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Cunts in pubs who revert to incomprensible local dialects when variners go into their pub

Guest Lady Penelope

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Guest Lady Penelope

A complaint often leveled against the Welsh when someone English goes into their local pub, but in fact cunts from all over Ingerlarnd do exactly the same. You walk into the Greaser's Arms in Horwich and they are all talking Queen's English until you speak and then suddenly it's "Ee by gum, let's be fur cock".

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Guest Lord McCunty

The Welsh do not change to speaking Welsh when an Englishman walks in.   They alternate languages all the time.   A completely bollocks cliche, perpetuated by cretins who know fuck all about Wales.

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5 minutes ago, Lord McCunty said:

The Welsh do not change to speaking Welsh when an Englishman walks in.   They alternate languages all the time.   A completely bollocks cliche, perpetuated by cretins who know fuck all about Wales.

Who gives a fuck. If it makes the sheep shagging druids look like cunts, that's good enough for me. I would prefer it if the Welsh would stick to their unintelligible bollocks when I am around, I choose not to sully my Englishness by conversing with inferior life forms.

God save the Queen.

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Guest Bill Stickers
1 hour ago, Lord McCunty said:

The Welsh do not change to speaking Welsh when an Englishman walks in.   They alternate languages all the time.   A completely bollocks cliche, perpetuated by cretins who know fuck all about Wales.

You touchy little cunt.

I went on quite a few benders in a Cardiff as a student and I was always baffled at the insistence on translating everything into Welsh throughout the campuses.

Flat in a Welsh has two Fs... Fflat. What's the fucking point? I think in that instance let's just not bother with putting the English word on the door. 

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2 hours ago, Lord McCunty said:

The Welsh do not change to speaking Welsh when an Englishman walks in.   They alternate languages all the time.   A completely bollocks cliche, perpetuated by cretins who know fuck all about Wales.

I've already decided that we aren't going to get on. Not because you are a stupid fucking cunt, which is beyond reasonable doubt. But because your miserable resurfacing from whatever crack den in Rhyl you call home will now coincide with a myriad of tedious sheep-shagging jokes from the usual fucking idiots.

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47 minutes ago, Lord McCunty said:

So you're a Royalist cunt as well as an English one...

Yes indeed. I am a subject of the Queen of England and have stood ready to bear arms against the cunts from the valleys for many years. We stood down when it was pointed out that the sheep shaggers had nothing of value worth looting. Also, our sources informed us you could catch infertility and dementia just by looking at the pig ugly harridans you laughingly call women.

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6 minutes ago, Manky said:

Yes indeed. I am a subject of the Queen of England and have stood ready to bear arms against the cunts from the valleys for many years. We stood down when it was pointed out that the sheep shaggers had nothing of value worth looting. Also, our sources informed us you could catch infertility and dementia just by looking at the pig ugly harridans you laughingly call women.

And as if by magic, one of the usual fucking idiots appears...

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7 minutes ago, Decimus said:

And as if by magic, one of the usual fucking idiots appears...

I don't believe originality works as well as wearing the fuckers down with tired clichés. With the sheep shaggers, my preferred tactic is a barrage of sheep innuendo of biblical proportions.

Another one is about the gold medal for spackerism won by Charlotte Church at every competition, ever.

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4 hours ago, Lord McCunty said:

The Welsh do not change to speaking Welsh when an Englishman walks in.   They alternate languages all the time.   A completely bollocks cliche, perpetuated by cretins who know fuck all about Wales.

You and I aren't going to get along very well, you stupid Welsh cunt. 

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4 hours ago, Lord McCunty said:

The Welsh do not change to speaking Welsh when an Englishman walks in.   They alternate languages all the time.   A completely bollocks cliche, perpetuated by cretins who know fuck all about Wales.

Oh goody - another stupid wanker that feels the need to have the word 'cunt' in his user name. How clever and original.

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Guest Tata Steely Dan
Just now, Ape said:

I hope I've caused no offence to established cunts - my comments were aimed at nouvelle cunts that lack imagination, intelligence or humour. Oh, and Punkape.

That there Blade 360 CFX looks like quite the helicopter eh? Going to get plenty of zubba zubbs from that cheeky tail rotor eh?

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5 minutes ago, Ape said:

I hope I've caused no offence to established cunts - my comments were aimed at nouvelle cunts that lack imagination, intelligence or humour. Oh, and Punkape.

No prob's. I've often considered the fact that including the word cunt in my username was a bit naff, I may change it to Dave, or Kevin.

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10 minutes ago, Ape said:

I hope I've caused no offence to established cunts - my comments were aimed at nouvelle cunts that lack imagination, intelligence or humour. Oh, and Punkape.

A Clingon cloaking device would enable you to hide or move bodies and commit heinous crimes generally.

I would be suprised if you weren't part of some insane collective trying to develop one.You would like to be the "Borg" and assimilate entire species for the collective....


Fuck off.

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1 minute ago, Punkape said:

A Clingon cloaking device would enable you to hide or move bodies and commit heinous crimes generally.

I would be suprised if you weren't part of some insane collective trying to develop one.You would like to be the "Borg" and assimilate entire species for the collective....


Fuck off.

Klingon. Not Clingon.



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