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People woefully ill-prepared for traffic lights changing


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I'm sure pretty much everyone knows the way traffic lights work at junctions: If the light is red, you wait until it's green and then you move. There's a repeating pattern to it, so you are usually never waiting long. It's pretty fucking straightforward really. Why is it then, that some people seem completely taken by surprise when the lights turn green, and have to fuck around doing things before moving off? Some cunt in front of me today was frantically moving things off his lap, then restarting the engine and grinding the poor gearbox into 1st. For fucks sake pay attention you utter, utter fucking cunts.

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Guest luke swarm

I'm sure pretty much everyone knows the way traffic lights work at junctions: If the light is red, you wait until it's green and then you move. There's a repeating pattern to it, so you are usually never waiting long. It's pretty fucking straightforward really. Why is it then, that some people seem completely taken by surprise when the lights turn green, and have to fuck around doing things before moving off? Some cunt in front of me today was frantically moving things off his lap, then restarting the engine and grinding the poor gearbox into 1st. For fucks sake pay attention you utter, utter fucking cunts.

after they have driven to the supermarket. these same cunts seem to have similar memory retention problems at the supermarket checkouts as well. I wonder what they are thinking in this period just before they make the decision to do something...or is it just a blank white room in their heads.  

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after they have driven to the supermarket. these same cunts seem to have similar memory retention problems at the supermarket checkouts as well. I wonder what they are thinking in this period just before they make the decision to do something...or is it just a blank white room in their heads.  

Fuck,I was going to mention these supermarket cunts. You beat me to it. Nocti did a similar think the other day.

You cunts stalking the inside of my head or something?

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 There is one set of lights which is at a major crossroads where you have about one minute to get across when the light goes green.

Give it a couple of month and they'll put a camera there.

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Guest Bill Stickers

I'm sure pretty much everyone knows the way traffic lights work at junctions: If the light is red, you wait until it's green and then you move. There's a repeating pattern to it, so you are usually never waiting long. It's pretty fucking straightforward really. Why is it then, that some people seem completely taken by surprise when the lights turn green, and have to fuck around doing things before moving off? Some cunt in front of me today was frantically moving things off his lap, then restarting the engine and grinding the poor gearbox into 1st. For fucks sake pay attention you utter, utter fucking cunts.

Wouldn't it be great if cunts like this just forgot to wake up one morning?

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I'm sure pretty much everyone knows the way traffic lights work at junctions: If the light is red, you wait until it's green and then you move. There's a repeating pattern to it, so you are usually never waiting long. It's pretty fucking straightforward really. Why is it then, that some people seem completely taken by surprise when the lights turn green, and have to fuck around doing things before moving off? Some cunt in front of me today was frantically moving things off his lap, then restarting the engine and grinding the poor gearbox into 1st. For fucks sake pay attention you utter, utter fucking cunts.

Yes 'the car as adjunct to home or office' syndrome that enables the driver to feel they are able to dick around doing all manner of irrelevant stuff - now a phone call, now applying some hair product, now writing a haiku - instead of concentrating on getting off the starting grid faster than last nights Chicken Phall exiting my chuff.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Drew P Pissflaps

You fucking morons. The lights don't change. I'll try and explain what actually happens, try and keep up.

When the traffic is required to stop the green light is switched OFF and the red light is switched ON. When the traffic is required to stop the red light is switched ON and the green light is switched OFF.

See cunts, no fucking changing or metamorphing.

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8 minutes ago, BRICKTOP said:



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1 hour ago, BRICKTOP said:


Bricktop, you elusive cunt, what the fuck is this supposed to mean? 

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Guest Bill Stickers
16 hours ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

You fucking morons. The lights don't change. I'll try and explain what actually happens, try and keep up.

When the traffic is required to stop the green light is switched OFF and the red light is switched ON. When the traffic is required to stop the red light is switched ON and the green light is switched OFF.

See cunts, no fucking changing or metamorphing.

Congratulations on posting the least funny thing ever on this site, you colossal fuckwit. You should genuinely be ashamed of yourself for this. Lock yourself in a small contained space with a disposable BBQ.

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1 minute ago, Bill Stickers said:

Congratulations on posting the least funny thing ever on this site, you colossal fuckwit. You should genuinely be ashamed of yourself for this. Lock yourself in a small contained space with a disposable BBQ.

But how will we know if he's alive or dead? That's the paradox of Schrodinger's Twat.

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Guest Bill Stickers
10 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

But how will we know if he's alive or dead? That's the paradox of Schrodinger's Twat.

We'll wait an hour, then go in and club his fucking skull with a tire iron.

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17 hours ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

You fucking morons. The lights don't change. I'll try and explain what actually happens, try and keep up.

When the traffic is required to stop the green light is switched OFF and the red light is switched ON. When the traffic is required to stop the red light is switched ON and the green light is switched OFF.

See cunts, no fucking changing or metamorphing.

Actually you stupid cunt, that is incorrect, when the traffic is required to stop the amber light is switched on, fucking retard, go kill yourself fucknuckle cunt head shit breath, soppy cunt

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5 minutes ago, Fatty said:

Actually you stupid cunt, that is incorrect, when the traffic is required to stop the amber light is switched on, fucking retard, go kill yourself fucknuckle cunt head shit breath, soppy cunt

Eloquent as ever, Fats, I consider this post to be your "my fair lady" moment.You're spot on though, Drew is fucking wetter than a ducks minge.

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4 minutes ago, Fatty said:

Actually you stupid cunt, that is incorrect, when the traffic is required to stop the amber light is switched on, fucking retard, go kill yourself fucknuckle cunt head shit breath, soppy cunt

Your way with words is truly brilliant Fatty, you despicable cunt.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
5 hours ago, Bill Stickers said:

We'll wait an hour, then go in and club his fucking skull with a tire iron.

Why - aye Bill. I always had a sense you were a Northern monkey. Here in civilsed parts of the UK we spell tyre with a 'Y' not an 'i', you fucking moronic disabled toilet stain.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
6 hours ago, Bill Stickers said:

Congratulations on posting the least funny thing ever on this site, you colossal fuckwit. You should genuinely be ashamed of yourself for this. Lock yourself in a small contained space with a disposable BBQ.

Done that and I feel perfectly fine.

Did you mean for me to ignite the barbecue? If yes, than you should be more precise with your instruction you. This level of ineptitude leads me to conclude that you will now be referred to as 'Mr Roops'

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