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Is Netanyahu an inverted Nazi?


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Listening to this guy speak in recent days and because of his rebirth so to speak in an ultra right wing government. 

Has he flipped or lost the plot? First the attack on Gaza is an attack on ISIS (HAMZA) now it's an attack on NAZIS (HAMZA) then he gives a million people until midnight to get out of his pub before he bolts the door and re-enacts the finale of From Dusk Till Dawn. Now he fucking drops a bomb on a hospital. 

A more incompetent fiddling (tampering with Israel's judiciary) cunning national leader you can't imagine. The cunt is being investigated for corruption. Fucking letting his country get caught with its pants down like a colossal embarrassing idiot....

In terms of collective punishment Netanyahu and his cunt colleagues like Smoterich should be FIRST in line for a dose of it and bring back Rabin and an emergency government. 




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47 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Listening to this guy speak in recent days and because of his rebirth so to speak in an ultra right wing government. 

Has he flipped or lost the plot? First the attack on Gaza is an attack on ISIS (HAMZA) now it's an attack on NAZIS (HAMZA) then he gives a million people until midnight to get out of his pub before he bolts the door and re-enacts the finale of From Dusk Till Dawn. Now he fucking drops a bomb on a hospital. 

A more incompetent fiddling (tampering with Israel's judiciary) cunning national leader you can't imagine. The cunt is being investigated for corruption. Fucking letting his country get caught with its pants down like a colossal embarrassing idiot....

In terms of collective punishment Netanyahu and his cunt colleagues like Smoterich should be FIRST in line for a dose of it and bring back Rabin and an emergency government. 




Netanyajew is a war criminal, and the IDF are no better than the stormtroopers who allegedly massacred his ancestors.

What I'd like to know is this. Why does a nuclear armed country with one of the most elite military forces in the world, require British and American naval forces to anchor off the coast of its stolen lands to offer "assistance" against a largely unarmed civilian population who are being murdered in their thousands, with no means of retaliation at their disposal beyond lobbing a few bits of rubble?

Fuck Israel, and fuck their UK and US puppets who kneel at the feet of a half-cocked, genocidal fucking maniac.

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The Jews never really got proper revenge after WW2 so they’re taking it out on the A-rabs in a carefully scripted “self defence” operation 

I reckon a few of the Warsaw ghetto survivors were taking notes on how to crush an imprisoned population and its been hard wired into kike DNA

If there were floating furnace ships off the Gaza coast, Britain and US would happily state that Israel has the right to defend itself 

Heydrich would be cumming in his pants


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10 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Netanyajew is a war criminal, and the IDF are no better than the stormtroopers who allegedly massacred his ancestors.

What I'd like to know is this. Why does a nuclear armed country with one of the most elite military forces in the world, require British and American naval forces to anchor off the coast of its stolen lands to offer "assistance" against a largely unarmed civilian population who are being murdered in their thousands, with no means of retaliation at their disposal beyond lobbing a few bits of rubble?

Fuck Israel, and fuck their UK and US puppets who kneel at the feet of a half-cocked, genocidal fucking maniac.

I detect the usual patent cunning when Israeli spokespersons fend off accusations of war crimes which is part of a pattern, 

like this, the murder of a journalist (as found by the United Nations a war crime) last year they have still not done anything about it themselves 


They are turning the whole world against them and creating the basis for generations of religious hatred and prejudice. Their country is now poison as far as I am concerned. 

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1 minute ago, Stubby Pecker said:

The Jews never really got proper revenge after WW2 so they’re taking it out on the A-rabs in a carefully scripted “self defence” operation 

I reckon a few of the Warsaw ghetto survivors were taking notes on how to crush an imprisoned population and its been hard wired into kike DNA

If there were floating furnace ships off the Gaza coast, Britain and US would happily state that Israel has the right to defend itself 

Heydrich would be cumming in his pants


I certainly think they have successfully put themselves into the naughty corner and evaporated all shreds of sympathy. I though they was good at the media? After all they is enough of them working in it. 

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6 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I certainly think they have successfully put themselves into the naughty corner and evaporated all shreds of sympathy. I though they was good at the media? After all they is enough of them working in it. 

I think the tide is seriously turning against the yids. It’s got people actually finding out about the history of Israel and the beastly shitcunt things they’ve always got up to and always got away with 

The world has to wake up to what an insidious mob of hook nosed nazis they really are 

In this fucked up world, their jihadi enemies will be loving every single civilian killed, as in turn’s every cunt, rag head or not, against the Zionist state

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12 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I think the tide is seriously turning against the yids. It’s got people actually finding out about the history of Israel and the beastly shitcunt things they’ve always got up to and always got away with 

The world has to wake up to what an insidious mob of hook nosed nazis they really are 

In this fucked up world, their jihadi enemies will be loving every single civilian killed, as in turn’s every cunt, rag head or not, against the Zionist state

I am getting neuro-divergent over this fucking cavalcade of non-stop cunts like Sunak and Blinken mouthing off about terrorism while keeping quiet about land snatching and gradual cunning encroachment on Palestinian territory. After 67, Israel should have handed that land back and worked constructively to set up a viable Palestine state either in the West Bank or on the Med. At the same time the West and UN should have put boots on the ground to force the Palestinians into peaceful statehood and accepting a settlement. A bit like Japan at end of the war. They need unconditional surrender and the Jews need to be put back in the box with their greedy hands rapped.

What I'm worried about now with this weak as piss 80 year old geriatric President is waking up tomorrow to a major regional war which the brown boy fucking drags us into being the US so he can do a Falklands Thatcher. 

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37 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I think the tide is seriously turning against the yids. It’s got people actually finding out about the history of Israel and the beastly shitcunt things they’ve always got up to and always got away with 

The world has to wake up to what an insidious mob of hook nosed nazis they really are 

In this fucked up world, their jihadi enemies will be loving every single civilian killed, as in turn’s every cunt, rag head or not, against the Zionist state

The jewish owned media won't let that happen.

Have you noticed that the holocaust seems to be about the 6 million Jews being murdered and hardly ever mentions the 500k-1 million Roma and Sinta gypsies, and the thousands of handicapped peeps who fucking disappeared up the chimneys? 

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5 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

The jewish owned media won't let that happen.

Have you noticed that the holocaust seems to be about the 6 million Jews being murdered and hardly ever mentions the 500k-1 million Roma and Sinta gypsies, and the thousands of handicapped peeps who fucking disappeared up the chimneys? 

3 million soviet prisoners killed by the hun through starvation, forced labour, death marches and execution. Add to that the poles, Czechs, Greeks and other poor Slav block heads….

But let’s feel sorry for the Jews. Civilised people will eventually run out of sympathy for these fuckers 

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15 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

3 million soviet prisoners killed by the hun through starvation, forced labour, death marches and execution. Add to that the poles, Czechs, Greeks and other poor Slav block heads….

But let’s feel sorry for the Jews. Civilised people will eventually run out of sympathy for these fuckers 

I notice PBS channel just can't leave it alone and Yentob at the BBC will be digging into the sympathy archives you bet. It's a wonder Badiel or Lipman has started pronouncing about how much discomfort they feel living and earning in this country. Tell that to my late grandfather from Cork! 

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13 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I notice PBS channel just can't leave it alone and Yentob at the BBC will be digging into the sympathy archives you bet. It's a wonder Badiel or Lipman has started pronouncing about how much discomfort they feel living and earning in this country. Tell that to my late grandfather from Cork! 

Badiel sees a combat 18 neo Nazi skinhead behind every bush. If he’s so sick of living our racist, anti semitic liberal democracy, I suggest he fucks off to New York or better still, invents a Time Machine and travels back to last Friday and a kibbutz near Gaza 

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1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

The jewish owned media won't let that happen.

Have you noticed that the holocaust seems to be about the 6 million Jews being murdered and hardly ever mentions the 500k-1 million Roma and Sinta gypsies, and the thousands of handicapped peeps who fucking disappeared up the chimneys? 

They never cover the good news.

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13 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Badiel sees a combat 18 neo Nazi skinhead behind every bush. If he’s so sick of living our racist, anti semitic liberal democracy, I suggest he fucks off to New York or better still, invents a Time Machine and travels back to last Friday and a kibbutz near Gaza 

When he was doing well on the telly he kept his mouth shut. Now he survives on a bit of writing and occasional stand up appearances he has sort of built the Lenny Henry strategy into his persona with random pronouncements to keep his name in the press. 

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

When he was doing well on the telly he kept his mouth shut. Now he survives on a bit of writing and occasional stand up appearances he has sort of built the Lenny Henry strategy into his persona with random pronouncements to keep his name in the press. 

Never found him or Frank Skinner remotely funny. All that "see that (insert item here) that's you that is"!  Was about as funny as prostate cancer. 

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9 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Never found him or Frank Skinner remotely funny. All that "see that (insert item here) that's you that is"!  Was about as funny as prostate cancer. 

Frank S(k)inner is a particularly nasty cunt like Jonathan Ross and that fucking deviant Brand up on sex charges. That fucking cunt mouthing off about Mathew (name escapes me was in Benidorm) and fucking crumpled on tv when fronted by him. He lost all credibility as a man he looked like a shame faced found out sullen little fucker which is what he is. I'll come back with the clip if it's on YouTube. 

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6 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Frank S(k)inner is a particularly nasty cunt like Jonathan Ross and that fucking deviant Brand up on sex charges. That fucking cunt mouthing off about Mathew (name escapes me was in Benidorm) and fucking crumpled on tv when fronted by him. He lost all credibility as a man he looked like a shame faced found out sullen little fucker which is what he is. I'll come back with the clip if it's on YouTube. 

He had a show on radio (think it was a saturday) where he had the usual LOL lackies pissing themselves laughing at his stories that went along the lines of (delivered in that monotonous annoying brummy accent) "I was walking up the street the other day, when this bloke came up to me and said "I served you a sausage sandwich years ago" cue manic laughter from his lackies.

Probably funnier when he was a piss artist. 

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2 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:


Like Matthew Kelly. Fucking good actor. Saw him in Of Mice and Men on stage and played a serial killer on TV

He can do comedy as well. I think Skinner was forced to do that interview by his lawyers or suffer the consequences. His work dropped off for awhile, but like Ross he is worming his way back in. 

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38 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

It's doing a very good job of turning the world against it. When they say "we" must all "unite" against terrorism do they really believe people are that easily fooled? 

I'm sure you'll get cunts flying the Israeli flags in the garden and having "We're with Isreal" on their FaceFuck page.

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3 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I'm sure you'll get cunts flying the Israeli flags in the garden and having "We're with Isreal" on their FaceFuck page.

I don't see any turn out on the streets because I think they realise the average person isn't with them. Yet again our political leaders are for reasons not made clear not representative of public opinion. It may be a very deep conspiracy that more or less validates Hitler's wildest theories about worldwide jewry. I am struck at Sunak's brown nosed following of Biden to Israel and his comments being the same as Blair marching Britain by any and all means including breaking the law and lying behind America into Iraq. Same for Syria and Yugoslavia and now Ukraine. I had an Irish grandfather who once war broke out in 39 fucked off back to neutrality in Eire which is what I'd do. They are all cunts. 

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