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Khan declares and emergency

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt

The esteemed mayor of London has declared an emergency due to the rather low temperatures of late . Mr.Khan obviously thinks it a climate phenomenon for it to be cold in December .Watch out for a light frost , it could be deadly .Meanwhile gangs of 12 year olds are running around with zombie knifes impatient to stick it into other  12 year olds.That obviously isn't an "emergency " , it's just cultural high jinx.What a fucked up shit heap my country has become. 

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18 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

The esteemed mayor of London has declared an emergency due to the rather low temperatures of late . Mr.Khan obviously thinks it a climate phenomenon for it to be cold in December .Watch out for a light frost , it could be deadly .Meanwhile gangs of 12 year olds are running around with zombie knifes impatient to stick it into other  12 year olds.That obviously isn't an "emergency " , it's just cultural high jinx.What a fucked up shit heap my country has become. 

I doubt that the cunt actually gives a toss, seeing as he's ensconced in his big fuckin' office, constantly heated to a balmy 70°f , at our expense.

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 29/11/2023 at 09:08, Hammer of Cunts said:

I didn't.


19 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

.... and fucking taser the have-your-eye-out-in-a-second pointed weapon armed child monster. Glad the officer was exonerated after the predictable wailing wall of Oh!, Oh! Why didn't he reason with her, why didn't he do this or that, only a child, how dare he behave like this? Equally predictable the profile. Need I say more? 

A few jabs to the ribs and some turns of the boot might seem an appropriate response to somebody threatening with a pair of garden shears and a hammer whoever it is. 

She got off lightly and no doubt the well wishers and social services will be all over her from now on which means she'll be fucked up for life. 

Just think if it'd gone the other way... Officer down, eyeball gouged out with a pointed shear. Child too young to be named in court....





6 minutes ago, ZEV said:

I doubt that the cunt actually gives a toss, seeing as he's ensconced in his big fuckin' office, constantly heated to a balmy 70°f , at our expense.

I'd have no doubt the cunt would come out  from his Palace  all guns blazing should a march in sympathy and glorifying the actions of  Ratko Mladic took place on the  streets of London .Antisemitic  beliefs are propagated and justified  in all British educational establishments  and  in all forms of media especially the BBC .Groups and individuals are able to spew their hate against Jews on the streets without fear of prosecution.No other race , creed or colour can be treated in the same manner .The uk is a nation run by the radical left by proxy. 


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22 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

The esteemed mayor of London has declared an emergency due to the rather low temperatures of late . Mr.Khan obviously thinks it a climate phenomenon for it to be cold in December .Watch out for a light frost , it could be deadly .Meanwhile gangs of 12 year olds are running around with zombie knifes impatient to stick it into other  12 year olds.That obviously isn't an "emergency " , it's just cultural high jinx.What a fucked up shit heap my country has become. 

I do think these prolonged below freezing snaps (the last one in January wasn't even a snap but a two week ordeal) especially coming at the beginning of December is a worrying trend. It's not characteristic of British winters in my opinion of the last thirty years - generally a good snow cover has kept temps at about 6 of degrees above freezing during the day and about zero at night but to have nights of - 10 and continuous overnight temps of - 4 to - 6 plus zero during the day is abnormal. We didn't get any fucking summer in this year either. It's a pig. They warned us the UK would get a cold hand of cards due to climate change and it's fucking happening. 

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2 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

I do think these prolonged below freezing snaps (the last one in January wasn't even a snap but a two week ordeal) especially coming at the beginning of December is a worrying trend. It's not characteristic of British winters in my opinion of the last thirty years - generally a good snow cover has kept temps at about 6 of degrees above freezing during the day and about zero at night but to have nights of - 10 and continuous overnight temps of - 4 to - 6 plus zero during the day is abnormal. We didn't get any fucking summer in this year either. It's a pig. They warned us the UK would get a cold hand of cards due to climate change and it's fucking happening. 

I agree. All those dodgy black and white photos of Victorian children ice skating on the frozen Thames need to be fact-checked imo. Where the fuck is The Vulcan when we need her?

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4 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I agree. All those dodgy black and white photos of Victorian children ice skating on the frozen Thames need to be fact-checked imo. Where the fuck is The Vulcan when we need her?

I don’t believe that Victorian people even existed. They just made it all up so they could make some films about orphans up chimneys and other fanciful bollocks.

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2 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

I do think these prolonged below freezing snaps (the last one in January wasn't even a snap but a two week ordeal) especially coming at the beginning of December is a worrying trend. It's not characteristic of British winters in my opinion of the last thirty years - generally a good snow cover has kept temps at about 6 of degrees above freezing during the day and about zero at night but to have nights of - 10 and continuous overnight temps of - 4 to - 6 plus zero during the day is abnormal. We didn't get any fucking summer in this year either. It's a pig. They warned us the UK would get a cold hand of cards due to climate change and it's fucking happening. 

It's called the weather, Aitch. By its very nature it's different week upon week, month following month and year after year.

As for it being a bit nippy, most years in the UK recently in November and December have hit the high single figures, so you're totally fucking wrong there.

I don't know where you are getting these supposedly regular below zero figures, I can only assume that you live in a remote glen in the Scottish Highlands, which would also explain your inability to converse in the English language.

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Guest entitled little cunt
15 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I honestly believe that it’s reached a point where white victims of black criminals will be shit scared of reporting what’s happened to them out of fear of being labelled a ‘far right troublemaker’. The police are shit scared of being labelled racist. The public know this and also know that the police will label them as racist rather than risk being accused of it themselves. 
 This leads to a simple inevitable conclusion. The indigenous white population have no protection from the law. And the immigrant and ethnic minorities have worked out that they have virtual immunity from it and are openly carrying weapons, doing as they please with impunity and revelling in their newly gifted position as our superiors.

 Fuck this fucking shitcunt of a country. I’d rather be French.


8 hours ago, Decimus said:

It's called the weather, Aitch. By its very nature it's different week upon week, month following month and year after year.

As for it being a bit nippy, most years in the UK recently in November and December have hit the high single figures, so you're totally fucking wrong there.

I don't know where you are getting these supposedly regular below zero figures, I can only assume that you live in a remote glen in the Scottish Highlands, which would also explain your inability to converse in the English language.

I remember freezing my bollox off in the 70s and 80s .House with crittal windows with ice on the inside and  snow  every winter .All this climate change bollox , it gets hot in summer (sometimes ) and  cold in winter .You can walk into your back garden and pick up a stone or piece of chalk that was either put down by a glacier or put down at the bottom of a tropical sea so  dramatic climactic  changes have always occurred over millions of years .Man as commonly  recognised has only been on earth for a blink of an eye compared to Dinosaurs .Its hilarious  when some  doom merchant 22 year old cunt "academic " states with gloom that some  statististic is   the worst or a first  in history .It's utterly preposterous. Then we are told "trust the science " .They're the same cunts who believe there's 57 genders and have difficulty  defining a woman. A woman is an adult human born with a flange .There , its quite simple .Fuck climate change bollox.Its all about money, big business  and control. Nothing more .

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16 hours ago, Decimus said:

It's called the weather, Aitch. By its very nature it's different week upon week, month following month and year after year.

As for it being a bit nippy, most years in the UK recently in November and December have hit the high single figures, so you're totally fucking wrong there.

I don't know where you are getting these supposedly regular below zero figures, I can only assume that you live in a remote glen in the Scottish Highlands, which would also explain your inability to converse in the English language.

The breakdown of my wood burner contributed to my posts recently. I've had to resort to burning cardboard and rag effigies of the Indian termite, Charley Boy and other royals plus a selection of popular presenters on IT such as Ant and Decadent and Judi Love (didn't burn well let off awful smell) and the Loose Women vile creatures do lunch at places I'm not fit to lick the crumbs off the floor. Satisfied you cunt? 

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16 hours ago, King Billy said:

I agree. All those dodgy black and white photos of Victorian children ice skating on the frozen Thames need to be fact-checked imo. Where the fuck is The Vulcan when we need her?

If you are referring to the Cold War bomber I too am a fan. I believe there is one left that still flies. I imagine a special treat for you this Christmas would be a trip inside the bomb bay over a prearranged drop zone on the Ukraine Russian front. Just think what a contribution that would be to world peace? 

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17 hours ago, King Billy said:

I agree. All those dodgy black and white photos of Victorian children ice skating on the frozen Thames need to be fact-checked imo. Where the fuck is The Vulcan when we need her?

I don't believe it was ice at all. I reckon it was all the shit that the east end scum used to throw into the river. Those kids were running on it and not skating.

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Guest entitled little cunt
42 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

On a personal note Bill I just cancelled my TV Licence and wonder whether you have any tips to share with me if anybody knocks on the door of my hovel. 

Get a shovel and wrap it around the cunts head,  alternatively  Could other cunts shed light on the fact that  If you have a path to your front door that is within your boundary its possible to place  a sign that denies access across your boundary .Its taken a property holder gives right of access by default unless they state otherwise , if that is the case , state otherwise .

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55 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

The breakdown of my wood burner contributed to my posts recently. I've had to resort to burning cardboard and rag effigies of the Indian termite, Charley Boy and other royals plus a selection of popular presenters on IT such as Ant and Decadent and Judi Love (didn't burn well let off awful smell) and the Loose Women vile creatures do lunch at places I'm not fit to lick the crumbs off the floor. Satisfied you cunt? 

Could you burn Rylan Clark for me please?

 @nocti would really appreciate a chargrilled Robbie Williams too… and if you could further blacken Lenny Henry you’ll probably be our Christmas Leaderboard number one.

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35 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Get a shovel and wrap it around the cunts head,  alternatively  Could other cunts shed light on the fact that  If you have a path to your front door that is within your boundary its possible to place  a sign that denies access across your boundary .Its taken a property holder gives right of access by default unless they state otherwise , if that is the case , state otherwise .


28 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Could you burn Rylan Clark for me please?

 @nocti would really appreciate a chargrilled Robbie Williams too… and if you could further blacken Lenny Henry you’ll probably be our Christmas Leaderboard number one.

Fuck me there's some violent cunts on here. I mean say what you like about pikies, but nobody's died of lead being nicked off church roofs. 

Well there was one but he fired first. What the fuck was a monk doing with a Glock?

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2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Could you burn Rylan Clark for me please?

 @nocti would really appreciate a chargrilled Robbie Williams too… and if you could further blacken Lenny Henry you’ll probably be our Christmas Leaderboard number one.

 Consider it done. I forgot the inimitable Liz Truss. I'll put her in head first and gently coat her in the juices of Kwasi Kwarteng who provided enough heat to make three cups of Nescafe Gold this afternoon. My book club is certainly picking up new members. They all bring something to burn, it's a requirement of membership. If it's not flammable they don't come in. 

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On 03/12/2023 at 17:23, entitled little cunt said:

Get a shovel and wrap it around the cunts head,  alternatively  Could other cunts shed light on the fact that  If you have a path to your front door that is within your boundary its possible to place  a sign that denies access across your boundary .Its taken a property holder gives right of access by default unless they state otherwise , if that is the case , state otherwise .

Joe Pesci Stella Street 

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