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Torture makes an official return

Guest Manky

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The Don is bringing torture back.

Seeing as Americas enemies are mostly my enemies, I have no complaints whatsoever about the return of waterboarding, electric shock therapy or just a fucking good kicking for a certain group of cunts who deserve it. Times have changed and as long as it is done stylishly and with a touch of finesse, I will buy the DVD's.

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Any information or confession gained under torture is unreliable (Source: any paperback thriller ever bought in any airport bookshop anywhere) but that won’t stand in their way. I’d quite like to see The Donald lead by example and undergo these techniques himself first, though, just to prove their efficacy – and perhaps Fender could suggest a few new ones to bolster their armoury.

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Guest DingTheRioja
21 minutes ago, Noakes said:

Fight fire with fire, the softly softly approach hasn't worked. Can we send frankape to test any new methods?

Judging by his dancing, we already have tried that one.


Torture is not necessarily about getting information, it's also a pyschological weapon, you fuck with us and we won't necessarily stick to Queensbury rules when fighting back. 

It's one of the factors these terrorist cunts rely on, they can torture, rape, mutilate us, video it and post it for the world to see, we do anything without shouting "Stop or I fire" and reading them their rights first and they play merry hell and try to sue us. 

Fuck 'em, act like a cunt, get treated like a cunt.

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17 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

Judging by his dancing, we already have tried that one.


Torture is not necessarily about getting information, it's also a pyschological weapon, you fuck with us and we won't necessarily stick to Queensbury rules when fighting back. 

It's one of the factors these terrorist cunts rely on, they can torture, rape, mutilate us, video it and post it for the world to see, we do anything without shouting "Stop or I fire" and reading them their rights first and they play merry hell and try to sue us. 

Fuck 'em, act like a cunt, get treated like a cunt.

Torture is absolutely abhorrent,  I can't believe even you could justify it. I despise fundamental Muslims because they employ it, along with murder and terror to accomplish their aims. They want to bring about the end of western civilisation and this is another victory for them on that path. If we start using torture, detention without trial and extrajudicial murder, then what exactly are we defending? Because we'll no longer be the enlightened west, but a patchwork of ISIS-lite, torturing and murdering bastards. You don't fight fire with fire and then have the audacity to claim the moral high ground in a fight against an enemy who employ the same barbaric techniques. 

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3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Torture is absolutely abhorrent,  I can't believe even you could justify it. I despise fundamental Muslims because they employ it, along with murder and terror to accomplish their aims. They want to bring about the end of western civilisation and this is another victory for them on that path. If we start using torture, detention without trial and extrajudicial murder, then what exactly are we defending? Because we'll no longer be the enlightened west, but a patchwork of ISIS-lite, torturing and murdering bastards. You don't fight fire with fire and then have the audacity to claim the moral high ground in a fight against an enemy who employ the same barbaric techniques. 

Fucking bollocks. Targeted torture is a useful tool we need to employ to protect ourselves.

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1 minute ago, Manky said:

Fucking bollocks. Targeted torture is a useful tool we need to employ to protect ourselves.

Saddam used to have his security forces torture children in front of their parents, as he knew that this was an almost sure fire way to get them talking. Would you advocate this in order to "protect ourselves"? How far exactly would you go? It's barbaric and anyone who practices it should be open to prosecution when this orange faced idiot's term ends.


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There is no doubt whatsoever that Trump is a colossal cunt and that the American top brass are putting their heads in their hands each time the fucking prick opens his mouth but if you  think this sort of thing doesn't go on then your live in cuckoo land.Im sure it happens when it deemed necessary and anything that can keep us one step ahead of the brainwashed cunts is acceptable in my book.

 The lily liveried lefties who want to prosecute a soldier for murder during a war are the ones I'd fucking torture,namby pamby cunts

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Guest nobgobbler

If it means the next terror attack is prevented or the mccann mystery is solved I'm all for it. Crybaby pistorius cunt would have been dealt with swiftly rather than stringing it out for years and costing millions. I wonder if he'll bring back the wooden horse.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

We should send Geri Horner nee Halliwell and Jessie J to warble at them, the worst kind of torture, they will be tearing their own ears off and gouging their own eyes.

Edited by Noakes
Lilly Allen changed to Jessie J as eddie had her first
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What makes anyone think that when it really matters, any Western government doesn't use methods that are tortuous to get what they need? We are told that such techniques are not used, that is all we have.....their word....... a sure thing that we all believe, swear allegiance to the flag, pay our rent (taxes) and don't rock the fucking boat. As far as I am concerned war is war. How can there be rules? It is a fight to the end. If governments say they don't do heinous things to prisoners of war, it makes their citizens feel better about what they are doing and gives them the moral high ground and justification for using younger people as cannon fodder.

I think, like most things with Mr Trump, it is about threat and intimidation. He's a corporate bigwig and nothing more. He said "God bless you and God bless America", so in my book he is cut from the same cloth as the previous 44 cunts. No different to here, when our criminals enter parliament, swearing allegiance to the monarch.

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20 minutes ago, Noakes said:

We should send Geri Horner nee Halliwell and Lilly Allen to warble at them, the worst kind of torture, they will be tearing their own ears off and gouging their own eyes.

You are evil personified.

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3 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Any information or confession gained under torture is unreliable (Source: any paperback thriller ever bought in any airport bookshop anywhere) but that won’t stand in their way. I’d quite like to see The Donald lead by example and undergo these techniques himself first, though, just to prove their efficacy – and perhaps Fender could suggest a few new ones to bolster their armoury.

All wrongens should be tortured, starting with you, you soppy cunt

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Guest Alfie Noakes
Just now, Fatty said:

All wrongens should be tortured, starting with you, you soppy cunt

You should be denied food and gay sex you fat disgusting fucking blimp.

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