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Prints Harry

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More to the point..if borizz is refused an extension do ya really think youll never have to deal with the EU again?....November 1st youll begin havin talks about talks about a trade deal with the bloc you've just left..and the first thing on the agenda will be the divorce bill


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2 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I buy the 30.4cm ones. It's about time Salty and his ilk embraced SI units.

It’s about time Salty and you embraced AIDS.

Pascal only invented the SI to make his tiny knob sound bigger on paper to other frog poofs.

Decimalisation is for queers that don’t understand the splendid , perceived-reality encompassing , pre-Pythagorean beauty of Ancient Egyptian and Greek mathematics.  Bring back Sacred Cubits ffs.

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3 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

More to the point..if borizz is refused an extension do ya really think youll never have to deal with the EU again?....November 1st youll begin havin talks about talks about a trade deal with the bloc you've just left..and the first thing on the agenda will be the divorce bill


Of course there would be some kind of deal after a no deal exit ..you are not very bright. Are you fucking Irish or sometin'?

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5 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

More to the point..if borizz is refused an extension do ya really think youll never have to deal with the EU again?....November 1st youll begin havin talks about talks about a trade deal with the bloc you've just left..and the first thing on the agenda will be the divorce bill


No worries Baby. There is plenty of three eyed fish in this fine English kettle to chose from, even if Boris gets the boot and compensates for the loss of throne by flipping May’s tits in the Caribbean setting. He will probably start the foreplay under a table, tagging furiously at the decrepit labia, this time without complaints or ensuing police intervention.

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6 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

More to the point..if borizz is refused an extension do ya really think youll never have to deal with the EU again?....November 1st youll begin havin talks about talks about a trade deal with the bloc you've just left..and the first thing on the agenda will be the divorce bill


Panzer .. Ireland is a grown up and independent country and there is no need for you to worry your pretty little head about what the UK is doing.

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Guest Cock Holster
On 04/10/2019 at 23:57, Mrs Roops said:

You've actually tapped into an undercurrent of disquiet currently doing the rounds in Westminster. Courts (i.e. judges) have always been reluctant to be involved in cases where individuals seek to gain a material advantage over issues that are not codified, for instance overturning wills and "libel tourism". If truth be known the recent unanimous ruling by the Supreme Court came as a surprise. Prorogation per se was not illegal but Johnson's reason to suspend parliament was deemed to be "political" and therefore invalid. This of course has set a precedent where politicians being "political" is now open season for any chancer to petition a judicial review on any government or parliamentary decision deemed "political". To take this to extremes, say a future Labour government introduces a plan to nationalise or force corporates to give the workers shares in the firm that employs them. One could argue that such moves are borne through socialist political dogma and therefore not allowed. 

Now there is an irony to all this, I mentioned earlier that that the courts do not like to be used as a means to obtain an advantage yet here they have been used by an aggrieved party to obtain a political advantage. There is an existing parliamentary mechanism in the form of a vote of no confidence to stop Boris. However this would've triggered a general election which the opposition did not want so actors have used the courts to bypass a constitutional procedure that avoided the electorate an opportunity to kick the Remainers into oblivion.  We expect politicians to be political, they are simply doing what they do based on core political beliefs. If we (the voters) do not like what they do then we vote them out. Voting out an unelected judicial government who regards itself as supreme above that of the legislature and the executive is not so simple. The Supreme Court should have echoed the English High Court's decision, "its not our business".


Seems parliament disagrees with you though, since they’re the ones who wanted to reconvene but were being prevented from doing so by the executive.

Funny how this is all undemocratic when it suits ones own political narrative isn’t it?

My own personal opinion is that we must leave now. But if the ERG and Borris think that’s puts Brexit to bed they’re mistaken. 48% of this country wished to remain in the EU, they’ll punish the Tories for what they perceive to be a betrayal for a generation. Anyone who believes this stops once we exit is wildly naive.

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5 minutes ago, Cock Holster said:

Seems parliament disagrees with you though, since they’re the ones who wanted to reconvene but were being prevented from doing so by the executive.

Funny how this is all undemocratic when it suits ones own political narrative isn’t it?

My own personal opinion is that we must leave now. But if the ERG and Borris think that’s puts Brexit to bed they’re mistaken. 48% of this country wished to remain in the EU, they’ll punish the Tories for what they perceive to be a betrayal for a generation. Anyone who believes this stops once we exit is wildly naive.

You don't need to tell me twice, CH.

I don't think that this is going to be put to bed within the next twenty years. People are still going to be banging on about fucking Brexit in 30 years time on a daily basis. As if this country didn't have enough to put up with, what with every cunt of a certain age talking about England winning the world cup 53 years ago.


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2 minutes ago, Cock Holster said:

Seems parliament disagrees with you though, since they’re the ones who wanted to reconvene but were being prevented from doing so by the executive.

Funny how this is all undemocratic when it suits ones own political narrative isn’t it?

My own personal opinion is that we must leave now. But if the ERG and Borris think that’s puts Brexit to bed they’re mistaken. 48% of this country wished to remain in the EU, they’ll punish the Tories for what they perceive to be a betrayal for a generation. Anyone who believes this stops once we exit is wildly naive.

I don’t want it to stop. I fucking love all this shit. All these politicians at each others throats and ordinary people, or cunts as I prefer to call them getting all worked up and angry about something that probably won’t make a blind bit of difference to them, whether we leave or remain. It’s fucking hilarious how every  Cunt is now an expert on everything Brexit related. And the longer it carries on the better. It’s more entertaining than anything on the telly or at the cinema at the moment.

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Guest Cock Holster
2 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I don’t want it to stop. I fucking love all this shit. All these politicians at each others throats and ordinary people, or cunts as I prefer to call them getting all worked up and angry about something that probably won’t make a blind bit of difference to them, whether we leave or remain. It’s fucking hilarious how every  Cunt is now an expert on everything Brexit related. And the longer it carries on the better. It’s more entertaining than anything on the telly or at the cinema at the moment.

“It’s fucking hilarious how every Cunt is now an expert”

Cracking point Billy, who the fuck knew what prologuing was 6 months ago. Now every cunts on a expert on what is and isn’t Judicable.

Ive  particularly enjoyed the demise of the Tory party; it’s fucking eating itself at the moment. They’ve allowed there masks to slip slightly so that you can see the reptilian skin beneath it.

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6 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I don’t want it to stop. I fucking love all this shit. All these politicians at each others throats and ordinary people, or cunts as I prefer to call them getting all worked up and angry about something that probably won’t make a blind bit of difference to them, whether we leave or remain. It’s fucking hilarious how every  Cunt is now an expert on everything Brexit related. And the longer it carries on the better. It’s more entertaining than anything on the telly or at the cinema at the moment.

100% agreed - I have been ticking off all the boxes for all the possibilities and the media and politicians aren't letting us on the sofa down. Just need gen election and second referendum and I think we have a full set. After this I can ask Rumbelows to come and take the TV set back, there will be nothing worth watching after politicians and the media stop being consumed by EU/UK politics!

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Guest Cock Holster
12 minutes ago, Decimus said:

You don't need to tell me twice, CH.

I don't think that this is going to be put to bed within the next twenty years. People are still going to be banging on about fucking Brexit in 30 years time on a daily basis. As if this country didn't have enough to put up with, what with every cunt of a certain age talking about England winning the world cup 53 years ago.


Exactly Dec, all this shit about uniting the country after we leave is for cunts. Cummings knows what’s coming, but he doesnt care, the fucking Tory party are to fucking stupid to see what’s coming next.

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1 minute ago, Cock Holster said:

“It’s fucking hilarious how every Cunt is now an expert”

Cracking point Billy, who the fuck knew what prologuing was 6 months ago. Now every cunts on a expert on what is and isn’t Judicable.

Ive  particularly enjoyed the demise of the Tory party; it’s fucking eating itself at the moment. They’ve allowed there masks to slip slightly so that you can see the reptilian skin beneath it.

The complete shambles which used to be known as the Labour Party is the best show in town I would say. The front bench have as many different ‘very clear’ Brexit policies as I’ve got hairs growing out of my arse. They cannot reconcile the leave constituency/remain MP conundrum. They’ve ganged up on Boris, with the help of the most corrupt speaker ever in Bercow, to paralyse the government but refuse to allow a general election, which is the only way to resolve the whole shambles. Why? Because Corbyn knows, without a shadow of a doubt that he would be destroyed at the polls. So the dishonest MPs who claim that they’ve been trying so hard to deliver Brexit but haven’t been able to, refuse to let the public elect new MPs who would be able to.   These lying cunts should be burned on a huge bonfire like the Mad Cows were a few years ago.

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16 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The complete shambles which used to be known as the Labour Party is the best show in town I would say. The front bench have as many different ‘very clear’ Brexit policies as I’ve got hairs growing out of my arse. They cannot reconcile the leave constituency/remain MP conundrum. They’ve ganged up on Boris, with the help of the most corrupt speaker ever in Bercow, to paralyse the government but refuse to allow a general election, which is the only way to resolve the whole shambles. Why? Because Corbyn knows, without a shadow of a doubt that he would be destroyed at the polls. So the dishonest MPs who claim that they’ve been trying so hard to deliver Brexit but haven’t been able to, refuse to let the public elect new MPs who would be able to.   These lying cunts should be burned on a huge bonfire like the Mad Cows were a few years ago.


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Guest Cock Holster
1 hour ago, King Billy said:

The complete shambles which used to be known as the Labour Party is the best show in town I would say. The front bench have as many different ‘very clear’ Brexit policies as I’ve got hairs growing out of my arse. They cannot reconcile the leave constituency/remain MP conundrum. They’ve ganged up on Boris, with the help of the most corrupt speaker ever in Bercow, to paralyse the government but refuse to allow a general election, which is the only way to resolve the whole shambles. Why? Because Corbyn knows, without a shadow of a doubt that he would be destroyed at the polls. So the dishonest MPs who claim that they’ve been trying so hard to deliver Brexit but haven’t been able to, refuse to let the public elect new MPs who would be able to.   These lying cunts should be burned on a huge bonfire like the Mad Cows were a few years ago.

To be fair it was the ERG who voted against leaving under May, if these cunts hadn’t we may have left ages ago (75 Tory MPs voted against it). Nobody seems to hold them to account though. Strange isn’t it? I wonder why that is...

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2 hours ago, Cock Holster said:

To be fair it was the ERG who voted against leaving under May, if these cunts hadn’t we may have left ages ago (75 Tory MPs voted against it). Nobody seems to hold them to account though. Strange isn’t it? I wonder why that is...

Simple. Seventy-five Tory MP's did indeed vote against May's deal - as did 238 Labour MP's, though for entirely different reasons. The 75 Tory rebels voted against the deal as it would have kept the UK in the Customs Union and the Single Market via an open-ended N.Irish backstop. The UK would have remained in the EU in all but name. The PLP (bar 3 Labour rebels) also voted against the deal (even though it was what most had campaigned for) as they wanted the government to lose another vote and have more ammunition in calling for a general election. Back in March, Labour were slightly ahead in the polls but their constant flip-flopping tactics backfired on them hence their reverse-ferret on going to the voters.

3 hours ago, Cock Holster said:

Seems parliament disagrees with you though, since they’re the ones who wanted to reconvene but were being prevented from doing so by the executive.

Funny how this is all undemocratic when it suits ones own political narrative isn’t it?

My own personal opinion is that we must leave now. But if the ERG and Borris think that’s puts Brexit to bed they’re mistaken. 48% of this country wished to remain in the EU, they’ll punish the Tories for what they perceive to be a betrayal for a generation. Anyone who believes this stops once we exit is wildly naive.

My point was that the Supreme court was straying into territory that was not their concern. I also said that this would set a dangerous precedent for further political chicanery via the medium of the Judiciary. It's now been reported that pro-Brexit Tory MP, Daniel Kawczynski is "in discussion" with m'learned friends with a view to overturn the Benn Act. I don't know about you, but I prefer the political manoeuvrings and squabbling to take place in parliament rather than the law courts. Parliament's House of Commons should reign supreme because they alone are accountable to the people.

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15 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Parliament's House of Commons should reign supreme because they alone are accountable to the people.

Except they’re not at the moment. With Bercows help they’re running away from any accountability, purely because they are terrified of a Tory majority and therefore Brexit actually happening. Two faced, hypocritical liars is what 99% of the opposition are.

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I’ve heard Bercow on numerous occasions attempting to justify his actions in the Commons recently. His bullshit excuse is that he’s sticking up for MPs rights and making sure that they are not being sidelined. If that was actually true then it should be the Tories on the receiving end of his help, as they are the minority group in the leave/remain dispute. Just another glaring hole in the ‘Protector of Parliament’ cloak that he would like everyone to think he wears.When Brexit is resolved this odious 

little toads part in the outcome will be a very long remembered topic of conversation. I think he is probably reviled by Brexiteers as much as Boris is by the traitors, sorry remoaners.

Fuck him and his slutty spunk bag of a wife.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

Except they’re not at the moment. With Bercows help they’re running away from any accountability, purely because they are terrified of a Tory majority and therefore Brexit actually happening. Two faced, hypocritical liars is what 99% of the opposition are.

I think for all his noise borizz doesn't actually want to leave the club but he has to be seen to want to leave but everyone is stoppin him an sure what can i do if the law says i cant leave..hopefully the EU will push him off the end of the plank..they've already called his bluff denying any weekend theatrical tunnel talk nonsense 


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19 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

I think for all his noise borizz doesn't actually want to leave the club but he has to be seen to want to leave but everyone is stoppin him an sure what can i do if the law says i cant leave..hopefully the EU will push him off the end of the plank..they've already called his bluff denying any weekend theatrical tunnel talk nonsense 


Have you ever done any of this extinction rebellion stuff Panzs?

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Guest Cock Holster
2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Simple. Seventy-five Tory MP's did indeed vote against May's deal - as did 238 Labour MP's, though for entirely different reasons. The 75 Tory rebels voted against the deal as it would have kept the UK in the Customs Union and the Single Market via an open-ended N.Irish backstop. The UK would have remained in the EU in all but name. The PLP (bar 3 Labour rebels) also voted against the deal (even though it was what most had campaigned for) as they wanted the government to lose another vote and have more ammunition in calling for a general election. Back in March, Labour were slightly ahead in the polls but their constant flip-flopping tactics backfired on them hence their reverse-ferret on going to the voters.

My point was that the Supreme court was straying into territory that was not their concern. I also said that this would set a dangerous precedent for further political chicanery via the medium of the Judiciary. It's now been reported that pro-Brexit Tory MP, Daniel Kawczynski is "in discussion" with m'learned friends with a view to overturn the Benn Act. I don't know about you, but I prefer the political manoeuvrings and squabbling to take place in parliament rather than the law courts. Parliament's House of Commons should reign supreme because they alone are accountable to the people.

My point being that it appears it’s fine for one side to block Brexit (to instead drive through the harshest of Brexits, one which wasn’t campaigned for so has no mandate). But when the other side attempt to block a no deal Brexit they’re suddenly the “enemy of the people”.

See it’s not quit that black and white is it? There are games now being played for the future direction of this country. With one wanting low taxation, deregulation a reduction of standards and workers rights and the other wanting higher taxes, higher investment and higher standards and workers rights.

Ill say this again, we should leave (is like to remain), but leaving won out this to bed. A box has been opened which can’t now be shut and it’s going to dominate political discourse for decades. The fucking Tory’s want to be careful because once we leave +16 million ppl will be incredible angry, and they won’t forget what they’ve done anytime soon.

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1 minute ago, Cock Holster said:

My point being that it appears it’s fine for one side to block Brexit (to instead drive through the harshest of Brexits, one which wasn’t campaigned for so has no mandate). But when the other side attempt to block a no deal Brexit they’re suddenly the “enemy of the people”.

See it’s not quit that black and white is it? There are games now being played for the future direction of this country. With one wanting low taxation, deregulation a reduction of standards and workers rights and the other wanting higher taxes, higher investment and higher standards and workers rights.

Ill say this again, we should leave (is like to remain), but leaving won out this to bed. A box has been opened which can’t now be shut and it’s going to dominate political discourse for decades. The fucking Tory’s want to be careful because once we leave +16 million ppl will be incredible angry, and they won’t forget what they’ve done anytime soon.

16 million cunts being angry cos they lost the referendum is bad but  17.4 million cunts being angrier cos they WON the referendum and had their decision stolen from them by a few hundred treasonous MPs who decided they knew better , would be a hell of a lot worse to deal with.

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