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15 minutes ago, Decimus said:

This whole debacle has really opened up my eyes. The left preaches acceptance and tolerance of other views, cultures, religions and customs. But actually, when it comes down to it, no matter what their intentions, the left can be as rigid and intolerant of dissenting views as the worst type of fascist. You only have to read some of the comments that this woman has made labelling Brexiters as being too stupid and/or racist to make an informed judgement. This whole saga has certainly changed some of my own views. I've always considered myself to be on the left of the political spectrum and have been proud of that. But actually, I've been just as guilty of dismissing views contrary to mine whilst also professing to claim the moral high ground. Fuck me, what a mess.

Ray bloody Purchase. 

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5 minutes ago, Manky said:

It takes a big man to say something like that.

Who did you steal it off? You would never say that and mean it.

And yes, you are a fucking mess.

I'm 100% sincere. I've bored the arse off of at least 10 people today about it. 

I'm not quite at the point that I want to lynch anyone with a tan, but give me some time and I'll happily edit and proof read your Britain First blog.

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Shits going bad in the worst way possible, lads. A divided country that won't make simple decisions. A bunch of loonies on the doorstep who hate pretty much everything about our culture getting backed up by a bunch of wrongfully guilt riddled lefties totally blind to any reason. A shit-stain of a government that's focused entirely on the opinion of the minority and willing to do anything to appease them. A warmongering superpower getting ready to take full advantage of the shit-storm. And a choice of two useless twats getting voted in to the only other warmongering superpower that could hold them at bay.

Oh and lots and lots of nukes for everyone to play with.

I'm gunna get to work on my fallout shelter.

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23 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I'm 100% sincere. I've bored the arse off of at least 10 people today about it. 

I'm not quite at the point that I want to lynch anyone with a tan, but give me some time and I'll happily edit and proof read your Britain First blog.

I would like to reiterate that I have no connection with The British National Party, The British Union of Fascists, Britain First or British Home Stores. I really wanted a dig at Billy Boy but with him being Apex Male and Alpha Predator, I was too scared.

If the establishment get away with sidelining the Brexit vote, to quote a famous song, "There may be trouble ahead..."  (Let's Face the Music and Dance" by Irving Berlin)

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5 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Shits going bad in the worst way possible, lads. A divided country that won't make simple decisions. A bunch of loonies on the doorstep who hate pretty much everything about our culture getting backed up by a bunch of wrongfully guilt riddled lefties totally blind to any reason. A shit-stain of a government that's focused entirely on the opinion of the minority and willing to do anything to appease them. A warmongering superpower getting ready to take full advantage of the shit-storm. And a choice of two useless twats getting voted in to the only other warmongering superpower that could hold them at bay.

Oh and lots and lots of nukes for everyone to play with.

I'm gunna get to work on my fallout shelter.

If I were you, I wouldn't waste my sweat and hard won scrap metal on building a shelter. I'd just move south of the Tyne and take up residence in Sunderland. No belligerent country would waste the cost of a nuclear device on destroying that shit hole. Not when they could send in an undercover agent with a nasty cold to sneeze down every hovel within a 5 mile radius.

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4 minutes ago, Decimus said:

If I were you, I wouldn't waste my sweat and hard won scrap metal on building a shelter. I'd just move south of the Tyne and take up residence in Sunderland. No belligerent country would waste the cost of a nuclear device on destroying that shit hole. Not when they could send in an undercover agent with a nasty cold to sneeze down every hovel within a 5 mile radius.

Do you have AIDS yet ?

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1 minute ago, Decimus said:

If I were you, I wouldn't waste my sweat and hard won scrap metal on building a shelter. I'd just move south of the Tyne and take up residence in Sunderland. No belligerent country would waste the cost of a nuclear device on destroying that shit hole. Not when they could send in an undercover agent with a nasty cold to sneeze down every hovel within a 5 mile radius.

I'd rather die than live as a filthy fucking Mackem. Those twats over the water voted to remain anyway so they'll probably all be wearing white robes and bending over at pre-sceduled times during the day to appease their Magical Sky Cunt even if they do get to survive.

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Just now, Punkape said:

You're a prime candidate for infection and spreading an epidemic....

You would know. You're such a closet-case I bet there's not a sock left in there capable of bending five degrees in any direction before shattering.

The prime breeding ground for whatever fetid little diseases your repressed little mind can dream up to unleash upon this chaos ridden world.

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I believe this is only happening because the vote was close, but in my mind close or not, the country decided to leave that money laundering pile of shit called the EU.

So now just shut the fuck up you cry baby cuntbreeds and get on with the job in hand, rebuilding the country because your precious EU  contributed to fucking it up.

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These are facts about the legal challenge to Brexit. Make of it what you will.

The legal bid appears to have been initiated by Alex Chesterman, a Jewish businessman.
The bid was delegated to the law firm Mischon de Reya, founded by a Jewish lawyer, and that has retained a strong synthesis between its work and that of Jewish interests.
The legal bid has been led by a Jewish lawyer, David Pannick, QC.
In an effort to obscure the staffing and clientele behind the bid, David Pannick approached the Royal Courts of Justice to obtain masking measures for the bid. This measure was granted by Lord Justice Sir Brian Leveson, also Jewish.
Finally, the legal bid was accepted by three judges at the High Court, two of whom, Terence Etherton and Philip Sales, are Jewish.

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3 minutes ago, The Beast said:

These are facts about the legal challenge to Brexit. Make of it what you will.

The legal bid appears to have been initiated by Alex Chesterman, a Jewish businessman.
The bid was delegated to the law firm Mischon de Reya, founded by a Jewish lawyer, and that has retained a strong synthesis between its work and that of Jewish interests.
The legal bid has been led by a Jewish lawyer, David Pannick, QC.
In an effort to obscure the staffing and clientele behind the bid, David Pannick approached the Royal Courts of Justice to obtain masking measures for the bid. This measure was granted by Lord Justice Sir Brian Leveson, also Jewish.
Finally, the legal bid was accepted by three judges at the High Court, two of whom, Terence Etherton and Philip Sales, are Jewish.

I wonder what reaction there would be if all those involved were all African or all moslem?

This is a trap, right?

I read this article the other day, and filed it under "irony" for future reference.


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6 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

This is a trap, right?

I read this article the other day, and filed it under "irony" for future reference.


No, not at all. You can read reams and reams of debate about this matter, but this important point appears not to be connecting with the average Joe Cunt.

Baws, what the fuck has your link got to do with the legal challenge?

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Guest Lady Penelope
26 minutes ago, The Beast said:

No, not at all. You can read reams and reams of debate about this matter, but this important point appears not to be connecting with the average Joe Cunt.

Baws, what the fuck has your link got to do with the legal challenge?

The link does have quite a lot to do with it, my experience of Germans is that beneath the mask of sorrow (see what I amost did there) given a chance they would do the exactly same all over again.

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43 minutes ago, The Beast said:

Baws, what the fuck has your link got to do with the legal challenge?

A great deal more than the Newcastle/Sunderland/AIDS/Punkape digressions that preceded it, I'd say. Let's see, Brexit, overreaction, denial, and your own newly introduced Jewish angle? Yes, that's about as on topic as it gets.

And not that it matters, but at least my link came from the Guardian rather than the Occidental Observer.

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Guest Lady Penelope
9 minutes ago, Frank said:

Ratcum's silence in this matter shouldn't go unnoticed. 

Ratty is hiding in the woodwork .. he will strike and take the bait, the trap will be sprung but Ratty will escape yet again.

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Guest Lady Penelope
11 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

I had to read it five times. but I think I've got it now. You old fox.

I do have an advantage in that I am an aural thinker rather than a visual thinker so (perhaps too) often these seemingly unconnected links show themselves to me.

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44 minutes ago, Lady Penelope said:

The link does have quite a lot to do with it, my experience of Germans is that beneath the mask of sorrow (see what I amost did there) given a chance they would do the exactly same all over again.

No they wouldn't.

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