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Black American Comedy

Guest Dr Pandemic

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Guest Dr Pandemic

There is something fucking strange happening on my television screen. There are 5 black comedians, all, from what I can decipher, speak English, but the words together and the waggly heads mean nothing to me. The only expression ive understood so far has been "put yo heynds urp, say hoooooo" and every person in the crowd (all black) went nuts, spazzing out with how funny this fat cunt with the mike was. What a load of cunt.

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There is something fucking strange happening on my television screen. There are 5 black comedians, all, from what I can decipher, speak English, but the words together and the waggly heads mean nothing to me. The only expression ive understood so far has been "put yo heynds urp, say hoooooo" and every person in the crowd (all black) went nuts, spazzing out with how funny this fat cunt with the mike was. What a load of cunt.

Im coming for you.
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There is something fucking strange happening on my television screen. There are 5 black comedians, all, from what I can decipher, speak English, but the words together and the waggly heads mean nothing to me. The only expression ive understood so far has been "put yo heynds urp, say hoooooo" and every person in the crowd (all black) went nuts, spazzing out with how funny this fat cunt with the mike was. What a load of cunt.

Did this televisual cuntfest have a name?
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Have a wank or turn it over then. It's not fucking rocket science.


If it was rocket science on the other channel, it'd give me the horn. All that physics, all those equations... phwooaarrr!

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Guest KuntaCunty

Black comedy hasn't been worth anything since Richard Pryor, Redd Foxx, and Robin Harris died.  Bill Cosby turned out to be a disgusting rapist.  I placed my faith in John Witherspoon, the Wayans', Sinbad, and a couple of others.  So much for faith, the only one of those I can still tolerate at a base level is Witherspoon.  

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What a shame, it started so well. Try this cunt.

There is an old cunt on the corner
Who thinks he is the site's informer
In France during day
And bedsit at night
Politicking to himself obscene amounts of shite
New cunts look on perplexed
How can someone become so vexed
Polishing his boots and IRONing his regalia
Best make way for CC's nerd performer.

Oh Proper.. what will become of you? Night x
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Black comedy hasn't been worth anything since Richard Pryor, Redd Foxx, and Robin Harris died.  Bill Cosby turned out to be a disgusting rapist.  I placed my faith in John Witherspoon, the Wayans', Sinbad, and a couple of others.  So much for faith, the only one of those I can still tolerate at a base level is Witherspoon.  

Flip Wilson was pretty funny. Except now, he's probably dead funny.

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At least the yanks have had a few funny black comedians at some point in time, I can't think of a single British one.... And yes this is bait for someone to dare to say the L word.

He had his moments on tiswas, but before and since he's been pure unmitigated shite. His radio stuff is particularly appalling, about as funny as piles (your own, not someone else's.)
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