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Israelis the new nazis


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This thread is like a Stormfront love in. A Gestapo khazi.

In case you missed the irony , the nom is comparing the israelis treatment of Palestinians to the Nazi treatment of jews , however you seem to have missed that point, but pointed out the comments against israel makes the posters Nazis. Standard and lazy reply to anyone criticising israel, however made the judges little winkle twitch so good for you.

Interesting fact for you chard Falk, the former UN special rapporteur has called Israeli policies in the Occupied Territories “a crime against humanity.” Falk also has compared Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians to the Nazi treatment of the Jews. Falk has said, “I think the Palestinians stand out as the most victimized people in the world.”.  Probably posted this on stormfront...

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Guest DingTheRioja

Too fucking right mate. The people who are angry about the State of Israel tend to fall into 3 categories........1, Muslims (for obvious reasons) 2, the extreme left (because Israel is supported by the USA , the "Evil Empire") and 3, good old fashioned Neo Nazis. (possibly a contradiction in terms) You don't have to be a brain surgeon to figure out the motivation of the cunts on this thread.. 

You couldn't work out the motivation of a rampant rabbit...

As has been pointed out very fucking often... it's the STATE of Isreal that is the real issue, it's the top bollocks who think they can run the world as THEY see fit, not everyone else.

The STATE of Isreal is engaged in wholesale and indiscriminate slaughter of men, women and children, and a massive illegal landgrab. Ergo, bunch of cunts.

ISIL/ISIS is engaged in wholesale and indiscriminate slaughter of men, women and children, and a massive illegal landgrab. Does calling them cunts make me anti-semitic?

If I say that "Nazi Germany was engaged in wholesale and indiscriminate slaughter of men, women and children, and a massive illegal landgrab"  does that make me anti-semitic?


Or just anti-murdering-cunts?


I have colour-coded the important bits for you to compare.... and yes.. I have said anti-semitic to every single fucking example...


well said judge you're right, people ranging from the far left to the far right are angry about israel , so that's everyone.

A lot of right thinking, prominent Jewish figures from Albert Einstein to Sigmund Freud to holocaust survivor Primo Levi -- have opposed the idea of an ethnically exclusive Israeli state. Which of your three categories do you place those cunts in...


They're anti-semitic of course... and nazis', and raging leftie looney commies...

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Guest stamponkittens

Too fucking right mate. The people who are angry about the State of Israel tend to fall into 3 categories........1, Muslims (for obvious reasons) 2, the extreme left (because Israel is supported by the USA , the "Evil Empire") and 3, good old fashioned Neo Nazis. (possibly a contradiction in terms) You don't have to be a brain surgeon to figure out the motivation of the cunts on this thread.. 

We're all God's children judgtwi. I noticed someone called you Judy, are you a well informed woman? No reason you shouldn't be btw, I'll just say fuck and cunt less often when conversing with you.

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Guest stamponkittens

well said judge you're right, people ranging from the far left to the far right are angry about israel , so that's everyone.

A lot of right thinking, prominent Jewish figures from Albert Einstein to Sigmund Freud to holocaust survivor Primo Levi -- have opposed the idea of an ethnically exclusive Israeli state. Which of your three categories do you place those cunts in...


Jews who don't want a jewish state? Epic fail jews? Rubbish rabbis?

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This is the best thing you've never said.

I will just sit back and happily watch the mayhem. II'm sure they can not get along without any help from me. I think you are greatgreat bill-stinkersbill-stinkers, you make it a happy occasion when my internet connection goes down. (Probably all then southern puffs watching gay' porn in HD)

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Guest Bill Stickers

We're all God's children judgtwi. I noticed someone called you Judy, are you a well informed woman? No reason you shouldn't be btw, I'll just say fuck and cunt less often when conversing with you.

Jews who don't want a jewish state? Epic fail jews? Rubbish rabbis?

I read in the Daily Heil Mail that Zac Goldsmith smeared Leon Brittan. Fucking disgusting image. That's like me splooging my mum.

The inner monologue of a truly disturbed mind.

Your start to life on Cunts Corner can best be described as 'fucking dismal'. And that is me being as nice as I possibly can.

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Guest stamponkittens


Yes, he is disturbed. This is Ratcum, Ratty, Jellytot, filthloader you are talking to. I know he's not well as it took him 6 comments until he mentioned Nazis.

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Guest Bill Stickers

I haven't got the hang of the quote. I'm trying to thank bill-stickers for his kind words and encouragement.

The most important thing to remember about the quote function is to start the process with a plastic bag on your head.

I know the initial outlay of 5p may seem prohibitive on your state-assisted budget, but I can assure you it will be a worthwhile investment for everyone concerned.

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Yes, he is disturbed. This is Ratcum, Ratty, Jellytot, filthloader you are talking to. I know he's not well as it took him 6 comments until he mentioned Nazis.

I had a post deleted that had a go at Mr Tampon because, I suspect, I was nasty to a "newbie". As you say, he's been here before and is already showing his true colours. Fucking cunt.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

Hear hear Ball_Suckers. If I had this mediocre type of cunting and niceness thrown in  when I was a newbie I would have slit my throat.

Its not a newbie, its a fucking rat!

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Guest Ahriman

What sort of sneaky low-life cunt uses Tor, I ask you?

Drug dealers, pedophiles, arms dealers, security paranoid conspiracy theorists, bored teenagers pretending to be hitmen and Edward Snowden. Say, this gives me an idea for a great BBC 3 sitcom ...

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Guest stamponkittens

In case you missed the irony , the nom is comparing the israelis treatment of Palestinians to the Nazi treatment of jews , however you seem to have missed that point, but pointed out the comments against israel makes the posters Nazis. Standard and lazy reply to anyone criticising israel, however made the judges little winkle twitch so good for you.


The irony is that anti-Semitism stinks so bad you can even smell it under a pile bullshit. Do you really have to believe that a load of middle class WASPS have chosen the Palestinians as their cause for any other reason? There's so many needy groups in the world who don't fire mortars at civilians, behead babies and blow shit up. But no, we love Palestine.

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The irony is that anti-Semitism stinks so bad you can even smell it under a pile bullshit. Do you really have to believe that a load of middle class WASPS have chosen the Palestinians as their cause for any other reason? There's so many needy groups in the world who don't fire mortars at civilians, behead babies and blow shit up. But no, we love Palestine.

What gives with the 'WE love' shit Wankoncats. Keep me out of it , I love nobody.

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Too fucking right mate. The people who are angry about the State of Israel tend to fall into 3 categories........1, Muslims (for obvious reasons) 2, the extreme left (because Israel is supported by the USA , the "Evil Empire") and 3, good old fashioned Neo Nazis. (possibly a contradiction in terms) You don't have to be a brain surgeon to figure out the motivation of the cunts on this thread.. 

Just like not all men who dislike football are screaming benders, not everyone who takes exception to the acts of Israel are Neo-Nazi's. It doesnt matter to me whether you've got all of your cock or not, if you are into ethnic cleansing then that makes you a rummun in my book, regardless of whether you have or haven't got a proclivity for performing genital mutilation on male babies.


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