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Penny Pinching Bastards

Guest luke swarm

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Guest luke swarm

We always have tea and cakes most days around five.

Todays selection was Bakewell Tarts from the well known bakers of such dainties, The Lyons Company. Imagine my horror coupled with a deep sinking disappointment to find that they no longer put those little red glace cherries on the tarts.

This is further proof of the decline of this great nation and the rise of the corporations over the common man. Bakewell tarts without the cherry, its a fucking abomination and I for one will not be favouring the Lyons company with my custom again.....the dastardly low penny pinching cunts. 

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9 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

We always tea and cakes most days around five.

Todays selection was Bakewell Tarts from the well known bakers of such dainties, The Lyons Company. Imagine my horror coupled with a deep sinking disappointment to find that they no longer pu

t those little red glace cherries on the tarts.

This is further proof of the decline of this great nation and the rise of the corporations over the common man. Bakewell tarts without the cherry, its a fucking abomination and I for one will not be favouring the Lyons company with my custom again.....the dastardly low penny pinching cunts. 

Many the times they have sat down for tea and cakes in Aleppo over the last year and have experienced the same feelings. Bollocks to the bombs, where are the cherries.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
55 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

We always tea and cakes most days around five.

Todays selection was Bakewell Tarts from the well known bakers of such dainties, The Lyons Company. Imagine my horror coupled with a deep sinking disappointment to find that they no longer put those little red glace cherries on the tarts.

This is further proof of the decline of this great nation and the rise of the corporations over the common man. Bakewell tarts without the cherry, its a fucking abomination and I for one will not be favouring the Lyons company with my custom again.....the dastardly low penny pinching cunts. 

Well it makes a change from the fairy cakes, you fucking poof. I bet you drink your tea from a cup and saucer with your little finger out. You might want to consider joining an exclusive golf club with this nasty habit you have.

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1 hour ago, luke swarm said:

We always tea and cakes most days around five.

Todays selection was Bakewell Tarts from the well known bakers of such dainties, The Lyons Company. Imagine my horror coupled with a deep sinking disappointment to find that they no longer put those little red glace cherries on the tarts.

This is further proof of the decline of this great nation and the rise of the corporations over the common man. Bakewell tarts without the cherry, its a fucking abomination and I for one will not be favouring the Lyons company with my custom again.....the dastardly low penny pinching cunts. 

Christ....ready made, down market fucking Lyons cakes from a packet !!

Doesn't  your boyfriend watch Mary Berry and co and bake you a nice chocolate log to stuff up your arse......


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18 minutes ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

Well it makes a change from the fairy cakes, you fucking poof. I bet you drink your tea from a cup and saucer with your little finger out. You might want to consider joining an exclusive golf club with this nasty habit you have.

We have only the finest gourmet tea at my club usually sourced from Jacksons of Piccadilly.

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Guest luke swarm

as usual the cunts on here miss the point entirely.....there are the entirely predictable jibes and accusations of punkapeism (gayness) and suggestions of not being in touch with mans suffering throughout the world.

You all miss the point, today its cherries missing on top of cupcakes, but where does this all end, its just the beginning you see. If we just take this small affront to all things decent then the bastards will just continue with the erosion of all that is honest and decent throughout this fine land.

Is this what you cunts want....do you want to see walnut whips without the walnut, do you want to see wagon wheels reduced to the size of 50p pieces, kit kats reduced to just 3 fingers, the RAF reduced from 38000 to 22000, A pint reduced to 330ml, full fat milk no longer on sale.....fight back you cunts and stop this madness.........insist on your cherry...demand you cherry and settle for nothing less.  

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Guest luke swarm
10 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

Luke, what the fuck is this load of tripe? Hang your head in shame you sweaty midland fucker.

its the new thing Billy, there is altogether too much talk of road systems and associated traffic hardships on here lately...its about time cunts got back to the real issues that plague man...its currant as well (geddit) with the recent increased interest in all things baked, I say embrace it before you get left behind...look what happened to Decs.     

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Guest Extremecunt
14 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

as usual the cunts on here miss the point entirely.....there are the entirely predictable jibes and accusations of punkapeism (gayness) and suggestions of not being in touch with mans suffering throughout the world.

You all miss the point, today its cherries missing on top of cupcakes, but where does this all end, its just the beginning you see. If we just take this small affront to all things decent then the bastards will just continue with the erosion of all that is honest and decent throughout this fine land.

Is this what you cunts want....do you want to see walnut whips without the walnut, do you want to see wagon wheels reduced to the size of 50p pieces, kit kats reduced to just 3 fingers, the RAF reduced from 38000 to 22000, A pint reduced to 330ml, full fat milk no longer on sale.....fight back you cunts and stop this madness.........insist on your cherry...demand you cherry and settle for nothing less.  

You have a point Luke swarm. Hopefully it will be the Muslim minus the beard or better yet the Muslim woman minus the beard next.

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Guest I know that Cunt
1 hour ago, luke swarm said:

We always tea and cakes most days around five.

Todays selection was Bakewell Tarts from the well known bakers of such dainties, The Lyons Company. Imagine my horror coupled with a deep sinking disappointment to find that they no longer put those little red glace cherries on the tarts.

This is further proof of the decline of this great nation and the rise of the corporations over the common man. Bakewell tarts without the cherry, its a fucking abomination and I for one will not be favouring the Lyons company with my custom again.....the dastardly low penny pinching cunts. 

I see the problem here. Tell your care home to get them from a real purveyor of this particular delight; Mr Kipling. Fucking about with Lyons is for gays, just ask punky

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Guest Tata Steely Dan
1 minute ago, Punkape said:

Fortnums do a wonderful rich fruit cake....

Unless you have tastebuds up your arse then I don't know how you are qualified to comment on the quality of anything from 'Fortnums' you pole smoker.



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Guest luke swarm
2 minutes ago, Punkape said:

Fortnums do a wonderful rich fruit cake....

I expect they do...are you saving up for one for Christmas....that's quite a lot of knobs for you to satisfy Pinky, Still if it makes you happy eh.  

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12 hours ago, luke swarm said:

as usual the cunts on here miss the point entirely.....there are the entirely predictable jibes and accusations of punkapeism (gayness) and suggestions of not being in touch with mans suffering throughout the world.

You all miss the point, today its cherries missing on top of cupcakes, but where does this all end, its just the beginning you see. If we just take this small affront to all things decent then the bastards will just continue with the erosion of all that is honest and decent throughout this fine land.

Is this what you cunts want....do you want to see walnut whips without the walnut, do you want to see wagon wheels reduced to the size of 50p pieces, kit kats reduced to just 3 fingers, the RAF reduced from 38000 to 22000, A pint reduced to 330ml, full fat milk no longer on sale.....fight back you cunts and stop this madness.........insist on your cherry...demand you cherry and settle for nothing less.  

Forget it Lukers,it's over. The downhill slide started when they made Curly Wurlys smaller.

There is no hope.

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1 hour ago, witheredscrote said:

Gobbler's curly wurlys aren't any smaller, Frank told me

Now I'm back, fatso gobbie is out shopping and celebrating this years oversized autumn/winter collection. Kitting herself up and stuffing her round face with cake as she goes. Who'd have thought the plump sugar puff-fannied two bob whore would fall for some old cunt like me?

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