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Poor prisoners

Stubby Pecker

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Crybaby inmates are not happy about the shitty conditions where they're banged up, backed up by a wet pants report. Boo fucking hoo, perhaps you shouldn't have robbed a granny then, scum bag. Anyways all those rats would welcome an interesting and nutritious addition to prison grub. 

Also it's estimated that there's 6500 inmates actively engaged in organised crime and the radio item I heard about it suggested those in power had no magic bullet to solve it. How about 6500 non magic bullets? 

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Guest Wizardsleeve

These fucking cunts have it too easy.  they are offered job training, chemical/alcohol/substance treatment, and other opportunities to be productive upon their release and all they do is cry about being locked up for knifing some pensioner, robbing some shop owner or fucking off in a car that isn't theirs.  Force them to fucking work....give them slop blended from month old left over food and kick fuck out of them when they act a cunt, so they never want to return.  

Sniveling fucking cunts.

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7 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

These fucking cunts have it too easy.  they are offered job training, chemical/alcohol/substance treatment, and other opportunities to be productive upon their release and all they do is cry about being locked up for knifing some pensioner, robbing some shop owner or fucking off in a car that isn't theirs.  Force them to fucking work....give them slop blended from month old left over food and kick fuck out of them when they act a cunt, so they never want to return.  

Sniveling fucking cunts.

Punishment, the protection of society, and good old fashioned retribution are valid components of the penal system; the "rehabilitation" angle has been blown out of all proportion. Why spend a fortune on getting some sociopathic career criminal a degree in the History of Art when there are thousands of equally deserving members of society who never committed a bank robbery, or mugged an OAP, or raped a child? Jimmy Boyle was a cunt.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
20 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Punishment, the protection of society, and good old fashioned retribution are valid components of the penal system; the "rehabilitation" angle has been blown out of all proportion. Why spend a fortune on getting some sociopathic career criminal a degree in the History of Art when there are thousands of equally deserving members of society who never committed a bank robbery, or mugged an OAP, or raped a child? Jimmy Boyle was a cunt.

Rehabilitation will only work if the cunt first admits he is a waste of life needing change.  They don't.  To them, society needs to change to suit their criminally trained little minds.  So long as they wish to sit in a cell and plot to bring down society because it doen't allow them to do as they wish, I say beat the hell out of them, starve them, and work them until they fucking drop like maggots off Pen's minge.  

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Guest judgetwi

Fuck these cunts! I don’t suppose any of you wankers have ever been to Dartmoor Prison Museum. It’s great..... they show you how these bastards used to be treated......stripey uniforms, living like pigs, fucking treadmills, all sorts of physical punishments, cunts breaking rocks on the moor while screws on horseback pointed rifles at them. Those were the fucking days.

Then they show you a video of current lowlife moaning like fuck about the fucking food, how far they are from their families, why can’t they be living in a fucking 5 star hotel etc etc.

It shows you how far out of touch these politicians are that they don’t understand that nobody gives a fuck about these cockroaches. There are no votes in crying over criminals you stupid cunts ! 

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Absolute fucking shite as per usual.

Rehabilitation is far more effective than retribution. The Scandinavian penal model has been incredibly successful in rehabilitating their criminal population and cutting second offence rates.

Compared to the UK, Sweden is actually closing prison facilities due to lack of necessity, and Norway has an incarceration rate of 75 per 100 000 people compared to the UK at 145 per 100 000 and the USA at 707 per 100 000.

Draconian sentences and/or death penalties are not effective as deterrents, and if they were, could someone please explain why countries that utilise them have far higher incarceration and capital punishment rates than nations that do not?

It's all very well and good getting red faced and apoplectic with rage whilst reading a Daily Mail article about a poppy seller getting a kicking from a heroin addict, but if this country was less reactive in its dealings with felons we wouldn't have anywhere near as many to start off with.


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Guest Wizardsleeve
6 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Absolute fucking shite as per usual.

Rehabilitation is far more effective than retribution. The Scandinavian penal model has been incredibly successful in rehabilitating their criminal population and cutting second offence rates.

Compared to the UK, Sweden is actually closing prison facilities due to lack of necessity, and Norway has an incarceration rate of 75 per 100 000 people compared to the UK at 145 per 100 000 and the USA at 707 per 100 000.

Draconian sentences and/or death penalties are not effective as deterrents, and if they were, could someone please explain why countries that utilise them have far higher incarceration and capital punishment rates than nations that do not?

It's all very well and good getting red faced and apoplectic with rage whilst reading a Daily Mail article about a poppy seller getting a kicking from a heroin addict, but if this country was less reactive in its dealings with felons we wouldn't have anywhere near as many to start off with.


The USA, and this will come as no surprise to anybody, employ a for profit motivation in their penal system.  Private companies running the prison system create a demand for inmates  That in turn, creates police abuses and record number of incarcerations, higher than Russia and China combined.  Their prisons are an atrocity; civil rights abuses galore, but all that happens under their idea of rehabilitation, is the cunts learning how not to get caught their next go round.  They stab other inmates with sharpened toothbrushes and spoons from the commissary, they attack and injure guards, and on any given moment, one lapse of hypersensitive security sense could result in a fucking riot.  Tensions are continuously at boil over point, and they are already planning their next crime whilst putting on a face of good behaviour.  Scandinavia is so close to the arctic circle that any prisoner who dares act a cunt gets dropped off (literally) from a chain hanging from the underside of a helicopter on an ice float with starving bears and Orcas circling about.  Of course they're going to behave.  I hesitate to mention their diet of rotting shark fin in a jar....

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50 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Absolute fucking shite as per usual.

Rehabilitation is far more effective than retribution. The Scandinavian penal model has been incredibly successful in rehabilitating their criminal population and cutting second offence rates.

Compared to the UK, Sweden is actually closing prison facilities due to lack of necessity, and Norway has an incarceration rate of 75 per 100 000 people compared to the UK at 145 per 100 000 and the USA at 707 per 100 000.

Draconian sentences and/or death penalties are not effective as deterrents, and if they were, could someone please explain why countries that utilise them have far higher incarceration and capital punishment rates than nations that do not?

It's all very well and good getting red faced and apoplectic with rage whilst reading a Daily Mail article about a poppy seller getting a kicking from a heroin addict, but if this country was less reactive in its dealings with felons we wouldn't have anywhere near as many to start off with.


Yes. Nevertheless, I will explain, since you ask.

A country with capital punishment will execute more criminals than a country which has no capital punishment and therefore executes none at all. OK?

This is not hard. What the fuck are you drinking?

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Guest judgetwi
50 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Absolute fucking shite as per usual.

Rehabilitation is far more effective than retribution. The Scandinavian penal model has been incredibly successful in rehabilitating their criminal population and cutting second offence rates.

Compared to the UK, Sweden is actually closing prison facilities due to lack of necessity, and Norway has an incarceration rate of 75 per 100 000 people compared to the UK at 145 per 100 000 and the USA at 707 per 100 000.

Draconian sentences and/or death penalties are not effective as deterrents, and if they were, could someone please explain why countries that utilise them have far higher incarceration and capital punishment rates than nations that do not?

It's all very well and good getting red faced and apoplectic with rage whilst reading a Daily Mail article about a poppy seller getting a kicking from a heroin addict, but if this country was less reactive in its dealings with felons we wouldn't have anywhere near as many to start off with.


Are you Owen Jones or what? We’ve been doing this liberal shit for 60 fucking years and where has it got us? I can remember the time when those involved in the criminal justice system talked about the “magic barrier” ie a prison population of 50,000. Now we have nearly 90 ,000 fuckers locked up 13 per cent of whom are foreign born nationals.

All your rehabilitation bollocks would be very nice but it would cost a fortune. Unfortunately we have to spend money on invading other peoples’ countries, building railway systems that nobody wants for the financial benefit of foreign governments, and trying to cope with 6000 immigrants EVERY fucking week.

I  could go on about all the blatant thieving of taxpayers money which results in things like Grenfell and the great Olympic Stadium scam but it’s getting late. I have to get up in the morning to earn the money to pay the taxes so you can cry over fucking scum.

By the way, anybody who reads the Daily Mail has to go out and pay for it.......it doesn’t come free through the fucking letterbox unlike the 9 and a half million quid taxpayer funded pro-EU bollocks Pigfucker Cameron gave us.

At the risk of sounding rude you can stick your liberal bollocks up your arse. Some of us have to live in the real world.

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Guest Lady Penelope
14 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

Are you Owen Jones or what? We’ve been doing this liberal shit for 60 fucking years and where has it got us? I can remember the time when those involved in the criminal justice system talked about the “magic barrier” ie a prison population of 50,000. Now we have nearly 90 ,000 fuckers locked up 13 per cent of whom are foreign born nationals.

All your rehabilitation bollocks would be very nice but it would cost a fortune. Unfortunately we have to spend money on invading other peoples’ countries, building railway systems that nobody wants for the financial benefit of foreign governments, and trying to cope with 6000 immigrants EVERY fucking week.

I  could go on about all the blatant thieving of taxpayers money which results in things like Grenfell and the great Olympic Stadium scam but it’s getting late. I have to get up in the morning to earn the money to pay the taxes so you can cry over fucking scum.

By the way, anybody who reads the Daily Mail has to go out and pay for it.......it doesn’t come free through the fucking letterbox unlike the 9 and a half million quid taxpayer funded pro-EU bollocks Pigfucker Cameron gave us.

At the risk of sounding rude you can stick your liberal bollocks up your arse. Some of us have to live in the real world.

Are you angry Judge?

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Guest Wizardsleeve
3 minutes ago, Lady Penelope said:

Are you angry Judge?

Pen, this is about the cruelty of the penal system.  Now that you've turned up, I'd say the cruelty would only only if the criminals were bussed to your bedsit and forced at 12 bore point to service you!  

Fuck off


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I don't think one can consider whether a liberal or draconian regime should be enforced until there is some sort of fucking order in the first instance. 

These places are failing. The profiteers have had their thieving mits all over it for long enough for improvement to be seen. G4S and the like can fuck off. Keeping criminals incarcerated is not some rich man's play thing. The state should actually take some fucking responsibility and do what tax payers pay the cunts to do and get these shit holes in order.

It also raises the question what type of person would actually want to be a prison officer. Given the amount of contraband allowed into these places, I 'd say it is someone who enjoys operating on the fringes of criminality themselves.


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Guest Lady Penelope
10 minutes ago, The Beast said:

It also raises the question what type of person would actually want to be a prison officer. Given the amount of contraband allowed into these places, I 'd say it is someone who enjoys operating on the fringes of criminality themselves.

This is an issue in many what were formerly "public service" jobs that have passed to the control of private companies. The problem is that old the old fashioned concepts of service and loyalty have been thrown out of the window. The problem is that it is easy money for inefficient and lazy companies and often they are remote from any immediate consequence of when something goes wrong. In the days of British Rail much of the weekend donkey work on the ground was done by clerical staff working overtime. Come Monday morning and something has gone wrong you could quickly find out who was working on site and find out what had happened and hopefully make sure it did not happen next time. These days contactors do the jobs and for the donkey work it is common to use casual labour who have already worked an evening as bouncers and door staff at clubs. Something goes wrong and back at railhouse it takes weeks to find out who was actually on the ground and all too often you don't find out because those casual workers have vanished into the ether. The contractor might say that "lessons have been learned" and promise not to make the same fuck up again or they will hide behind their lawyers.

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Guest Cupid Stunt
14 hours ago, Decimus said:

Absolute fucking shite as per usual.

Rehabilitation is far more effective than retribution. The Scandinavian penal model has been incredibly successful in rehabilitating their criminal population and cutting second offence rates.

Compared to the UK, Sweden is actually closing prison facilities due to lack of necessity, and Norway has an incarceration rate of 75 per 100 000 people compared to the UK at 145 per 100 000 and the USA at 707 per 100 000.

Draconian sentences and/or death penalties are not effective as deterrents, and if they were, could someone please explain why countries that utilise them have far higher incarceration and capital punishment rates than nations that do not?

It's all very well and good getting red faced and apoplectic with rage whilst reading a Daily Mail article about a poppy seller getting a kicking from a heroin addict, but if this country was less reactive in its dealings with felons we wouldn't have anywhere near as many to start off with.


Absolute fucking shite as per usual.

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14 hours ago, Piston said:

Yes. Nevertheless, I will explain, since you ask.

A country with capital punishment will execute more criminals than a country which has no capital punishment and therefore executes none at all. OK?

This is not hard. What the fuck are you drinking?

Now look what you've gone and made me do, a Dingesque multi-quote extravafuckinganza. 

You completely ignored the part regarding incarceration rates in favour of being a pedant. These are substantially higher in countries that are more willing to lock up their prisoners and leave them to rot, proving it's fuck all of a deterrent. Explain that if you may?

As for capital punishment for crimes such as murder, this is also fuck all of a deterrent, as evidenced by the murder rate in the USA.

14 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Are you Owen Jones or what? We’ve been doing this liberal shit for 60 fucking years and where has it got us? I can remember the time when those involved in the criminal justice system talked about the “magic barrier” ie a prison population of 50,000. Now we have nearly 90 ,000 fuckers locked up 13 per cent of whom are foreign born nationals.

All your rehabilitation bollocks would be very nice but it would cost a fortune. Unfortunately we have to spend money on invading other peoples’ countries, building railway systems that nobody wants for the financial benefit of foreign governments, and trying to cope with 6000 immigrants EVERY fucking week.

My point is that statistics prove that rehabilitation is more effective at controlling prison population size than pure retribution. I don't really give a fuck about where the government chooses to spunk its tax revenues, only that if it spent it on reforming the penal system we could reduce incarceration levels plus the associated costs.

So at the risk of sounding rude, you can shove your irrelevant right wing bollocks about immigrants up your arse. Apart from cost implications, you can't really defend the current system as it clearly doesn't fucking work, so don't obfuscate the fact you have no viable alternative by spouting more of your Daily Mail bollocks.

24 minutes ago, Cupid Stunt said:

Absolute fucking shite as per usual.

I'm afraid I don't know who you are?

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15 hours ago, Decimus said:

Absolute fucking shite as per usual.

Rehabilitation is far more effective than retribution. The Scandinavian penal model has been incredibly successful in rehabilitating their criminal population and cutting second offence rates.

Compared to the UK, Sweden is actually closing prison facilities due to lack of necessity, and Norway has an incarceration rate of 75 per 100 000 people compared to the UK at 145 per 100 000 and the USA at 707 per 100 000.

Draconian sentences and/or death penalties are not effective as deterrents, and if they were, could someone please explain why countries that utilise them have far higher incarceration and capital punishment rates than nations that do not?

It's all very well and good getting red faced and apoplectic with rage whilst reading a Daily Mail article about a poppy seller getting a kicking from a heroin addict, but if this country was less reactive in its dealings with felons we wouldn't have anywhere near as many to start off with.


Comparing the uk to Sweden is pretty lame. They've got a very low population density, ethnically homogeneous, well educated people without the atrocious history of the class system creating the haves and have nots. I'm sure their system of punishment and rehabilitation works for them but would be very hard to implement here. Without relying on shitty tabloid lies it's obvious there's a significant portion of pure scum bags despite the youth program's and cuddling squads they've full access to but use only when told. I'd favour a second chance but make it crystal that's fucking it. Then deport them to kings Lynn 

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Guest Wizardsleeve
5 hours ago, The Beast said:

I don't think one can consider whether a liberal or draconian regime should be enforced until there is some sort of fucking order in the first instance. 

These places are failing. The profiteers have had their thieving mits all over it for long enough for improvement to be seen. G4S and the like can fuck off. Keeping criminals incarcerated is not some rich man's play thing. The state should actually take some fucking responsibility and do what tax payers pay the cunts to do and get these shit holes in order.

It also raises the question what type of person would actually want to be a prison officer. Given the amount of contraband allowed into these places, I 'd say it is someone who enjoys operating on the fringes of criminality themselves.


Any public or government job will eventually be exploited, because it is so easy to do.  Politicians don't want limits on how long they can serve because they get very wealthy as things are now.  A cunt will go into a prison job for the same reason, once in, they learn the grafting skills to make extra dosh, and then retire to a house their salaries say they could never afford in a warm climate they won't fit into with rich cunts who don't want them in their paradise.  

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And in other news;


So the old lags will still be able to chuff away on their 20 a day B&H with impunity, while the poor sods charged with banging them up live in fear of lighter-based assault and after 30 years on the landings, get a nice passive-smoking bronchial cancer to retire with. Not exactly Fletcher, Grouty and Mackay, is it?

This Supreme Court decision also largely negates my preferred suggestion for this highly nuanced CC debate on our penal system: Organ Harvesting all Life sentence prisoners. The convict cunts get better treated than Wagyu cattle for decades, might as well get some quality offal for the NHS to treat the sick. 

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8 hours ago, Decimus said:

Now look what you've gone and made me do, a Dingesque multi-quote extravafuckinganza. 

You completely ignored the part regarding incarceration rates in favour of being a pedant. These are substantially higher in countries that are more willing to lock up their prisoners and leave them to rot, proving it's fuck all of a deterrent. Explain that if you may?

Simply to avoid your cruel humiliation you ungrateful fuckwit. The reason is so similar to your capital punishment fallacy that I assumed you would see it immediately (when sober).

Rather than thank me you have opted to demonstrate that you have the reasoning ability of frog spawn and the syntactical skills of semen.

I'll explain if you ask nicely, since it's Christmas. It's not hard...


 *sigh* One just can't get quality cunts these days...

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Guest Lady Penelope
3 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

You have been a member for 20 months, made only 26 posts, and you come out with a remark like that. Your audacity astounds me. What a cunt he is. Have a 'like'

I have just made Punker's the same offer .. would you like a sniff of my femfresh?

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