/winding you up" excuse with some LCD insults for added desperation. I'm not to sure why you think you would be banned either - I certainly don't hate you -  you're an angry little poppet who's unintentional comedy gold provides entertainment value to the site. You also serve as a public health warning as to what can happen when one consumes too much mechanically recovered meat products, E's and artificial preservatives. God only knows how you manage to read an entire Richard Littlejohn op-ed without falling out of your chair.

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Guest judgetwi
52 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Ah, the old "I'm only having a laugh/winding you up" excuse with some LCD insults for added desperation. I'm not to sure why you think you would be banned either - I certainly don't hate you -  you're an angry little poppet who's unintentional comedy gold provides entertainment value to the site. You also serve as a public health warning as to what can happen when one consumes too much mechanically recovered meat products, E's and artificial preservatives. God only knows how you manage to read an entire Richard Littlejohn op-ed without falling out of your chair.

The usual sneering, patronising bullshit with the usual neo liberal punctuation marks. I don’t know what an “op-ed” is but are you sure Littlecock is still alive?

Ok, i’ll explain a running gag to you as best I can. Benny Hill was an unattractive, dirty middle aged man constantly chasing after young attractive birds with their tits hanging out......and always failing. That’s a running gag. It wasn’t much of a gag but it made Benny a very rich man and I know how much you respect money.

The carry out and the take aways are a running gag  Mrs Roops. Not real see. Half of it I couldn’t eat anyway because i’m fucking Jewish. ( that’s another running gag by the way )

And I don’t want greasy food in my taxi (yet another running gag you invented for me)

Tell me Mrs Roops would you prefer me to make disgusting remarks about your genitalia or are you happy with me laughing at your bourgeois snobbery?

Don’t bother.......you don’t get a choice. 😃


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1 hour ago, judgetwi said:

The usual sneering, patronising bullshit with the usual neo liberal punctuation marks. I don’t know what an “op-ed” is but are you sure Littlecock is still alive?

Ok, i’ll explain a running gag to you as best I can. Benny Hill was an unattractive, dirty middle aged man constantly chasing after young attractive birds with their tits hanging out......and always failing. That’s a running gag. It wasn’t much of a gag but it made Benny a very rich man and I know how much you respect money.

The carry out and the take aways are a running gag  Mrs Roops. Not real see. Half of it I couldn’t eat anyway because i’m fucking Jewish. ( that’s another running gag by the way )

And I don’t want greasy food in my taxi (yet another running gag you invented for me)

Tell me Mrs Roops would you prefer me to make disgusting remarks about your genitalia or are you happy with me laughing at your bourgeois snobbery?

Don’t bother.......you don’t get a choice. 😃


You do genuinely make me laugh Jewdy. In my short tenure here you're the punter with the most running gags attributed to them.

Where to start hey, Fat, Jewish, part time queer bar employee, mobility scooter owner, bedsit dweller, takeaway aficionado, ex copper and now taxi driver, have I missed anything?

You asked me in another thread if I ever wrote for a lads mag in the 1980's, unfortunately not. I was a small child in that decade and was more concerned with watching He-Man, and thank Allah I never penned that letter to Sir James of Savile. Seems like I was born to late hey.

Your perceived incredulity at almost any subject you wax lyrically on though is the real comedy gold. Keep it up and if you can't there's always Viagra!

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3 hours ago, judgetwi said:

See, I told you Mrs Roops. The little boy who is always slaggIng you off is on your side already. 

What sort of wanker says “coolered”? Who the fuck do you think you are?.......Steve McQueen in “The Great Escape?” 

It’s a website Jethro, it ain’t real life. Fuck me, what a loser.

Everyone on here makes reference to The Cooler. If you weren't so busy working on your poor man's Tommy Robinson act, maybe you would have noticed that.

As for agreeing with Mrs. R after years of disagreeing with her on everything, you need look no further than the blotchy nose on your fat fucking face. Your uninformed racist rants and shit "running gags" are almost universally despised on here, to the point where you can even bring two old enemies together in ridiculing you.

As I said, change the fucking record, then maybe things can go back to the natural order.

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4 hours ago, judgetwi said:

I wasn’t praising her Mrs R, nor did I describe it as  “hatchet job.” I simply pointed out that Stacey was genuinely shocked at what the peacefuls were saying to her. Anyone who knows peacefuls wouldn’t have been surprised at all. If it had been me I would have got a much better response from the cunts and the head peaceful would have had his hands around my delicate little throat before he knew what he was doing. I mean, look how i’m winding you up.......you fucking hate me don’t you?

As for “fast food” and it’s effect on my brain, do I really have to explain  what a “running gag” is Mrs Roops? You really aren’t very bright are you? Why don’t you produce some statistics on the effects of non existent kebabs on the retarded brains of the working classes?

Stick with me Mrs R. The more I make you look like a cunt the more popular you will become with the numbskulls on here. They might even stop talking about your genitals and your imaginary sexual activities. Or maybe you don’t want that? 

You’ll be banning me soon anyway. 😁

You're wasting your time with Mrs.Google !! 

Cunts with ego's the size of hers are beyond reason and the same for the sad wankers who hang on to her every google-searched words.

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2 hours ago, judgetwi said:

The usual sneering, patronising bullshit with the usual neo liberal punctuation marks. I don’t know what an “op-ed” is but are you sure Littlecock is still alive?

Ok, i’ll explain a running gag to you as best I can. Benny Hill was an unattractive, dirty middle aged man constantly chasing after young attractive birds with their tits hanging out......and always failing. That’s a running gag. It wasn’t much of a gag but it made Benny a very rich man and I know how much you respect money.

The carry out and the take aways are a running gag  Mrs Roops. Not real see. Half of it I couldn’t eat anyway because i’m fucking Jewish. ( that’s another running gag by the way )

And I don’t want greasy food in my taxi (yet another running gag you invented for me)

Tell me Mrs Roops would you prefer me to make disgusting remarks about your genitalia or are you happy with me laughing at your bourgeois snobbery?

Don’t bother.......you don’t get a choice. 😃


Aside from being overly defensive you talk too much. Only a paranoid class warrior could politicise punctuation marks as "neo liberal". Incidentally, I wasn't patronising you, I was ridiculing you .

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