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Guest Alfie Noakes
7 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

It's bloody true. The word 'posh' originated among the crew on passenger boats, it indicated the cabin preferences of wealthy passengers 'PO SH' would be stencilled on luggage, it meant 'port out, starboard home', so the rich cunts got the sunny side of the ship in both directions.

Would work only on way to USA. To India it would be more the other way. Think it was to keep cool before air con. Not sure if that pisses on fireworks or not.

Here is a dictionary site definition of above theory.

Salty sea tales (don't get excited punkape)

Perhaps the most common and, at first glance persuasive, explanation for the origin of posh comes from folk etymology. This popular account suggests that posh is in fact an acronym, standing for port out, starboard home. It refers to the fact that on sea voyages between Britain and India, the most comfortable (in terms of being cooler) and therefore most expensive cabins on ship would be on the port side going out, and the starboard side coming back. It was further suggested that the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company issued tickets for the more expensive cabins on this route with the letters P.O.S.H., and that this is where the origin lies. This rationalisation does seem, on the face of it, persuasive, and it is clearly a good story. Sadly, no evidence exists to back it up and no tickets with this designation have been found. It also begs the question of what happens on voyages between the two places if your home was in India. ‘He’s a soph fellow’ doesn’t quite have the same ring to it, does it?

Sadly, posh will just have to remain in the ‘origin unknown’ category.

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7 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes Marx said:

Would work only on way to USA. To India it would be more the other way. Think it was to keep cool before air con. Not sure if that pisses on fireworks or not.

One slightly more creditable theory holds that it derives from the Romany word for pennies. At times like this the OED and Websters are often found sadly lacking, but Urban Dictionary is always your friend.


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9 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

One slightly more creditable theory holds that it derives from the Romany word for pennies. At times like this the OED and Websters are often found sadly lacking, but Urban Dictionary is always your friend.


Another word could be Punkape.

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8 hours ago, The Beast said:

Yes, true, I did comment on the thread. Personally I didn't use the word people seem to want to use, (N****r). I understand the context in which Jiggerycock was using the word.The problem is that it is let go once, it will keep appearing in different contexts on various noms at will, along with additional racist insults that invariably get thrown in. Then in a short period of time it becomes a shit storm and someone has to clear the mess up.

I take no offence to the word personally as I am not a black person. Anybody is welcome to use it here, provided they can prove they have the front to stand at Edmonton Green bus station on a busy Saturday afternoon and shout it repeatedly at the top of their voice, alone and unarmed.

Not many takers me thinks. Why should it be made easy for people to use in a derisory context only and wouldn't have the nuts to do the above.

I reported everyone on the "N" thread and I now feel smug.

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Guest DingTheRioja
9 hours ago, The Beast said:

Yes, true, I did comment on the thread. Personally I didn't use the word people seem to want to use, (N****r). I understand the context in which Jiggerycock was using the word.The problem is that it is let go once, it will keep appearing in different contexts on various noms at will, along with additional racist insults that invariably get thrown in. Then in a short period of time it becomes a shit storm and someone has to clear the mess up.

I take no offence to the word personally as I am not a black person. Anybody is welcome to use it here, provided they can prove they have the front to stand at Edmonton Green bus station on a busy Saturday afternoon and shout it repeatedly at the top of their voice, alone and unarmed.

Not many takers me thinks. Why should it be made easy for people to use in a derisory context only and wouldn't have the nuts to do the above.

Here's a story for you then, a true story which I may have mentioned on here before...


I have 2 old schoolmates whose nicknames are still w*g and ni**er.  Ni**er is really called Nigel and white as a sheet, hair so blonde it's almost translucent white, W*g got the name back in the good old 70s because he was rather tanned and dark, as usual he took offence at the start then it was easier to accept it and carry on.

I have, as others have, been know to shout across the crowded pub "Oi! Ni**er, get the beers in!" only to have him shout back "Fuck off it's W*gs round"... this was always hilarious in summer with the place full of poncey arsed rubber-neckers from the "cosmopolitan south", the silence was deafening...

in our defence, we were 18-20s and pissed... It was a shame when Pete the landlord barred us once for month...

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2 hours ago, Alfie Noakes Marx said:

Would work only on way to USA. To India it would be more the other way. Think it was to keep cool before air con. Not sure if that pisses on fireworks or not.

Here is a dictionary site definition of above theory.

Salty sea tales (don't get excited punkape)

Perhaps the most common and, at first glance persuasive, explanation for the origin of posh comes from folk etymology. This popular account suggests that posh is in fact an acronym, standing for port out, starboard home. It refers to the fact that on sea voyages between Britain and India, the most comfortable (in terms of being cooler) and therefore most expensive cabins on ship would be on the port side going out, and the starboard side coming back. It was further suggested that the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company issued tickets for the more expensive cabins on this route with the letters P.O.S.H., and that this is where the origin lies. This rationalisation does seem, on the face of it, persuasive, and it is clearly a good story. Sadly, no evidence exists to back it up and no tickets with this designation have been found. It also begs the question of what happens on voyages between the two places if your home was in India. ‘He’s a soph fellow’ doesn’t quite have the same ring to it, does it?

Sadly, posh will just have to remain in the ‘origin unknown’ category.

I think I heard it from my grandmother, her dad was stationed in India, a captain in the East India Company, they had a Punkah Waller, I don't think he played golf though.

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Guest nobgobbler
10 hours ago, The Beast said:


I take no offence to the word personally as I am not a black person.

Here's the difference:

Sometimes I am a cunt. Sometimes I am not a cunt. I am white all the time.

If somebody chooses to call me a cunt because I'm being a cunt, I am alright with that because I am being a cunt. If someone calls me a cunt when I'm not being a cunt I might be a bit up upset depending on the severity of the cuntishness of which I am being accused. If someone calls me a white cunt whether I am being a cunt or not, the inclusion of the word white would make no difference as to whether or not I would take offence, can you guess why? because I AM WHITE.

So why is it any different for people who are not white? Why do they take offence at the mention of their colour?

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14 minutes ago, nobgobbler said:

Here's the difference:

Sometimes I am a cunt. Sometimes I am not a cunt. I am white all the time.

If somebody chooses to call me a cunt because I'm being a cunt, I am alright with that because I am being a cunt. If someone calls me a cunt when I'm not being a cunt I might be a bit up upset depending on the severity of the cuntishness of which I am being accused. If someone calls me a white cunt whether I am being a cunt or not, the inclusion of the word white would make no difference as to whether or not I would take offence, can you guess why? because I AM WHITE.

So why is it any different for people who are not white? Why do they take offence at the mention of their colour?

Because they're sympathy mongering cunts who expect us to feel guilty because of things that happened 200 years ago. No doubt some of our ancestors were affected by the great fire of London but we don't expect our high street bakeries to still be apologising for it.

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15 minutes ago, nobgobbler said:

Here's the difference:

Sometimes I am a cunt. Sometimes I am not a cunt. I am white all the time.

If somebody chooses to call me a cunt because I'm being a cunt, I am alright with that because I am being a cunt. If someone calls me a cunt when I'm not being a cunt I might be a bit up upset depending on the severity of the cuntishness of which I am being accused. If someone calls me a white cunt whether I am being a cunt or not, the inclusion of the word white would make no difference as to whether or not I would take offence, can you guess why? because I AM WHITE.

So why is it any different for people who are not white? Why do they take offence at the mention of their colour?

Because they've been raised to take offence to any mention of their skin colour due to circumstances that happened generations ago and are outside anyone's influence to change today. What annoys me is the black (gasp) wankers who go around calling each other n**ga. Surely it can't be that bad a word if they use it on themselves. Seems almost racist that a white man would get killed without hesitation in certain areas of the world for saying a word that's so widely used.


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40 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Because they're sympathy mongering cunts who expect us to feel guilty because of things that happened 200 years ago. No doubt some of our ancestors were affected by the great fire of London but we don't expect our high street bakeries to still be apologising for it.

We're both white males, Eric. It's all our fault as soon as we emerge from the birth canal. (Or in my case, from the stomach like a Xenomorph. I was a caesarean.)

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Guest nobgobbler
8 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

We're both white males, Eric. It's all our fault as soon as we emerge from the birth canal. (Or in my case, from the stomach like a Xenomorph. I was a caesarean.)

You are the alien in the film of the same name. I claim my £5.

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Guest nobgobbler
24 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Because they've been raised to take offence to any mention of their skin colour due to circumstances that happened generations ago and are outside anyone's influence to change today. What annoys me is the black (gasp) wankers who go around calling each other n**ga. Surely it can't be that bad a word if they use it on themselves. Seems almost racist that a white man would get killed without hesitation in certain areas of the world for saying a word that's so widely used.


I think most of the time they use their cultural differences and play the racist card just to get their own way. It's school bully mentality, they do it because they can. If only the use of the word racist could be criminalised as much as the act of racism itself. It reminds me of two little kids fighting over a toy, the best thing to do is to take the toy away and they're both fucked. Until the braver one of the two kicks the shit out of the other one that is. Then there's their upbringing, their ingrained culture, that clan thing they have going on. A black couple came to buy our car a few years ago. They were in their 30s and until that day they'd never been out of his all-black London community. Despite the fact that the bloke was built like a brick shithouse he said he was worried about bringing his girlfriend up north for fear of racism towards them. Fucking hell. We made them welcome obviously, and we assured them they'd find no racism here, and before long he was shaking Mr Gobblers hand and it was blud this and blud that. They left a lot happier than they had arrived, probably because they'd just landed themselves a great deal on a very nice mini cooper, not because we'd changed his perspective on black/white relations. Just as well he didn't refer to me as bitch though, he'd have got a kick in his black nads for that!

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2 hours ago, nobgobbler said:

Here's the difference:

Sometimes I am a cunt. Sometimes I am not a cunt. I am white all the time.

If somebody chooses to call me a cunt because I'm being a cunt, I am alright with that because I am being a cunt. If someone calls me a cunt when I'm not being a cunt I might be a bit up upset depending on the severity of the cuntishness of which I am being accused. If someone calls me a white cunt whether I am being a cunt or not, the inclusion of the word white would make no difference as to whether or not I would take offence, can you guess why? because I AM WHITE.

So why is it any different for people who are not white? Why do they take offence at the mention of their colour?

 Shut up you white cunt 

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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

We're both white males, Eric. It's all our fault as soon as we emerge from the birth canal. (Or in my case, from the stomach like a Xenomorph. I was a caesarean.)

You seem to forget, I am Withers Nigerian houseboy and chief goose wrangler, and father to all his brown grandchildren.

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2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Because they're sympathy mongering cunts who expect us to feel guilty because of things that happened 200 years ago. No doubt some of our ancestors were affected by the great fire of London but we don't expect our high street bakeries to still be apologising for it.

I wasn't aware that slavery happened by accident...

1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

Because they've been raised to take offence to any mention of their skin colour due to circumstances that happened generations ago and are outside anyone's influence to change today....

That's fine and you may have a point.....I assume there was no racial discrimination for generations after the event?

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Guest Lady Penelope

I was shown an article in a local paper dating back to the early 1960s where a youth had been found guilty of assault and theft amongst other things. The magistrate told him that it was time that he changed his life and to stop mixng with the coloured friends who had led him astray.

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The slave trade flourished in the early middle ages, as early as 869, especially between Muslim traders and western African kingdoms. For moralists, the most important aspect of that trade should be that Muslims were selling goods to the African kingdoms and the African kingdoms were paying with their own people.

The Roman empire did not discriminate: berween white and black slaves.

In the middle ages, all European countries outlawed slavery whereas the African kingdoms happily continued in their trade. Therefore, only black people could be slaves, and that is how the stereotype for African-American slavery was born.

The Dutch were the first, apparently, to import black slaves into North America, but black slaves had already been employed all over the world, including South and Central America. 

Even after Europeans began transporting black slaves to America, most trade was just that: "trade". In most instances, the Europeans did not need to use any force to get those slaves. The slaves were "sold" more or less legally by their (black) owners. Scholars estimate that about 12,000,000 Africans were sold by Africans to Europeans.

Strange how history is rewritten to down play the Africans integral part of selling slaves, but focuses on the Europeans buying them.

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