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Driving in this fucking country

Guest MikeD

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There is no fucking enjoyment to be had in this any more. This congested, speed-camera infested, road-works covered shithole makes you want to fucking walk everywhere. And don't get me started on those good old salt of the earth farmers with their mobile fucking traffic jams, those cunts need fucking hanging as well.

The worst of it is I'm in north-east Scotland where there's hardly any fucker here. Fuck knows what it must be like further south, I'm surprise deaths by road-rage aren't in the fucking thousands.


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Give the oil industry another year or two and there'll be no cunt left at all. Saudi Arabia and Aberdeen - two ugly birds with one beautiful solar powered stone.

PS Every cunt on the road apart from me is a cunt.

Baws we've never really got to know one another. Shyness and stuff often holds me back in a relationship. I think it's time we shared a little something together. I like you... a lot.

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Give the oil industry another year or two and there'll be no cunt left at all. Saudi Arabia and Aberdeen - two ugly birds with one beautiful solar powered stone.

PS Every cunt on the road apart from me is a cunt.

Exactly. You can see it already, the oil gravy train is well and truly coming off the tracks. Now all these stuck-up bastards who were living way beyond their means on fucking credit cards will be hoping the sat-nav in their expensive tin box knows the directions to the nearest fucking food bank.

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Baws we've never really got to know one another. Shyness and stuff often holds me back in a relationship. I think it's time we shared a little something together. I like you... a lot.

Stranger Danger!


And what was that phrase again? Oh yes, "...that dry and sly two faced double ID fence sitter.... Bawsey. What a worm. "

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Cars and driving the bastards are for cunts. Get a motorbike and be an even bigger cunt. A quicker getaway can be achieved from machete-wielding psychopathic road rage cunts after you've kicked off their wing mirror, for example.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

Baws we've never really got to know one another. Shyness and stuff often holds me back in a relationship. I think it's time we shared a little something together. I like you... a lot.

Fucking poof!

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Back on thread, I have a push bike and think the 25 million motorists in the UK are all cunts. As the 25 million motorists all think I am a cunt it looks like I'm on a loser. Ho hum. Back to saving the  planet from all you polluting fuckers. It's not easy being an apprentice saint like me. Fuck you cunts.

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Back on thread, I have a push bike and think the 25 million motorists in the UK are all cunts. As the 25 million motorists all think I am a cunt it looks like I'm on a loser. Ho hum. Back to saving the  planet from all you polluting fuckers. It's not easy being an apprentice saint like me. Fuck you cunts.

I can imagine you now, Manky. Pootling around Cheadle on your Penny Farthing, your she-northerner sitting side saddle behind you, whilst you both gormlessly stare in awe and wonderment at the passing horseless carriages. 

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There is no fucking enjoyment to be had in this any more. This congested, speed-camera infested, road-works covered shithole makes you want to fucking walk everywhere. And don't get me started on those good old salt of the earth farmers with their mobile fucking traffic jams, those cunts need fucking hanging as well.

The worst of it is I'm in north-east Scotland where there's hardly any fucker here. Fuck knows what it must be like further south, I'm surprise deaths by road-rage aren't in the fucking thousands.


Come to London and see all the drooling spastics driving around here. Impatient, poor driving skills, going too fast. 

Fucking cunts.

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Come to London and see all the drooling spastics driving around here. Impatient, poor driving skills, going too fast. 

Fucking cunts.

Fuck that, they've got electricity and all kinds of modern things down there, too fucking scary for me.


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I can imagine you now, Manky. Pootling around dle behind you, whilst you both gormlessly stare in awe and wonderment at the passing horseless carriages. 

Cheadle is Stockport. The sort of place that breeds Fred and Rose clones and think them normal. I use my bike for the two and a half mile each way work commute. For special occasions it is the bus to town then ambulance or police car for extraction back chez moi  

I dont drive because I dont want to. I passed my test in 1981. Car drivers ate selfish cunts in their cosy littlle metal boxes. Give me the freedom of the open road, the wind ruffling my hair and the feeling of oneness with mother nature as I pedal like fuck through these dark satanic mills.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

Come to London and see all the drooling spastics driving around here. Impatient, poor driving skills, going too fast. 

Fucking cunts.

Come to Norfolk and see a farmer deposit half his field on the road making a quagmire of shit, but do not fear for our farmer has scribbled a hand written sign saying 'Mud on Road' so he can leave as much fucking mud on the road as he likes. They're all a bunch of get orf moi laaand cunts.

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Guest stamponkittens

Come to Norfolk and see a farmer deposit half his field on the road making a quagmire of shit, but do not fear for our farmer has scribbled a hand written sign saying 'Mud on Road' so he can leave as much fucking mud on the road as he likes. They're all a bunch of get orf moi laaand cunts.

Farmers are friends of the countryside, so you should make allowances. Pay double for your milk for instance.

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