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Protesters in Paris

Guest Snatch

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For around the past three week,people from all walks of life,including the obligatory student twat,have been protesting in and around Paris about the alleged rape with a baton of a 22 year old man. They are anti-police brutality demos and in true style of all demos,have been fighting with the police,smashing windows and others things,setting fire to cars,all the usual mindless shite that will cost the tax payer a few million euros.

So,as is their job,the police are turning out and,quite rightly,banging heads together. If these cunts stayed at home then there would be no need for more police brutality. I'm all for it as hopefully these thick cunts will learn the hard way. Fuck them,fuck their demo and fuck Hollande.

Just as an observation,if the man who was raped wasn't black,would they be out demonstrating?

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1 minute ago, Snatch said:

For around the past three week,people from all walks of life,including the obligatory student twat,have been protesting in and around Paris about the alleged rape with a baton of a 22 year old man. They are anti-police brutality demos and in true style of all demos,have been fighting with the police,smashing windows and others things,setting fire to cars,all the usual mindless shite that will cost the tax payer a few million euros.

So,as is their job,the police are turning out and,quite rightly,banging heads together. If these cunts stayed at home then there would be no need for more police brutality. I'm all for it as hopefully these thick cunts will learn the hard way. Fuck them,fuck their demo and fuck Hollande.

Just as an observation,if the man who was raped wasn't black,would they be out demonstrating?

No because it wouldn't have even been reported, Rodney King syndrome, yet again.

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Guest I know that Cunt
5 hours ago, Snatch said:

For around the past three week,people from all walks of life,including the obligatory student twat,have been protesting in and around Paris about the alleged rape with a baton of a 22 year old man. They are anti-police brutality demos and in true style of all demos,have been fighting with the police,smashing windows and others things,setting fire to cars,all the usual mindless shite that will cost the tax payer a few million euros.

So,as is their job,the police are turning out and,quite rightly,banging heads together. If these cunts stayed at home then there would be no need for more police brutality. I'm all for it as hopefully these thick cunts will learn the hard way. Fuck them,fuck their demo and fuck Hollande.

Just as an observation,if the man who was raped wasn't black,would they be out demonstrating?

Its always a good idea to protest against violence with a good old fashioned riot. That will do the trick nicely.


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Guest Tata Steely Dan

Air France covered up the Concord(e) crash. It wasn't simply brought down by debris but bad undercarriage maintenance, and a culture of cover-up arse covering within Air France.

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Guest TheCritic
12 hours ago, Snatch said:

For around the past three week,people from all walks of life,including the obligatory student twat,have been protesting in and around Paris about the alleged rape with a baton of a 22 year old man. They are anti-police brutality demos and in true style of all demos,have been fighting with the police,smashing windows and others things,setting fire to cars,all the usual mindless shite that will cost the tax payer a few million euros.

So,as is their job,the police are turning out and,quite rightly,banging heads together. If these cunts stayed at home then there would be no need for more police brutality. I'm all for it as hopefully these thick cunts will learn the hard way. Fuck them,fuck their demo and fuck Hollande.

Just as an observation,if the man who was raped wasn't black,would they be out demonstrating?

If you got penetrated by a Grenadier with a gurthy baton, you wouldn't riot Snatch.

Oh no. You'd be straight back home trying to recreate it using a beer bottle, playing the sound of sirens on YouTube off your laptop speakers.

You'd probably send the copper a few love letters too, and end up getting locked up for harrassment. 

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Guest Alfie Noakes
5 hours ago, TheCritic said:

If you got penetrated by a Grenadier with a gurthy baton, you wouldn't riot Snatch.

Oh no. You'd be straight back home trying to recreate it using a beer bottle, playing the sound of sirens on YouTube off your laptop speakers.

You'd probably send the copper a few love letters too, and end up getting locked up for harrassment. 

Classic stickers, good one bill!

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6 hours ago, TheCritic said:

If you got penetrated by a Grenadier with a gurthy baton, you wouldn't riot Snatch.

Oh no. You'd be straight back home trying to recreate it using a beer bottle, playing the sound of sirens on YouTube off your laptop speakers.

You'd probably send the copper a few love letters too, and end up getting locked up for harrassment. 

Still obsessed with male anal penetration then.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
1 hour ago, Eddie said:

Take your tongue out of bills arse crack, what is good about the same old worn out fucking homo insults?

Fuck me sarcasm isn't lost on you, is it?

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Guest DingTheRioja
13 hours ago, Tata Steely Dan said:

Air France covered up the Concord(e) crash. It wasn't simply brought down by debris but bad undercarriage maintenance, and a culture of cover-up arse covering within Air France.

Then the yanks shut it down out of jealousy.

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Guest DingTheRioja
50 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

They're French!  Why the fuck should it bother us?

Because it takes their riot polices' attention off Calais and saving us from Johnny Foreigner, that's why!

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I saw the riots on RT, but it looked like just another day in France, so I took little notice.

My mate commented that it might be immigrants rioting, but I pointed out that if it was, then they were just trying to integrate by behaving like the locals.

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Guest DingTheRioja
17 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

Agreed. The French certainly don't care about the Welsh. Mind you nor do the English, Germans, Dutch, Septics...................

Who are the Septics? Dirty foreigners?

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On ‎25‎/‎02‎/‎2017 at 10:01 PM, Tata Steely Dan said:

Air France covered up the Concord(e) crash. It wasn't simply brought down by debris but bad undercarriage maintenance, and a culture of cover-up arse covering within Air France.

I think it was a LACK of arse covering that led to this little local problem in the first place

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23 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

Agreed. The French certainly don't care about the Welsh. Mind you nor do the English, Germans, Dutch, Septics...................

No one cares for the welsh, Anglos, scotch and bog trotters are the only ones who know the place exists. Ask a yank or a chink where wales is and the likelihood is they would have never heard if it let alone find it on the map 

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Guest DingTheRioja
2 hours ago, Rick_B said:

Heard on train in North Wales

American tourist to fellow American tourist "Wales is my favourite part of England".

At a lovely little fishing village on Corfu, 20 odd years ago, there's a shitty yoof hostel called the Pink Palace (a reference to the ochre plasterwork), some yank said to his mate "gee, why did they build the village so close to the Pink Palace?"

Pink Palace, circa 1975.

Village, circa Aristotle, Plato, etc...

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