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Whinging Saudi Princes

Guest Alfie Noakes

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Guest Alfie Noakes

Quite rightly we have cancelled a deal with Saudi Arabia to provide prison training and advice. This is good as I feel we should not be involved training a country to run prisons where stonings, cucifixion, whippings and beheadings are regular punishments. 

Apparently we should respect their system of belief and justice like they do ours! I am afraid I see no respect from there of the religious or non religious in the West, as an awful lot of religious bile and hatred comes from the Madrassas and the sponsorship of international terrorism from this oil rich state.

Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf bin Abdulaziz has stated that our reationship will be under strain and that Saudi Arabia will be lectured by no one.

The world will never change for the better while people allow themselves to be led by these fucking stone age cunts. They will not change or moderate their views so really there is no point in dealing with them, oh shit of course, oil!

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They will not change or moderate their views so really there is no point in dealing with them, oh shit of course, oil!

Prices down almost 3% today - Brent crude now trading at 47.51 $/bbl. I hope the backward cunts can eat gold and sand, because the glorious day is coming.

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Guest luke swarm

you are worrying needlessly Alfred, I have dealings with these people and believe me, they are as thick as finely chopped mince and absolute hypocrites. Adjust your thinking as we do and expect very little.

Lets suck all the oil dry and pretend to be their friend....our governments have been doing this for years and its not about to change until the oil wells are depleted. Racist.....yes most probably but you should understand how they see us.  

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Guest DingTheRioja

They do respect our way of life!

The primacy of the market, the glory of the internal combustion engine and fuck morality and the future, I mean what could be more British than that?

He has a point there...

Still.... when they run out of oil or we can get it cheaper elsewhere then the primacy of the market will sort it out anyway...

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It will only be a matter of time before ISIS get there up and blow things up thereby letting America invite themselves to the party to really fuck everything up.

In true American style.

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It will only be a matter of time before ISIS get there up and blow things up thereby letting America invite themselves to the party to really fuck everything up.

In true American style.

You never know, Trump could be president by that time!

I'd almost like to see what happens....almost.


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Guest luke swarm


Pure unadulterated greed and avarice, even though they have everything....there are so many of these fucking Saudi Princes, it seems every other cunt is some kind of Prince.....what the betting that the Prince Cunt will get off this by dropping the rest of the smuggling team into the meatgrinder,     

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The Saudis are a fucking mess, a good friend of mine recently came home from 2 years out there, he was teaching. He says they are all rich, lazy and useless. They don't do a fucking thing thing except swan around being rich and stupid. All the work is done by foreign labour. They are a pain in the arse to teach because they simply don't understand the concept of being told to do something by someone who isn't an older relative. Especially a white non muslim.


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I saw a programme about how these cunts come to an area of London in the summer with their fancy fucking cars and more or less please their selves, tearing round the streets at all fucking hours, blocking traffic and thinking they're above the law. And you get all these sad bastards following them around who are pretty much the car equivalent of fucking train spotters taking photos, videos and wanking themselves off, almost literally in some cases.


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The Saudis are a fucking mess, a good friend of mine recently came home from 2 years out there, he was teaching. He says they are all rich, lazy and useless. They don't do a fucking thing thing except swan around being rich and stupid. All the work is done by foreign labour. They are a pain in the arse to teach because they simply don't understand the concept of being told to do something by someone who isn't an older relative. Especially a white non muslim.


Their population has quadrupled in the last forty years. No fucking idea about contraception either.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

They do respect our way of life!

The primacy of the market, the glory of the internal combustion engine and fuck morality and the future, I mean what could be more British than that?

They mock our way of life.  They exsanguinate our very life blood, the cunts!  

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Saudi-Arabia, Iran, Syria, Yemen ,Iraq and Israel. Not to forget Russia.  And Trump as president  ISIS, Al-queda, Hezbollah, and every other gang of numpties in the world.

Fuck me, its party time. Should be fun. All the world's biggest cunts out cunting each other. Time to order the beer and get a ringside seat.

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Saudi-Arabia, Iran, Syria, Yemen ,Iraq and Israel. Not to forget Russia.  And Trump as president  ISIS, Al-queda, Hezbollah, and every other gang of numpties in the world.

Fuck me, its party time. Should be fun. All the world's biggest cunts out cunting each other. Time to order the beer and get a ringside seat.

About time things were livened up a bit, with a bit of luck they'll thin each others numbers out a bit.

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Guest nobgobbler

I saw a programme about how these cunts come to an area of London in the summer with their fancy fucking cars and more or less please their selves, tearing round the streets at all fucking hours, blocking traffic and thinking they're above the law. And you get all these sad bastards following them around who are pretty much the car equivalent of fucking train spotters taking photos, videos and wanking themselves off, almost literally in some cases.


I saw that too. And all the time we turn a blind eye and let them run riot because we are so grateful that they are spending money in our hotels. Wait a minute, they're arab owned aren't they? Fucking hell it gets worse. 

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I saw that too. And all the time we turn a blind eye and let them run riot because we are so grateful that they are spending money in our hotels. Wait a minute, they're arab owned aren't they? Fucking hell it gets worse. 

I was hoping for a mass race involving the fuckers and a horrible accident which involved levelling most of the aforementioned car spotters like a strike in a fucking bowling alley.

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