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Bristol is a nice place to visit

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt

What can be assumed to the effects of   diversity has made its self apparent on the streets of Bristol.Idris Elba , the second rate actor I'm sure will be informing  us once again knife crime isn't a  largely mono  cultural phenomenon  and if we only had more youth centres  it would all go away .The sooner 1.That mono culture where the problem largely exists actually admit they have a problem  and 2.British law makers allow the police to do the job that needs to be done the less 15 and 16 year old kids will die .It's not the fault of white society, that's 99% disconnected with cultural petty wars of territory,  territory that isn't universally  theirs to lay claim to .How fucking simple is it .Give those cunts an inch and they'll take a mile then stab you .If it's impossible to live in a  benign , law abiding,  civilised manner deport them.

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11 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

What can be assumed to the effects of   diversity has made its self apparent on the streets of Bristol.Idris Elba , the second rate actor I'm sure will be informing  us once again knife crime isn't a  largely mono  cultural phenomenon  and if we only had more youth centres  it would all go away .The sooner 1.That mono culture where the problem largely exists actually admit they have a problem  and 2.British law makers allow the police to do the job that needs to be done the less 15 and 16 year old kids will die .It's not the fault of white society, that's 99% disconnected with cultural petty wars of territory,  territory that isn't universally  theirs to lay claim to .How fucking simple is it .Give those cunts an inch and they'll take a mile then stab you .If it's impossible to live in a  benign , law abiding,  civilised manner deport them.

Well I certainly don't want to see anymore potential artists, sportspeople and lovely kids who light up rooms when they enter, having their lives snuffed out at such a young age.  It makes me sad. 

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All I know about Bristol is the Marriot has beds as hard as fucking floorboards - very uncomfortable unfriendly kind of hotel. The shopping centre (is it called The Ring?) is a shithole and there is no centre no identity. Huge social problems on the estates (Snowfields) as well that spread out to Weston and sometimes Bath. Why it's got that way I don't know. 

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55 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

All I know about Bristol is the Marriot has beds as hard as fucking floorboards - very uncomfortable unfriendly kind of hotel. The shopping centre (is it called The Ring?) is a shithole and there is no centre no identity. Huge social problems on the estates (Snowfields) as well that spread out to Weston and sometimes Bath. Why it's got that way I don't know. 

Fuck Bristol 

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40 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Fuck Bristol 

It seems to have a sort of second rate copy of things London like it's trying to catch up... 

The Great Eastern, The Cutty Sark

The Bristol Old Vic, The Old Vic

Clifton Bridge, Tower Bridge

BBC Studios Bristol, The BBC Broadcasting House

I'm sure there's quite a few more

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Guest Basil
2 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

All I know about Bristol is the Marriot has beds as hard as fucking floorboards - very uncomfortable unfriendly kind of hotel. The shopping centre (is it called The Ring?) is a shithole and there is no centre no identity. Huge social problems on the estates (Snowfields) as well that spread out to Weston and sometimes Bath. Why it's got that way I don't know. 

Try a travelodge, you won't not regret it.

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4 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Well I certainly don't want to see anymore potential artists, sportspeople and lovely kids who light up rooms when they enter, having their lives snuffed out at such a young age.  It makes me sad. 

Arsonists, you mean?

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

It seems to have a sort of second rate copy of things London like it's trying to catch up... 

The Great Eastern, The Cutty Sark

The Bristol Old Vic, The Old Vic

Clifton Bridge, Tower Bridge

BBC Studios Bristol, The BBC Broadcasting House

I'm sure there's quite a few more

Sam Fox was from London, but famous for her Bristols.

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11 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Sam Fox was from London, but famous for her Bristols.

Where did that nomenclature come from what's the connection between a nice pair of tits and Bristol. Or is a "bristol" some sort of object or device? Please enlighten this tit hungry cunt. 🍊 

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41 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Where did that nomenclature come from what's the connection between a nice pair of tits and Bristol. Or is a "bristol" some sort of object or device? Please enlighten this tit hungry cunt. 🍊 

It’s rhyming slang.

Bristol Cities > Titties

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17 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Well I certainly don't want to see anymore potential artists, sportspeople and lovely kids who light up rooms when they enter, having their lives snuffed out at such a young age.  It makes me sad. 

Don't worry as we can always replace these numerous potential superstars with the ones that arrive daily in dinghies and, its a positive that they are already highly qualified and at the top of their game.

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Guest entitled little cunt
7 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Don't worry as we can always replace these numerous potential superstars with the ones that arrive daily in dinghies and, its a positive that they are already highly qualified and at the top of their game.

Africa really is suffering what I think is termed as a "brain drain ". What other continent has millions of under 5 year olds with flies around their eyes but can still disassemble then reassemble , load and fire an AK47. Clever little cunts .

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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Africa really is suffering what I think is termed as a "brain drain ". What other continent has millions of under 5 year olds with flies around their eyes but can still disassemble then reassemble , load and fire an AK47. Clever little cunts .

And all on a diet of rice and whatever other shit they chose to spend the money on that Bob and Midge gave them.

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2 minutes ago, Basil Brush said:

Cardinal Wolsey is rhyming slang for Cerebal Palsey.

The Tudors - thanks for the obscure infofacts. Are you the Hatton Garden Basil? Basil Brush was a great character. Is he still on tv? I notice that Sooty is still going strong but after a management buy out some corporate bastard has his hand up Sooty's trouser leg. Just not the same any more. Do you remember Lenny the Lion? 

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