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Guy Martin

Guest MikeD

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Guest MikeD

Any chance of resting that cunt Punkape with his make believe,up his own arse,holier than thou bullshit?

Is 'resting' another term for getting rid of some fucker?

Like 'put to sleep'?

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Guest Bill Stickers

Is 'resting' another term for getting rid of some fucker?

Like 'put to sleep'?

PunkApe secretly craves the sweet release of death, he's just too much of a fucking pussy to eat 20 paracetemol.

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Guest Snatch

A good point Stickers, with one minor flaw. You're assuming that Punkape can count to 20.

I'm sure there are enough people to help shove the bottle down his fucking neck.

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  • 1 month later...

His next 'speed challenge' will be to empty his catheter bag before it overflows after his heavy duty crash on Friday...

Just seen the footage eddie, looked like the full stephen hawking to me, complete with colostomy bag and motorised wheelchair. Turns out he just cracked a couple of vertebrae.

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  • 3 months later...

Publicity-shy, ordinary bloke Mr Martin has yet another programme on Channel 4 tomorrow night.

He's got balls of steel to ride the TT as they all have but his "leave me alone, I'm just a mechanic" act is getting fucking ridiculous now.

Just admit it you cunt, you don't give a fuck about your privacy when somebody dangles enough money in front of you.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
On Sun Aug 09 2015 16:09:48 GMT+0100, Eddie said:

His severelypeed challenge' will be to empty his cather before it overflows after his heavy duty crash on Friday...

It looked horrific so don't take the piss.

Fortunately it only appears to have severly Disfigured his face which must be of some benefit to his loved ones and anyone else who has to look at him

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
On 17 May 2015 at 11:10:20, Cuntybaws said:

And an IQ to match. Here's a shot from his 170mph off during the 2010 TT - he's in there. somewhere...



'Baws, ill bet you ride a Norton, a Graham Norton

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12 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

'Baws, ill bet you ride a Norton, a Graham Norton

I've never so much as been on a motorbike. Something about all that leather makes me suspicious,

12 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

But also love getting into a Carr....

Your spelling really is atrocious - "car" or "KARR" would be acceptable in the above sentence, but anything else is just smutty innuendo that will go right over everyone's head.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

I've never so much as been on a motorbike. Something about all that leather makes me suspicious,

Your spelling really is atrocious - "car" or "KARR" would be acceptable in the above sentence, but anything else is just smutty innuendo that will go right over everyone's head.


Not that any cunt in their right mind needs another reason not to be physically moving at 80mph with nothing between them and lorries moving at a relative160mph other than some blue oyster club gay leathers, here's something for you-

Last time I was in A&E (and there was any cunt actually working) it was 5 years ago. I'd fallen into an open dishwasher and cunted my elbows open. Anyway I could hear some sorry sorry cunt pissing and moaning in the bed beside, screen thankfully drawn but alas not soundproofed. Anyway he was on the phone to his missus screaming and wailing about how, I pieced together, he had clipped the back of a trailer and gone spinning off his Graham and into a fencepost or lamppost feet first, legs akimbo, smashing full force with his sausage n sprouts.

As you can imagine he was somewhat upset, sounded like he'd been de leathered and robed up but hadn't taken a peek at the damage and was talking his missus through it. And me, the selfish, noisy cunt. 

Though I had my headphones in with the excellent Adele on full blast I could still hear that, upon peeking, he had found his 2 shooter to be an absolute fucking mush, a half chewed fry up. Heavy duty!

I just left bleeding and fucked off home. Elastoplast. Don't know what I was moaning about.

Let that be a lesson. Granted cunts get cut in half in car wrecks all the time, but it isn't exactly roulette every time as with these stupid fucking cunts.



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I saw the results of 2 people trying to strain themselves through a wire mesh fence utilising a motorcycle as the preferred means of delivery, up in Sweaty Sockland some years ago. Hence my mantra- 2 wheels good.2 wheels and an engine bad.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
11 minutes ago, Manky said:

I saw the results of 2 people trying to strain themselves through a wire mesh fence utilising a motorcycle as the preferred means of delivery, up in Sweaty Sockland some years ago. Hence my mantra- 2 wheels good.2 wheels and an engine bad.

Everyone has at least one cunt from school class smeared all over the road , killed, brain damaged or Hawking'd up in this fashion before leaving school.

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5 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Everyone has at least one cunt from school class smeared all over the road , killed, brain damaged or Hawking'd up in this fashion before leaving school.

These were total strangers. Ragging it like fuck along a badly rutted unlit. track in the dark on private land using a stolen bike. Darwin Award candidates without a doubt. Stupid cunts.

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Guest Bill Stickers
1 hour ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

I'd fallen into an open dishwasher and cunted my elbows open.

You stupid fucking cunt.

What were you doing? Eating out of it like a badly behaved Jack Russell?

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3 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:


Not that any cunt in their right mind needs another reason not to be physically moving at 80mph with nothing between them and lorries moving at a relative160mph other than some blue oyster club gay leathers, here's something for you-

Last time I was in A&E (and there was any cunt actually working) it was 5 years ago. I'd fallen into an open dishwasher and cunted my elbows open. Anyway I could hear some sorry sorry cunt pissing and moaning in the bed beside, screen thankfully drawn but alas not soundproofed. Anyway he was on the phone to his missus screaming and wailing about how, I pieced together, he had clipped the back of a trailer and gone spinning off his Graham and into a fencepost or lamppost feet first, legs akimbo, smashing full force with his sausage n sprouts.

As you can imagine he was somewhat upset, sounded like he'd been de leathered and robed up but hadn't taken a peek at the damage and was talking his missus through it. And me, the selfish, noisy cunt. 

Though I had my headphones in with the excellent Adele on full blast I could still hear that, upon peeking, he had found his 2 shooter to be an absolute fucking mush, a half chewed fry up. Heavy duty!

I just left bleeding and fucked off home. Elastoplast. Don't know what I was moaning about.

Let that be a lesson. Granted cunts get cut in half in car wrecks all the time, but it isn't exactly roulette every time as with these stupid fucking cunts.



My neighbour fell into a dishwasher. I got a knock on the door to find his wife in hysterics. I followed her in to the kitchen to find the soppy cunt on the floor with a carving knife stuck in his throat. I told him not to pull it out as this was the reason why he wasn't bleeding out. What does hw do? Fucking pulls it out so I'm now in the way of a fountain of blood. I yell at his screaming daughter to phone 999 and I tilt his head forward to plug the hole in his jugular.

luckily he survived. The silly cunt had been loading the dishwasher and had the cutlery upside down. He slips/ trips and bosh! Falls forward on the cutlery. The bastards never bought me a new dress to replace the one soppy twat ruined with his claret. Next time she knocks I'll pretend I'm not in

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
6 hours ago, Bill Stickers said:

You stupid fucking cunt.

What were you doing? Eating out of it like a badly behaved Jack Russell?

Nothing fucking stupid like that. I was simply trying to pour a pint of sherry (QC as it happens) with bottle under one arm and going for another pint glass in the back for some other stupid fucking cunt, but obviously the acid stupid test was who fell into the dishwasher and cunted their elbows open, and who did not. As you can imagine I kept a solid grip of the pint of sherry and bottle- hence elbows not hands. Didn't spill a drop, and it was naturally up to the fucking meniscus.

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