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Taxi drivers

Guest Bill Stickers

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45 minutes ago, Manky said:

So Roops is our tech guru  Rick_B is an unfunny cunt with no sense of humour and seems one of the new age anti-racist, anti-everything cunts who piss me off so much that I often wonder why the fuck I bother to get up in the mornings. I enjoy this site. I don't want to be banned beause of an arsewipes's personal grudges but life would go on

Rick_B. Fuck off you knob.

You're a very sad person if the only thing that gets you up in the morning is the opportunity to be racist. Regarding being banned, contrary to what some people may think I don't actually want to ban anyone, but you don't help yourself with posts like this do you?

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
21 hours ago, Bill Stickers said:

The stupid fucking cunt I booked to pick me up from Gatwick forgot where his car was parked. Yes, you read it right.

He spent 35 minutes checking the same very small area (orange level 3), muttering to himself and asking me where it was. 

After his third trip round orange 3, with the time ticking ever closer to 1 in the morning,  and my blood pressure rising, I asked him to just consider the possibility he was mistaken and to try another section.

Lo and behold, the twat finds his car in red 3, and I then entrust the most inept man I've ever met to drive me down the motorway at speeds of 70mph+

He then had the audacity to try and charge us extra for the fees he incurred for extended parking AND an additional drop off, which had to be arranged over the phone via their office in North London rather than through the driver himself.

I feel this clusterfuck is a good metaphor for the taxi industry in general - terrible customer service, inconvenient, inept, overpriced and behind the times. I'm fucking delighted uber is putting these cunts out of a job, and improving usser experience.

Fuck you Xpress Taxis. 

Thanks for listening,


How long did it take him to cum?

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
6 hours ago, Bill Stickers said:

Thundercunt and I Know That Cunt teaming up together. A real force to be reckoned with. The Corner's version of the Chuckle Brothers.

Chuck & Buck.

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13 minutes ago, Rick_B said:

You're a very sad person if the only thing that gets you up in the morning is the opportunity to be racist. Regarding being banned, contrary to what some people may think I don't actually want to ban anyone, but you don't help yourself with posts like this do you?

I am not racist. I am Xenophobic. You have this anti racist attitude that spills over to taint everybody who expresses an opinion other than your own as racist.. 

FuckI off 

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Guest DingTheRioja
2 minutes ago, Manky said:

I am not racist. I am Xenophobic. You have this anti racist attitude that spills over to taint everybody who expresses an opinion other than your own as racist.. 

FuckI off 

One thing that pissed me off about the lefty bollocks was when anyone who voted Brexit got called racist, why? "Just because..."

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
22 hours ago, Rick_B said:

You're a very sad person if the only thing that gets you up in the morning is the opportunity to be racist. Regarding being banned, contrary to what some people may think I don't actually want to ban anyone, but you don't help yourself with posts like this do you?

Ban him to fuck. Fuckers like him deserve to be slagged to fuck incessantly. Oddly, Cunts like decs, stickers, gurters have historically copped the most "warnings", coolings and all that because of their content , yet they are what you would call moderate opinion guys, disgusting fucks obviously but at base level have the opinions of fairly acceptant, reasoned people. Yet there are these Cunts like manky who do not go against the CC grain yet are in most respects utterly bigoted, hateful opinioned wankers anyone would avoid like fuck in real life. What exactly is this place encouraging or discouraging, and what is your explanation ?

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Guest DingTheRioja
Just now, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Ban him to fuck. Fuckers like him deserve to be slagged to fuck incessantly. Oddly, Cunts like decs, stickers, gurters have historically copied the most "warnings", coolings and all that because of their content , yet they are what you would call moderate opinion guys, disgusting fucks obviously but at base level have the opinions of fairly acceptant, reasoned people. Yet there are these Cunts like manky who do not go against the CC grain yet are in most respects utterly bigoted, hateful opinioned wankers anyone would avoid like fuck in real life. What exactly is this place encouraging or discouraging?


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5 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Ban him to fuck. Fuckers like him deserve to be slagged to fuck incessantly. Oddly, Cunts like decs, stickers, gurters have historically copied the most "warnings", coolings and all that because of their content , yet they are what you would call moderate opinion guys, disgusting fucks obviously but at base level have the opinions of fairly acceptant, reasoned people. Yet there are these Cunts like manky who do not go against the CC grain yet are in most respects utterly bigoted, hateful opinioned wankers anyone would avoid like fuck in real life. What exactly is this place encouraging or discouraging, and what is your explanation ?

Fuck off paddy, stick another £50 up your nose and then stick your nose up Ricks arse. You live in a flat in jockland and buy your drugs off an immigrant.

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Guest Bill Stickers
2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Oh, I wouldn't go so far as to say that. I'm thinking of the great "like" farm swindle.

Naturally I'm intrigued as to what you were doing in Malaysia - purchasing a wife perhaps? Or maybe doing a grand tour of Madame Kok's Ladyboy Emporiums or heaven forbid, being suckered into transferring your pension pot into a timber plantation "investment".

Roops, you did me a great favour today showing up those cunts for who they are with your IP wizardry. I'm happy to admit that. 

Its interesting though that such evidence never materialised for my 'like farm'.  Your claim was, and still is, the product of rampant paranoia.

I'm sure PC Rick will object to your derogatory attitudes to transgender individuals though. 

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Just now, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Ban him to fuck. Fuckers like him deserve to be slagged to fuck incessantly. Oddly, Cunts like decs, stickers, gurters have historically copied the most "warnings", coolings and all that because of their content , yet they are what you would call moderate opinion guys, disgusting fucks obviously but at base level have the opinions of fairly acceptant, reasoned people. Yet there are these Cunts like manky who do not go against the CC grain yet are in most respects utterly bigoted, hateful opinioned wankers anyone would avoid like fuck in real life. What exactly is this place encouraging or discouraging, and what is your explanation ?

Fucking hell Quincy, I never knew that it was physically possible to suck three cocks at the same time. Has Judge been giving you lessons, you weaselly suck up pile of shit? 

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49 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Ban him to fuck. Fuckers like him deserve to be slagged to fuck incessantly. Oddly, Cunts like decs, stickers, gurters have historically copied the most "warnings", coolings and all that because of their content , yet they are what you would call moderate opinion guys, disgusting fucks obviously but at base level have the opinions of fairly acceptant, reasoned people. Yet there are these Cunts like manky who do not go against the CC grain yet are in most respects utterly bigoted, hateful opinioned wankers anyone would avoid like fuck in real life. What exactly is this place encouraging or discouraging, and what is your explanation ?

Fucking wanker. Stick your up head up your arse and die..

I hate you bog trotting Oirish cunts more than I hate the Welsh or French.

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1 hour ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Ban him to fuck. Fuckers like him deserve to be slagged to fuck incessantly. Oddly, Cunts like decs, stickers, gurters have historically copied the most "warnings", coolings and all that because of their content , yet they are what you would call moderate opinion guys, disgusting fucks obviously but at base level have the opinions of fairly acceptant, reasoned people. Yet there are these Cunts like manky who do not go against the CC grain yet are in most respects utterly bigoted, hateful opinioned wankers anyone would avoid like fuck in real life. What exactly is this place encouraging or discouraging, and what is your explanation ?

The way i see this Quincer is like this, i haven't seen anything what i would class as racist on this site (probably because i am not looking for it), sure some are a bit more rough and ready than others when dealing with the subject but all i really see is some hard edged opinions and a lot of banter..oh and a bunch of cuntbrains including yourself, actually you're one of the thickest cuntbreeds on here to be fair.

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