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Islam, the No1 protected demographic in 2022 Britain.

King Billy

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YouTube channel….. ‘we got a problem’

Video title….Active Patriot Arrested……

Its difficult not to conclude that the filths agenda is the ongoing cover up of the Muslim rape gangs scandal, and protecting the fucking beasts responsible, rather than  let the public hear the truth. Probably nothing to do with their involvement in enabling hundreds of the filthy paedo cavemen vermin to rape children at will for decades in the name of diversity and community relations.

Fucking filth and the religion of peace…..two cheeks of the same stinking arsehole.

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On 20/09/2022 at 21:54, King Billy said:

Hundreds of Muslims and Hindus have been rioting in Leicester every night for the past 3 weeks. These large gangs of violent young men have been fighting each other on the streets of Leicester every night, vandalising property, including what the deputy Chief Constable of Leicestershire Police described as a ‘religious building’ because the coward was too afraid to say it was a Hindu temple which was attacked by fanatical Muslim thugs. This attack had first been reported by the lying media as an attack on a mosque to clearly point the blame at the wrong side, because it seems that the ‘religion of peace’ must not be painted in a bad light as that would be ‘islamophobia’ and that’s a no no for the fake news liars who decide what version of events the public should be told (if anything).

Well this civil unrest has now kicked off in Birmingham tonight too, where a large crowd of mussies have gathered outside a Hindu temple in Smethwick threatening to burn it down. The police, including TSG riot units have been markedly different in their approach to dealing with these ongoing religiously motivated disturbances than the tactics which have become the norm over the past 2+ years in London when law abiding indigenous British people have dared to publicly protest against the authoritarian, anti democratic measures imposed on them in the name of ‘public health’. A far more ‘softly softly’ approach seems to be the orders which the filth are operating under now. 
The MSM who at first ignored these nightly events have now decided to mention them briefly as ‘an ongoing dispute between two opposing groups of fans over the result of a cricket match’ 

When the fuck is the British public going to stand up and say “bollocks” to being lied to, constantly fed a fairy tale narrative of a utopian multicultural paradise and being treated as if they are the root cause of the centuries old hatred and sectarianism between these enemies who our scumbag politicians have welcomed to come here and bring all their fucking cultural hatred of each other (and us) with them?

The problem is not really the Hindus who are statistically far more law abiding and willing to integrate with British culture and respect our country. The child raping ‘peaceful’ scumbags who openly despise us and boast of a forthcoming ‘Sharia State’ U.K. are as usual though being hidden from the general publics view by the enemies of Britain ie the MSM and the cowards in the political class.



It riles me these fuckers have brought an age-old dispute with them from the other side of the world to British soil, at a time when millions are respectfully mourning the death of an important public figure. Whether one agrees with the monarchy or not, it's wholly disrespectful to not be mindful of our culture and history and observe this in the same way the majority of people have. 

The only thing genuinely pissing me off more is the way the fucking pandering British media has purposefully made every effort to cover it up, fearful of the reprisal it may bring had it received more press attention. Again, one can quickly see how England's Muslim community is a perfect fit for inclusion in the minority 'victim' narrative, the cunting BBC at the forefront of this, with the Leicester riots not even on the first page of its fucking news website, thus immediately shielding it from the criticism it fully deserves at such a poignant time in British history.

By not fairly reporting on the Muslim-Hindu violence in its entirely, the BBC-led media becomes an advocate of politically correct multiculturalism – all in order to prevent the prejudice of their British hosts and the 'unfair' discrimination against Muslims. Utter horsehit, all of it.   

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On 20/09/2022 at 21:54, King Billy said:

Hundreds of Muslims and Hindus have been rioting in Leicester every night for the past 3 weeks. These large gangs of violent young men have been fighting each other on the streets of Leicester every night, vandalising property, including what the deputy Chief Constable of Leicestershire Police described as a ‘religious building’ because the coward was too afraid to say it was a Hindu temple which was attacked by fanatical Muslim thugs. This attack had first been reported by the lying media as an attack on a mosque to clearly point the blame at the wrong side, because it seems that the ‘religion of peace’ must not be painted in a bad light as that would be ‘islamophobia’ and that’s a no no for the fake news liars who decide what version of events the public should be told (if anything).

Well this civil unrest has now kicked off in Birmingham tonight too, where a large crowd of mussies have gathered outside a Hindu temple in Smethwick threatening to burn it down. The police, including TSG riot units have been markedly different in their approach to dealing with these ongoing religiously motivated disturbances than the tactics which have become the norm over the past 2+ years in London when law abiding indigenous British people have dared to publicly protest against the authoritarian, anti democratic measures imposed on them in the name of ‘public health’. A far more ‘softly softly’ approach seems to be the orders which the filth are operating under now. 
The MSM who at first ignored these nightly events have now decided to mention them briefly as ‘an ongoing dispute between two opposing groups of fans over the result of a cricket match’ 

When the fuck is the British public going to stand up and say “bollocks” to being lied to, constantly fed a fairy tale narrative of a utopian multicultural paradise and being treated as if they are the root cause of the centuries old hatred and sectarianism between these enemies who our scumbag politicians have welcomed to come here and bring all their fucking cultural hatred of each other (and us) with them?

The problem is not really the Hindus who are statistically far more law abiding and willing to integrate with British culture and respect our country. The child raping ‘peaceful’ scumbags who openly despise us and boast of a forthcoming ‘Sharia State’ U.K. are as usual though being hidden from the general publics view by the enemies of Britain ie the MSM and the cowards in the political class.



Don't drag us into your conspiracy theory shit,Smethwick is yam yam country, would be like me calling Eric a cockney .

I turned a blind eye on your covid stuff,but fucking Smethwick....its on.

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54 minutes ago, Snowy said:

Don't drag us into your conspiracy theory shit,Smethwick is yam yam country, would be like me calling Eric a cockney .

I turned a blind eye on your covid stuff,but fucking Smethwick....its on.

I’m no cockney Snowy. I can trace my ancestry back to the legendary Dane ‘Erik The Really Fucking Stupid’. He was killed in 988 AD after betting his brother in law that he could beat a family of Polar Bears in a fight. The bears lived on a small island so he began swimming north. He wasn’t killed by Polar bears, he drowned 30 yards from shore when the cold water sobered him up enough to remember he couldn’t swim.

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4 hours ago, ProfB said:

Are you & Eric being 'ironic' King Billy?

Sometimes I struggle with the Corner 'in jokes' - I assume you & Eric are laughing your sox off?

Singhing 🤭 

Singhing off the same hymn sheet - Fido is going to love that - Fido is my new Man's guide dog, he's almost human (the guide dog) .

Yes Prof, it was a joke. Apparently all Sikhs are named ‘Singh’. But it might just be a turban myth.

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7 hours ago, King Billy said:

Who’d have thought being a rent boy could be so financially lucrative? I’d hide these big paydays away with your stash of ‘Readers Grannies’ mags, on top of the cistern in the outside bog if I were you. So you can pay the bill in the unlikely event that you ever live to see mains electricity in ‘The bogland that time forgot’.

Oh and desecrating the Monarchs face by way of masturbation is still a hanging offence in all our colonies, so you wouldn’t want to end up swinging in the breeze from a telegraph pole in O’Connell St. like your forefathers I’m sure.

🇬🇧REMEMBER 1690🇬🇧

Literally.. yer money's no good here and not ina good way ..lol


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6 hours ago, ProfB said:

Dec you are very nasty, but you have the HOTS for me too. You do not have Eric or King Billy's charm, wit, good looks or intelligence I am afraid.

Or Pansy - he's like 'smile at the world & the world will smile back at you.' Panz is always 'laffin' - he's so chilled he's horizontal.

Dec - your stink of piss.

Prof baby i love reading your posts ..yer a breath of fresh air in here ..dont mind decco baby..hes probably an alright fellah hes just confused bein a little englander with paddy heritage..like a load more on here ..lol


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17 hours ago, King Billy said:

YouTube channel….. ‘we got a problem’

Video title….Active Patriot Arrested……

Its difficult not to conclude that the filths agenda is the ongoing cover up of the Muslim rape gangs scandal, and protecting the fucking beasts responsible, rather than  let the public hear the truth. Probably nothing to do with their involvement in enabling hundreds of the filthy paedo cavemen vermin to rape children at will for decades in the name of diversity and community relations.

Fucking filth and the religion of peace…..two cheeks of the same stinking arsehole.

Thoughts, Willhelm?


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3 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

You’re not taking into account the basic maths here DC. It’s a little known formula, sometimes called the ‘King Billy  theorem’.

1 Prod + 1 bowler hat + 1 mini Uzi = 10 less Fenians in the next census.

It all boils down to numbers in the end.


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26 minutes ago, King Billy said:

You’re not taking into account the basic maths here DC. It’s a little known formula, sometimes called the ‘King Billy  theorem’.

1 Prod + 1 bowler hat + 1 mini Uzi = 10 less Fenians in the next census.

It all boils down to numbers in the end.


Looks like a demographic headache for you chaps. I’ll suggest you get them brasses of your’s off the pill and start pumping a little orange gentlemen’s relish up ‘em. It’s the only answer.

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13 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Looks like a demographic headache for you chaps. I’ll suggest you get them brasses of your’s off the pill and start pumping a little orange gentlemen’s relish up ‘em. It’s the only answer.

I do wonder how many Catholics are Eastern European immigrants with no dog in the fight. I'm not a demographer, so I don't know if they would appear as British on the census if they're old school European Union migrants, or as ethnic minorities.

Even so, I'd imagine if a referendum was held tomorrow on whether NI wants to join the Republic it would result in a 'No' majority. And I say this as a nominally Catholic man of full Irish descent. 

I think Billy's lot are safe for the time being.

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41 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I do wonder how many Catholics are Eastern European immigrants with no dog in the fight. I'm not a demographer, so I don't know if they would appear as British on the census if they're old school European Union migrants, or as ethnic minorities.

Even so, I'd imagine if a referendum was held tomorrow on whether NI wants to join the Republic it would result in a 'No' majority. And I say this as a nominally Catholic man of full Irish descent. 

I think Billy's lot are safe for the time being.

The NI Executive in Stormont lurches from one collapse to the next and has done since the ‘Good Friday Agreement’ which is basically an unworkable sham, unlike either of the devolved administrations which the sheep shaggers or the ginger midgets were gifted by Tony B Liar. No side in NI, irrespective of who holds the majority of seats has ultimate control as many of the cabinet positions are mandated to be given to the minority parties and either the First Minister or the Deputy FM, (who must be from the other side) can summarily bring the whole thing to an indefinite standstill in an instant, which has happened several times and left the province in limbo for months and even several years.

I agree with your assessment of the probable outcome if a referendum was held on unification. Imo the people realise that a United Ireland would probably see a mirror image return to the violence and horrors of the past, as the Loyalists still feel British first and foremost and despite the appearance of peace and a future of everyone existing together in harmony, the reality is that something as existentially unacceptable  to the Protestant population ie being abandoned by the U.K. would soon expose that perception as the falsehood that it is. It’s a tough one but as you say I don’t believe that either the U.K. or the ROI have the stomach for the consequences of what would surely happen.


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5 hours ago, King Billy said:

You’re not taking into account the basic maths here DC. It’s a little known formula, sometimes called the ‘King Billy  theorem’.

1 Prod + 1 bowler hat + 1 mini Uzi = 10 less Fenians in the next census.

It all boils down to numbers in the end.


The british army published its study of operation banner what it had to say about the loyalist makes grim readin for the struggle of yer brethren bally baby...the terms ..thug..criminals..uncoordinated..and drugs featured heavily in the tome..lol


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10 hours ago, Decimus said:

I do wonder how many Catholics are Eastern European immigrants with no dog in the fight. I'm not a demographer, so I don't know if they would appear as British on the census if they're old school European Union migrants, or as ethnic minorities.

Even so, I'd imagine if a referendum was held tomorrow on whether NI wants to join the Republic it would result in a 'No' majority. And I say this as a nominally Catholic man of full Irish descent. 

I think Billy's lot are safe for the time being.

Quite posssibly. I’m of similar extract…but only half-Mick thank fuck. Maternal Gramps was a gun-runner from Cork though if that helps @PANZER MURPHY? The old cunt rarely got the ale in, however.

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16 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Maternal Gramps was a gun-runner from Cork

Those Lugers and Mausers wouldn’t run themselves without the help of a useful collaborator I guess? Just like those U boats that wouldn’t refuel or repair themselves. ‘Quid pro quo’. 

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

 Just like those U boats that wouldn’t refuel or repair themselves. ‘Quid pro quo’. 

Orange hall noise bally baby...you need to tell the brethren to look beyond their red faced ageing supporters and shake the extended papist filthy taig paw..yer people need not fear a catholic dominated state nor a shinner led government...they wont treat y'all like ya treated them..no matter how much y'all deserve it ..lol



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11 hours ago, King Billy said:

Those Lugers and Mausers wouldn’t run themselves without the help of a useful collaborator I guess? Just like those U boats that wouldn’t refuel or repair themselves. ‘Quid pro quo’. 

He was a typical, embellishing Spudcoon, Billy. Do you know, I was eighteen years of age and I still believed that he’d lost his hair after his ship had been torpedoed in the Irish Sea by a U-boat and he’d spent ten hours in the freezing water before swimming onto the rocks off the Isle of Man. Truth was, he was as pissed as a Cunt and fell off the ferry boat. 

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